To the sounds of a smooth w altz, we will remember the glorious years … School years … Favorite school, where you had to rush so as not to be late for the first lesson, which, according to someone established tradition, was mathematics or physics. The teacher could well assign a test for that day, which immediately spoiled the mood. A familiar picture? And so it was for many. Then, how much joy brought, it would seem, the sad case of the teacher's illness, in connection with which his lessons were canceled. So why did school students dislike school? Let's think about why you wanted to literally run away for some lessons, and run away from others? Interest! If the children were interested, they simply grasped new information on the fly, they wanted to learn more, they began to go to electives in this subject, develop, deepen their knowledge.

What is a good school
So that studying does not become a long-term routine for children, caring parents, by trial and error, find out the inclinations of their child. This is how circles appear - choreography, wrestling, foreign languages, a music school. All these new skills children comprehend outside of general education.schools. So why the latter cannot comprehensively develop the child? Isn't that her first priority?
Why guess. A quite worthy answer has already been found to this question - schools with in-depth study of subjects, for example, mathematics, foreign languages. These are the so-called special schools. The rating of schools of this kind is high. Their graduates find it easier to enroll in any prestigious university in the future.
One of these is school No. 444 in Moscow.
Description of 444 schools should start with its history. It was established in 1953. The photo below is one of her first releases. Its correct name today is "GBOU School No. 444".

Already at the very beginning, the teaching staff was formed, the level of which is comparable not only to the most prestigious schools in the country, but also to the leading universities:
- The first director of the school is Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, mathematics teacher Valentina Dmitrievna Golovina.
- Scientific director of the Shvartsburd school Semyon Isaakovich (1918-1996), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1968, winner of many awards and titles.
In fact, the school started with him. Schwarzburd implemented his idea of creating physical and mathematical general education schools in the USSR, wrote textbooks and methodological literature on this topic. The leadership agreed with him: the education of developed Soviet youth, who would advance science, launch rockets into space, was even a political matter.
The author himself was instructed to implement the plan. Schwarzburd carried out the firsta set of teachers, together with whom he carried out the computerization of an educational institution already in the 60s, thereby laying the foundation for an innovative school of the future. The teachers at school 444 in Moscow were really extraordinary, enthusiasts in their field. Just think about it: in stores, parents still bought products, the cost of which was calculated on wooden accounts, and their seventh grade children sat at a computer science lesson at the URAL computer and entered data into them through the keyboard. So, with the light hand of this truly great man, for the first time in Moscow school 444, and, probably, in the USSR, the training of Soviet programmers began.
In 1962, the Computing Center of the Central Research Institute of Complex Automation was involved in this case, the building of which was purposefully built almost in the courtyard of 444 schools. Is it worth mentioning that since then the teaching staff has been replenished with specialists from this institute. By the way, if you pay attention, then even on a school photo under the names of teachers there is an abbreviation - (pr.) - teacher - a purely university form of address. So, even in small things you can see what high goals the school set for itself.
Of course, the new style of teaching, teaching on experimental, author's methods made this school famous. Reviews about her began to rattle throughout the city, immediately highlighting her in the unspoken ranking of schools.
In 1963, Schwarzburd headed a laboratory for the development and implementation of new school programs and teaching methods. The laboratory was created under the auspices of NIIS SMO (ScientificResearch Institute for Content and Teaching Methods). Since then, school 444 has become, as it is now fashionable to say, a pilot project, an experimental place for practicing new teaching methods, for disseminating the most successful ones to other educational institutions.
Today it is a school with in-depth study of mathematics, computer science and physics. It will be useful to study reviews about this educational institution for those parents who want to help their child in adulthood get not just a good education, but find a job they love. After all, it is there, according to experts, that most of the time allotted to us by fate is spent. So let this be one of the best times of your life.

New era
Since 1978, Kryuchkova Inna Ivanovna has become the director of school 444. This honored teacher of the school of the RSFSR, like her predecessor, is a mathematician and, in addition, until 2013 - the permanent director. The arrival of Kryuchkova marked a new era in the development of the school.
In 1992, School 444 was given the name of an experimental physics and mathematics school-college, since 1994 it has become a school-laboratory. But the clarification of the names can only partly demonstrate to the inexperienced layman what is in front of him. Year after year, the school has received and continues to receive various nominations and statuses of the highest quality. Its graduates become coveted students of the best metropolitan universities.
Since 2006, the educational institution has received the official status of an innovation center. Schoolchildren are regular participantsvarious olympiads, competitions.
Golovina completed the era of old-school age directors. Since 2013, the 444th has been headed by Severinets P. A., a young historian and, of course, a winner of grants and competitions.
This is a very good sign for the school - the longevity of its directors. An educational institution is a kind of analogue of a family, and the leapfrog of its leaders affects it like a divorce of parents on children. The quality of teaching immediately begins to suffer, because the school is in constant development, absorbs and develops new technologies itself. But this story is not about the 444th. Young enthusiastic teachers are still attracted here.

