Today we will talk about a famous person in Russia - Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov. This person holds an important government post and at the same time manages the university. What is his life, principles, family like? How did the man achieve such success and what did he go through on his career path? Read about all this in the article below.
Childhood and youth
Vladimir Filippov was born on April 15, 1951. A boy was born in a modest family in Uryupinsk (Volgograd region). He studied well at school, received a silver medal after graduation. In 1968, a young man entered the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba. In 1973, the guy graduated from the Faculty of Natural and Physical and Mathematical Sciences with a degree in Mathematics. However, the university life does not end there, as Vladimir continues his studies in graduate school. In 1975 he entered the service in the Armed Forces of the USSR. After her, the guy returns to UDN.

After Service
By this time, he was no longer a simple assistant. Even before serving in the army, Vladimir Filippov held various positions - from an assistant to the head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis. The man decided to completely connect his life with his native university, to which he had become accustomed for so many years. The teachers of the department and those who knew the guy personally were glad that their team would be replenished with a young and talented person who lives his profession. Interestingly, the man never jumped over his head and did not want to get what he does not deserve. A bit of a tautology, but V. Filippov always got what he achieved exclusively on his own. He did not hesitate to work as an assistant, because he understood that this was a necessary link in the chain that would bear fruit.
Career growth did not end at the level of the head of the department. A few years later, the man became the head of the scientific department, and concurrently - the dean of the faculty of natural and physical and mathematical sciences. At the same time, Vladimir Filippov worked as a secretary in the party organization.

Up the career ladder
In 1980 Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich successfully defended his PhD thesis. After 3 years, he goes to Belgium, where he spends a year on obtaining a scientific qualification. As a result, in 1984 V. Filippov received it at the Free University of Brussels. After 2 years, the man defends his doctoral dissertation in the speci alty "Mathematical Analysis" at the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova. Such a rapid rise in careerstairs could not leave anyone indifferent. During this period, the man made true friends and acquired envious enemies. A year after defending his dissertation, Vladimir received the title of professor.

A new career milestone
In 1993, one of the most significant events in the life of Vladimir takes place. He becomes the rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. So, many years later, a young and talented student who entered the university became its rector. The man was in this position for 5 years. Then the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin removed Filippov from his post, as he prepared a new one for him - V. Filippov became the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.
In 2000, a man became the head of one of the departments at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Department of Comparative Educational Policy). It was she who received the status of an International Chair at UNESCO. A year later, the RUDN Rector is elected a corresponding member, in 2003 he becomes a full member of the Russian Academy of Education. In 2004 and 2008 Vladimir became a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education. Separately, I would like to note that the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation is fluent in English and French.
At a high government post
Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich, whose biography we are considering, came to the post of minister in the fall of 1998. He got the support of Deputy Prime Minister V. Matvienko. This year, the man began to improve the situation in Russian education. A year later, he promotes the Federal Program for the Development of Education in the Government in the period 2000-2004. Programwas adopted by the Government, and it consisted in the fact that, in addition to the main funding, additional funds should have been allocated for the development of education.

Organization of the convention
On the personal initiative of V. Filippov, a deep modernization of the educational process was launched. Vladimir Filippov in Moscow in 2000 held the All-Russian Congress of Educators. It is interesting that at that time the last time it was held 12 years ago. The congress was held with the personal assistance of V. Putin. About 5,000 delegates from different parts of the country came to the meeting.

The main task of the congress was to solve existing problems. And it succeeded. At the meeting, the main problematic points were identified, as well as possible ways to solve them. The topic of updating the education system was discussed separately. The congress participants also approved the National Doctrine of Education, which was later approved by the Government. It is worth noting that the doctrine is scheduled for the period until 2025.
The largest number of innovations in Russian education was introduced through the 2010 reform. It has been developed by V. Filippov since 2001, and as a result, V. Putin approved it. It included a number of changes:
- active informatization of the educational process;
- developing completely new quality standards for secondary school education;
- introduction of a foreign language as a compulsory subject from grade 2;
- need to speak 2 foreign languages upon graduation from high school;
- training in core subjects in high school;
- introducing the School Bus program;
- setting up the work of rural schools, their optimization;
- optimization of school publications, improving their quality;
- introduction of a multi-point grading system;
- normative per capita funding of secondary schools;
- full equipment of all Russian schools with fiction and sports equipment;
- change of secondary school status - transition to legal entity form;
- getting new statuses for all secondary schools;
- active establishment of boards of trustees in schools and higher education institutions;
- special attention to school meals - improvement of organizational and quality aspects;
- targeted post-secondary admissions;
- active development of new standards for primary, secondary and higher education.
However, it is worth adding one point of modernization, which had a significant impact on the education system. We are talking about the introduction of the USE - the Unified State Examination, according to the results of which they are admitted to a higher educational institution. A new rule was also introduced, according to which admission to the university was carried out taking into account participation in regional and all-Russian Olympiads.

Family Life
Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich did not meet his fate at PFUR. The woman of his life studied atVolgograd Polytechnic Institute. She is known to be a school teacher. This is how the whole family supports education. The couple had two children - a girl and a boy. Both of them studied at the RUDN University at the Faculty of Economics and successfully graduated from it. However, the daughter decided to connect her life with television and took the creative pseudonym Irena Ponaroshku. Works as a VJ and presenter on Russian TV channels.
Scientific papers
It is worth noting that a man, in addition to politics, has always remained true to his scientific beginning. He has written more than 200 scientific papers, including 30 monographs. His contribution is so great that two monographs were even translated into English and published by the American Mathematical Society in the USA.

Summing up the results of the article, I would like to add new achievements of Vladimir Filippov. So, in 2012, he became the president of the UNESCO steering committee for the Education for All program. In the same year, the man became chairman of the Expert Council on International Activities in the Field of Education. In 2013, the hero of our article, by order of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, was appointed chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission.
In addition, V. Filippov has many awards and titles, listing which would take a couple more pages.