For each parent, the educational institution in which the child will receive his education plays a special role. Of course, a prestigious school with a strong teaching staff is not yet a ticket to the happy life of a successful person, but it will be a good start. After all, not only the acquired knowledge is of particular importance, but also the ability to achieve one's own goals, set a goal and make every effort to realize it. In a mediocre educational institution, only a program will be put into the head of a child, but they will not prepare them for life. We offer you to find out what a gymnasium is, what advantages it has, how it differs from other types of educational institutions.
So, the gymnasium is a general educational institution that allows the student to receive a secondary education, with in-depth immersion in individual subjects. Many of these institutions are considered prestigious, because they have strong teachers, as well as more deeply studied topical disciplines - English, computer science.
Let's consider what a gymnasium is. The definition can be formulated as follows: this is a special type of educational institution in which a special role is given to the quality of education. Often, training helps graduates pass entrance exams without any problems and join the ranks of students of the desired university without much difficulty.

Let's continue to consider what a gymnasium is and find out its advantages. There are several of them:
- Full compliance with state educational standards. Parents can be calm - their child will receive all the necessary knowledge.
- Recruitment is strictly competitive. Therefore, there are no “random” people who just want to work somewhere. All teachers are experienced, innovators, many are the authors of their own programs and even students, they love their work and take it seriously.
- Excellent material and technical base modern computer classes, interactive whiteboards. There are no dilapidated painted desks here and cannot be.
- In-depth study of the subjects necessary for the modern student.
It makes sense to send your baby to a gymnasium if he demonstrates a craving for educational and scientific activities, is eager to engage in some particular type of activity, and expresses a predisposition to specialized subjects. If the girl is fond of drawing or dancing and wants to continue her education on a creative path, then there is no point in tormenting her with in-depth chemistry, even if her parents are verywant.

Difference from Lyceum
Considering what a gymnasium is in our time, you should definitely compare it with another prestigious educational institution - a lyceum. The difference lies in the fact that in gymnasiums special attention is paid to in-depth training in individual disciplines, and in lyceums - to the acquisition of practical knowledge. So, lyceum students often prepare certain projects, defend them, while gymnasium students receive mostly theoretical information.
Often, lessons in lyceums are conducted by university teachers, with whom the management of the educational institution has concluded an agreement. Therefore, it will be much easier for graduates to act - they know not only theory, but also teachers, and they, in turn, understand the abilities and prospects of a particular student. Therefore, you can not be afraid that the potential of the child will not be revealed.

Comparison with school
Let's continue our consideration of the question of what a gymnasium is and how it differs from a school. First of all, the educational institution referred to in this article most often enrolls gifted children - smart, with a desire to engage in some particular subject.
Of course, there are exceptions, for example, if a vain parent is confident in the genius of his kid and forcibly makes him study in depth almost all subjects, study lessons until late at night in order to cope with the gymnasium program. But this happens infrequently these days, as a rule, even at the stage of admission.experienced teachers and psychologists determine whether a particular student will be able to study within the walls of the gymnasium.
Main differences
So, what is the difference from a regular school?
- Only teachers of the highest category can be employees of the gymnasium. But this is by no means accepted by the teaching staff of ordinary schools, because there are situations when the teacher is very strong, but due to age or he alth factor, he simply does not pursue the categories.
- Gymnasiums have a more modern material and technical base, equipped computer classes, gyms, the ability to conduct additional classes via Skype. But the tuition fees are much higher than in ordinary schools (which are supposedly free, but we all remember the need to donate money to the school or class fund).
- Gymnasium involves a deep study of foreign languages and individual subjects of the humanities course. In some of them, in the upper grades, two foreign languages are being studied at once.
All this makes the gymnasium more prestigious than a regular school.

Which is better
Let's complete the consideration of the question of what a gymnasium is in modern Russia by determining where it is best for a child to study, which educational institution to prefer. There is no single answer, everything directly depends on the abilities, desires and mindset of the baby. Let's look at specific examples.
- The child has already decided not only on his future speci alty, but also on the university, purposefully preparing for admission. ATIn this case, a lyceum cooperating with this university is suitable. Such a student will prepare for admission with those teachers who will continue to work with him in the future.
- The child is smart, capable, has the ability, for example, to mathematics, wants to connect his life with this exact science, but has not yet decided on the faculty. Or there is no suitable university in his city and he will have to do it in another one. Then you need to study at the gymnasium with in-depth study of mathematics.
- The student has a creative potential. But study is given to him with difficulty, it does not bring much joy. Then you should not torment him, make him feel like a loser. It will be easier for him in the most ordinary school.

We examined in detail what a gymnasium is, how it differs from other types of educational institutions. But the choice is up to the parents.