First steps
The result of the first few years of the leadership of the new school head is the preservation of the teaching staff, a single team of teachers. This means the continuity of traditions.
Of course, the new director means new reforms. According to Severinets P. A., his teaching corps is actively working on the system of organizing preschool classes. Such seemingly insignificant innovations as changing beds into podiums, which after sleep become playgrounds for children, gave good results. This experience has already been adopted in other schools with preschool education.
The introduction of such a concept as "strata" is also associated with the new director. This conditional division of the material into several levels of complexity allows children to assimilate it to the extent that their level of preparation is sufficient. If the child began to "gain momentum" in his studies, he is givenmaterial of greater complexity, if weak - lighter. A differentiated approach allows children not to be left out of knowledge if they did not have time to understand something or learn from new material.
444 The whole school consists of nuances and features. Much attention is paid to the methodology of teaching in elementary school. It is based on the principle of developmental education. The load is distributed so as not to exceed the level established for this age.
Training fits into a five-day period. Innovations also relate to the combination of labor and drawing lessons into one subject. It is believed that learning goals are better achieved by association, it is easier for children to develop as creative individuals.
English begins to learn from grade 1. From the third, computer science is already being studied using modern computers: after all, a school with a mathematical bias. And of course, children are involved in contests and competitions. This helps them to better absorb the material and easier, through the game form, to perceive new information, develop new skills and abilities.
In addition to participating in the children's choir, elementary school students are expected in circles - "Lego-construction", "Solar laboratory", "Young researcher" and others.
It is interesting that teachers use the possibilities of KVN, competitions, olympiads and other forms of competitions that require deep knowledge of the material and skills of mental activity as tests of knowledge.
Let's take the math. The usual course of this subject has been significantly revised here: the topics have been rearrangedplaces, supplemented with new information. The study of the subject is based on the practice of advanced learning with a through repetition of key topics, for the most profound assimilation of the program, on the desire to create conditions for independent thinking in the student, the desire to learn new things. This is facilitated by additional practical exercises at seminars, circles, projects, laboratories.
The principle of developing education lies in the teaching of the Russian language (according to the program of Babaitseva S. V.) and literature (according to Korovina V. Ya.) As a result, the state standard was supplemented and integrated with world literature and, in general, gives children a more complete understanding material. Competitions, creative tasks enliven the learning process and make it interesting for students.
Physics. A complex subject based on formulas and relationships. Its teaching is conducted according to the author's methodology (Ph. D. Samoilova T. S. and Ph. D. Smirnova A. V.), in which physics and astronomy turned out to be integrated. Schoolchildren, as in the lessons of mathematics, computer science, are taught to develop independent thinking, analyze data, and draw their own conclusions. Individual classes, clubs, project activities with scientists from research institutes create a special atmosphere of creativity in these lessons.
Vacation at 444 is no less welcome than any other school. But, if schoolchildren of ordinary schools spend this time at their own discretion, here, even during the rest period established by law, cognitive activity does not stop. It continues in school camps, on excursions. For example, in the Geological Museum,telecommunications company Mail Ru Group.
Solar Energy Laboratory
The school strikes with its ordinary attitude towards innovative technologies. If for the layman solar energy is still somewhere far away and it is not clear what, then for a student of 444 schools it is the topic of a regular lesson. Children come to the solar energy laboratory in the 5th grade. In the conditions of the laboratory complex, scientific creativity reigns without boundaries. Children participate in exhibitions of their products, which are of interest to serious domestic and foreign companies.
So, for example, solar panels were improved here by an ordinary schoolboy, in connection with which their power increased several times thanks to the mechanisms of energy concentration.
Both in the school itself and in its laboratories under the guidance of enthusiastic teachers, it is hard to say that children study, they work as full-fledged specialists who will be welcomed by leading companies and institutions.

