The future life of each person depends on which path he chooses after graduation. One of the right decisions is to enter the College of Technical and Art Education in Tolyatti (KTIHO) in order to obtain a profession in demand.
Dignity of an educational institution
This college in the city of Togliatti is an educational institution with extensive experience in training various specialists. The CTC has been in existence since 1987. At the beginning of the journey, it was a small professional lyceum. Over the years of its existence, the institution has been able to grow to the status of a college, has found partners who help in the preparation of qualified specialists.
CTCW has several virtues today. First, the institution aims to provide modern education. The college introduces new educational standards, seeks to expand the list of speci alties. Secondly, the educational institution is experimenting in the field of dual education. With enterprises BusinessTrans Service”, “KuibyshevAzot”, “Factory of Paints” concluded agreements on the organization of such studies, in which students master professional competencies at their future jobs.

College Life
The educational institution carries out educational activities in 2 buildings. Addresses of the College of Technical and Art Education - Togliatti, st. Resurrection, 18, and st. Matrosova, 37. Every weekday, training sessions are held for students according to the approved schedule.
Important importance is attached not only to teaching students, but also to their upbringing. For them, creative associations and sports sections are organized in the college. From time to time, classes and discussions are held for students on the topics of life values, he althy lifestyles, the harm of alcohol and drugs, etc.
The college also pays attention to schoolchildren as part of pre-profile training. Courses are organized for them. "Modern choreography - advancement in the world of dance", "ABC of cooking and confectionery art", "First steps in the world of welding", "Master of brick making"… And this is not the whole list of existing courses.

Technical majors
The labor market is oversaturated with people with humanitarian professions, but today there are not enough specialists with technical education. Applicants who have not yet chosen an educational institution and an educational program are advised to think about their future life path. Is it worth it to choose humanitarian speci alties and replenish infurther ranks of the unemployed? College of Technical and Art Education in Togliatti does not recommend making such a mistake. College invites applicants to a number of popular technical speci alties:
- welding production;
- operation and construction of structures and buildings;
- agricultural mechanization;
- maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
Applicants, entering the above educational programs, can be sure that in the future they will not be left without work. Welding technicians are constantly looking for plants, factories, auto repair shops, construction technicians - construction and repair companies, and machine operators - agricultural enterprises, farms, utilities. For specialists in the maintenance and repair of vehicles, the choice of jobs is huge. After graduating from the College of Technical and Art Education in Togliatti, you can find a job, for example, in a trucking company, a transport shop, a car service, a trucking company.

Creative majors
A number of speci alties in the College of Technical and Art Education in Togliatti are associated with the creative sphere. The list of educational programs includes:
- Folk art.
- Folk crafts and arts and crafts.
- Design.
Cooking and confectionery can also be attributed to creative speci alties. In thisThe educational program teaches students how to cook not just food, but unique dishes. Cooking is a suitable process for experimentation. During it, you can change recipes, come up with an original decoration for dishes.

Student reviews
Students leave various reviews about the secondary school. Many students are satisfied with the organization of the educational process in the College of Technical and Art Education in Togliatti, the schedule, relationships with teachers, the atmosphere that prevails within their groups.
In the reviews, some students highlight the negative aspects of the college. Students complain about the following:
- Some classes are boring. Such training quickly tires.
- Groups cannot be called friendly. Feeling disrespectful when interacting with fellow students.
- The administration of the educational institution does not take into account the opinion of students.
- Some of the teaching staff are not credible and sympathetic.

Reviews from employers
CTC periodically studies the satisfaction of employers with the quality of training. Colleges do this in order to improve the educational process, eliminate shortcomings in their activities, and adjust practice programs.
Feedback on the College of Art and Technical Education in Togliatti received from employers for the 2016-2017 academic year is generally positive. Various organizations and enterprises have beenSatisfied with the quality of education by 75–100%. They highly appreciated the readiness of students to fulfill their professional duties, their degree of responsibility.
A small part of employers was dissatisfied with some nuances:
- the inability of students to apply theoretical knowledge in practice;
- low business culture of behavior in the work environment;
- the existing gap between the knowledge and skills acquired in the secondary school and the requirements of production.

Despite its shortcomings, the College of Art and Technical Education in Tolyatti deserves the attention of applicants. For many years, this college has been graduating specialists who, after receiving a diploma, do not remain without work.