A quality education for children is the goal of most parents. The future fate of the child will depend on the knowledge gained at school. Will he be able to build a successful career and live in abundance? With a good start in school, the child will definitely achieve his goals.
Gymnasium No. 1519 in Moscow has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children. There is an excellent educational base and a professional teaching staff.
Where is it
Gymnasium No. 1519 has several buildings, each of which is designed for children of a certain age. Preschool education takes place in buildings:
- 3 - Stroginsky Boulevard, 7/4;
- № 4 - st. Isakovsky, 24/3;
- 5 - st. Marshal Katukov, 15/3;
- № 6 - st. Isakovsky, 16/3;
- 8 - st. Marshal Katukov, 25/2;
- 9 - st. Isakovsky, 22/2.

Primary education is taught in building number 2, on the street. Isakovsky, 22/3. Children from 1st to 4th grade are engaged here. Thus, they do not intersect with high school students and there are no unnecessary conflicts.
Children receive secondary education in buildings No. 1 inst. Marshal Katukov, 21/2 and No. 7 on the street. Isakovsky, 14/3. Gymnasium 1519 has different addresses, and you need to navigate by the number of buildings.
About the gymnasium
In 1980, school No. 66 was built. Children from nearby areas studied there. In October 1994, the educational institution received the status of a gymnasium, and it was assigned the number 1519.
From 2012 to 2014, there were 3 stages of reorganization in the form of a merger. During this time, several preschool institutions have merged into one, and they now belong to gymnasium No. 1519.
Kindergartens are open from 7.00 to 19.00. Lessons in educational buildings begin at 8.30. Children in all buildings are provided with good nutrition.

In the buildings where schoolchildren study, a good technical base is provided. In each building, teachers and children have at their disposal:
- desktops;
- laptops;
- tablets;
- interactive whiteboards.
Thanks to this equipment, students can better master the program. Teachers practice using various presentations and show videos of laboratory work. There is also an opportunity to show students various documentaries.

In specialized classrooms (chemistry, physics, biology) there is all the necessary technical base for laboratory classes. Here, children can test their knowledge in practice.
Student Admissions
Children fromStrogino district, which are placed in an electronic queue. Children who have graduated from kindergartens belonging to gymnasium No. 1519 are the first to be enrolled in primary school.
The rest of the donation is based on registration in a special electronic database and at the request of the parents. In the 5th and 10th grades, an enrollment of students is announced annually. For admission, it is necessary to pass intermediate exams at a good level for children in their schools.
And the results of the participation of children in the Olympiads and other competitions are also taken into account. First of all, students who won prizes at such events are accepted.
Career Guidance
After graduating from elementary school at gymnasium No. 1519, the guys go to classes with a certain focus. Students, together with their parents, can independently make a choice of career guidance, and the results of exams in the necessary subjects are taken into account when forming classes.
At gymnasium No. 1519 in Strogino, the following classes work:
- engineering;
- Chemical Biological Profile;
- socio-economic;
- philological;
- social and humanitarian.
Accordingly, in these classes a large number of hours are allocated for the study of selected subjects. And also specialized classes are held according to an in-depth program.
To carry out practical work, schoolchildren are taken to the equipped laboratories of various universities in the capital in an organized manner.
Engineering classes
GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1519" implemented a new project at its basefor secondary school education. Why such a direction? Now the inhabitants of the country prefer to use foreign-made equipment. Smartphones, computers, watches, household appliances - everything is brought from other countries for sale. Why did this trend emerge?
In our state, engineering and design personnel were gradually wasted. This profession has become less popular among school graduates, and those professionals who have successfully learned are looking for a better life abroad.

To remedy the situation, in 2015 the project "Engineering Classes in Moscow Schools" was launched. Gymnasium No. 1519 in Moscow gladly supported this initiative and created such specialized classes on its basis.
Mathematics, physics and computer science are the main subjects for children. An in-depth study is being carried out in these areas, and teachers from the technical universities of the capital study with the guys, in the order of electives.
Children from these classes participate in various conferences and competitions that are held for students from universities. The guys design their inventions and win all sorts of competitions with them.
Students are regularly taken on excursions to large companies that produce technical innovations. There, various trainings are held for the guys and they provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the nuances of the engineering profession.
School Space Services Center
A special zone has been created at gymnasium No. 1519, where classes in astronomy andecology. The Space Services Center is a joint project of the school and Roscosmos. A special design has been created in the classroom to help children learn the basics of astronomy.
Modern computers and an interactive whiteboard are installed here. Thus, children are engaged in modeling the solar system, studying space and its influence on the Earth's climate.

Astronauts and workers from this field regularly come here to acquaint students with the nuances of their profession. The guys participate in scientific projects, where they develop sets of actions that will help protect the atmosphere from the influence of production and modern technical devices in the future.
Physical activity
Spacious sports halls are equipped in all buildings of the gymnasium. They are not only physical education lessons, but also additional classes. The school employs professional taekwondo trainers.
The guys from the gymnasium win prizes in various competitions. They become champions not only at All-Russian competitions, but also at international ones. Teachers are also involved in combat triathlon training. In this way, adults set an example for their students that it is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle.

During extra-curricular hours in the gymnasium, sports events are held, where children from different classes compete with each other. The halls have all the necessary equipment for active games.
Primary school at gymnasium No. 1519: reviews
On various sitesand Internet resources, you can find comments from parents about studying at this institution. They find it difficult for children to study here.
The program is designed for children with a good degree of preparation. For children with an average level of knowledge, classes are given quite difficult. Parents also point out that many lessons are given at home, which sometimes parents cannot even cope with.
There are different opinions about teachers. Some parents are completely satisfied with teachers. Others argue that children are given little knowledge in the classroom and have to study a lot on their own at home.

There are practically no complaints about nutrition in elementary school. Children are fed breakfast and a full meal at affordable prices. On average, parents spend about 200 rubles a day on food.
According to adults, the school is always clean and comfortable. Adults pay only security services. Children are at school throughout the school day and are not allowed out of school without adult accompaniment. The safety of the children is completely under the control of the school staff.
High School Reviews
In the buildings where classes of 5-7 classes are held, modern repairs have been made. Parents indicate that the rooms are comfortable and warm in winter. In each building on the first floor there are guards who ensure the safety of students.
Children are fed according to the menu, which is also used in elementary school, only with large portions. Average breakfast anda full meal costs 250 rubles daily.
Adults enjoy extracurricular activities. Children are often taken on various excursions, to theaters and other educational and interesting places. All trips are paid by parents, but the organizers are trying to find options for the minimum cost.
There are also negative reviews about gymnasium No. 1519. Parents are not always satisfied with the quality of education. They claim that they have to hire tutors to prepare their child for the exam. Not all subjects from the school curriculum are given enough time.
And also parents are outraged by the fact that some teachers spend more than 1-2 weeks on checking notebooks, homework, tests and independent work. Thus, the child cannot objectively assess the knowledge gained and correct the points obtained in time.
Many students are dissatisfied with the general "climate" in the team. They argue that there is a clear allocation of more capable students, and teachers do not pay attention to children with an average level of knowledge.
And also when entering the gymnasium, parents of high school students are warned about the obligatory attendance by children of additional classes, in which in-depth knowledge in various subjects should be given. But in fact, these courses are pulling up students who are lagging behind.
Thus, the students do not receive the promised deep knowledge in electives, and they have to do additional hard work on the subjects on their own at home. Sometimes even the high school curriculumwork with tutors because teachers do not provide all the material in the lessons.