Cultural life of the school
After reading the above, you can decide that the children in this school devote all their time to studying. This is partly true. After completing the lessons, they go to their circles, laboratories, where they spend a lot of time. Of course, school workload, especially at this level, has a serious impact on the he alth of any child, even a genius. But this would be so, if we do not take into account that the guys are studying according to experimental methods created here, and teaching is, to put it mildly, not like in an ordinary comprehensive school. Therefore, the teaching methodology provides for a variety ofrest.
- In the 50s and 60s, these were camping trips, visiting cultural attractions, organizing your own, collecting material for the creation of the Brest Fortress Museum, various olympiads, scientific duels.
- 70-80s. In connection with the preparation of the country for the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow, the idea of sports competitions among students in various sports is born at the school. These are volleyball, football, tennis and others.
- 90s. This is a period of the collapse of the country and a decrease in interest in education in general. But school 444 did not close and did not switch to a paid basis.
The popularity of the school is growing these days. It is visited by foreign researchers of teaching methods. The accumulated experience is also interesting within the country. Parents are trying by hook or by crook to attach their child here, which led to training in two shifts. The second one ends at 20.00. Everyone wants to study at the innovative school of the future.
Virtual Museum of Informatics
Computer science already has its own history and it's time for it to go to the museum. On the basis of 444 schools, her students created a virtual space for such a repository. That's what it's called - the Museum of Informatics of School No. 444 in Moscow.
Those who want to plunge into the world of ones and zeros can do this from the page of a special site, where they also have the opportunity to compare what they see with the information provided, for example, by the Portuguese, American museums of the history of computer science. The site contains data on, perhaps, all information technology museums created by leading foreign companies such as Apple,Microsoft.
The idea of creating a museum of informatics at school 444 in Moscow appeared after schoolchildren found out a curious detail: there are almost no references to the development of informatics in Russia on the Internet, only foreign research and developments are indicated everywhere, which unfairly deletes our country from this annals.
The Museum of Informatics introduces the era of the development of this science, the creation of the Soviet computer base in the 50-60s in an accessible way and with illustrations. Visitors are told about the contribution of A. A. Lyapunov and S. A. Lebedev to domestic computer technology and space technologies of that time, about the Soviet BESM-6 computer used in the Soyuz-Apollo, and developments that were significantly ahead of the American ones.
Now these achievements are perceived with sadness in the soul, because we learn this information sitting at foreign computers equipped, again, not with our software. The fact that in Russia there are schools with an in-depth study of the exact sciences gives hope that a discovery in this area can be made in our country, which will solve at least some of the problems of our time.

According to reviews, there is nothing critical regarding the acceptance of a child in school No. 444. Oddly enough, admission to class 1 occurs on a general basis. Some parents take their child to preschool to ensure acceptance. This also helps both parents and the student to understand in the future whether it is worth striving for this particular school, or to study atgeneral education.
School No. 444 accepts students in the 5th and so on, classes, but after a preliminary interview. Pupils of this age are invited to determine what specialization he chooses - medical, engineering, mathematical information or socio-economic. Such specialized classes prepare graduates for admission to the relevant universities in Moscow, with which the school has long-standing and positive relations.
Some parents in their reviews of school No. 444 write that in recent years many teachers of the “old school” have left the school, thanks to whom it was something high-tech. Now its buildings are in need of repair. Children go from building to building for lunch, and these movements do not leave them time to eat under normal conditions. Teachers teach "without a twinkle." This is, of course, a good school, the best in the area, but there are other educational institutions of its profile that are not worse.
Other parents write: in order to arrange a child here, they "cut off" all the phones of school No. 444. Despite the fact that there are still many physics and mathematics schools in the capital, it is absolutely not necessary to send a child here, this leads to overcrowding classes. The headmaster spoke about this at the last "September 1" at school No. 444 to the parents present at the line.
Schedule of lessons
Lessons at school 444 usually start at 8:30. Breaks between classes - from 10 to 20 minutes. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. A student in high school takes 10 lessons a day, until 18:00 5minutes.
Parental reviews of 444 schools indicate that children experience a serious burden during their studies. If a child can't keep up with such a pace, no amount of school success will compensate for his poor he alth and spoiled childhood.
Children at school eat in shifts. Meals are reusable, children's, focused on the age of the child, from fresh products. Prepared in our own school kitchen. Breakfast - from 9 hours 15 minutes to 11 hours 35 minutes. Lunch time - from 13 hours 20 minutes to 14 hours 35 minutes. Breakfast, taking place at 10-11 o'clock, takes 20 minutes. Other meals are 10 minutes each.
The school administration approves current menus for every day, for example: for breakfast cocoa with milk, sugar, waffles, bread, cottage cheese casserole; for lunch they give meat goulash, buckwheat porridge, pickle, vegetable caviar, bread and rosehip broth. This complex is designed for children enrolled in programs of basic and secondary general education, as well as elementary school. There is a menu for preschoolers.
They have butter, bread, tea with sugar, semolina porridge with milk for breakfast. There is a second breakfast, which consists of water and berries or fruits, such as tangerines. They dine with a salad of fresh cucumbers in vegetable oil, mashed soup with meat broth, meat cabbage rolls, bread and crackers. The afternoon snack includes cheesecakes, milk, fermented baked milk, sugar and bread. Dinner is chicken fillet stewed in tomato sauce, buckwheat porridge, jelly, bread.
With the undoubted nutritional benefits of this food systemparental fears in reviews of school number 444 cause short school breaks, during which children should have time to eat quietly, and not choke, in order to be in time for the next lesson.

School Address444
Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya Street, 14, Moscow. The address is simple. How to get to school number 444, no questions arise. It cannot be said that it is located in a privileged area, this street belongs to the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, there is no Kremlin nearby. But nearby there is the Pervomayskaya metro station, as well as bus stops No. 1013, H3, 634, 664, 645, 97, 257, 15, 97k, 223, trams No. 34, 34k, 11, trolleybus No. 22. Minibuses also go here.
Here it is - a secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects.