Every person from the moment of birth must go through certain stages of psychological and social development. It is impossible to overcome them without education. At the first stage, when the child has not yet had time to get used to the world around him, he ends up in kindergarten. Here, kids go through a difficult adaptation before they can feel confident full-fledged members of society.
The history of the formation of the educational system in Russia
In the modern world, the state takes over the main functions and difficulties in organizing the education of the population. At the same time, a well-established educational system did not always exist and function in Russia. She had to go through a difficult and long way to take today's form. Initially, the concept of "school" was exclusively class in nature - only we althy people could afford to study.

It took almost five hundred years for the need to raise the general level of secondary education andthe culture of the population. In 1917, the Bolsheviks, who overthrew the tsarist regime, adopted the Constitution, which secured the right of citizens to receive free and affordable education. Already by 1936, a couple of decades later, children from all countries of the USSR attended municipal budgetary educational institutions. Over the next 50 years, the course of the school curriculum was designed for a ten-year period. Modern schools have successfully switched to 11-grade education.
What is general education?
The average child is introduced to school when they are 6 or 7 years old. This educational institution helps a small person to realize himself as an individual, different from others. Educational institutions of the first stages are divided into several types:
- primary school - (the average standard period for mastering programs developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is 4 years);
- basic school (the period required to master programs developed in accordance with the GEF is 5-6 years);
- high school (standard period for study is 2 years).
Varieties of educational institutions
Other grounds for classifying educational institutions include the specifics of the institution, which implies an in-depth study of individual disciplines, as well as a shift schedule.

Gymnasiums, lyceums, as well as shift (evening and open) educational institutions should be noted along with municipal schools. The list of public educational institutions, as a rule, does not include ethno-cultural institutions, confessional and religious schools.
How can a first grader get into first grade?
Municipal budgetary educational institutions are designed for children of different age groups and are institutions that implement educational programs approved by the highest departments. The duration of the standard school course is 11-12 years. During this period, students receive fundamental knowledge in basic scientific areas in accordance with standard state programs.
According to Russian law, children should go to first grade no earlier than at 6.5 years old. A child who has not reached this age, but who is psychologically and physically ready to enter a municipal budgetary general educational institution, also has the right to start studying according to the school curriculum. The only important thing to note is that children under the age of six years and six months will have to demonstrate the level of their preparation. The commission, which includes highly specialized specialists (speech therapist, psychologist) and elementary school teachers, will conduct an objective assessment of the child's skills and make an appropriate conclusion.

What documents are required to enter the school?
You can enroll a future student in the first grade from April 1. Having collected a package of documents, parents have the right to apply immediately to several stateeducational institutions. Classes are formed based on the registration of the place of residence of students. So, preference is given to children who permanently live within walking distance from the school. The list of documents required for submission includes:
- application from parent (legal guardian);
- medical record;
- birth certificate;
- copy of parent's or legal guardian's passport.
Features of the educational process in educational institutions
A few words should be given to the daily routine in a general education institution. This is an extremely important point, since the assimilation of the curriculum requires the child to be collected and have sufficient concentration of attention. Each lesson lasts no longer than 45 minutes, and after it comes a break (10-20 minutes) - this allows you not to overload the students. Starting from the first year of study, schoolchildren study the disciplines of the humanities, natural sciences, exact block, as well as subjects in fine arts, music and choreography. In the predominant number of budgetary educational institutions for children in grades 1-4, extended day groups are organized.

From September 1, 2011, new standards in the field of education came into force, affecting the educational process in primary school. The current trend towards specialized facilities for students of all backgrounds and backgrounds is overwhelming. Some educational institutions are expanding the boundaries of their activities, opening correctionaldeveloping classes, many circles and sections. In addition, additional hours are provided for computer training.
Principles of general education programs
The main goal pursued by elementary school teachers is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills, conditions for life protection, support for psychophysical development. Training is carried out in several directions:
- expanding the communicative experience of students, implying the acquisition of literacy, writing skills;
- development of creative imagination;
- formation of curiosity for the formation of cognitive abilities of students.

Children of a municipal educational institution (school) are taught about personal hygiene and he althy lifestyles. In the course of training, the teaching staff sets itself the task of adapting students to life in modern society, to form a culture of personality by assimilating the minimum content of programs.
Stages of completing secondary education
Primary school in a general education institution is the basis for obtaining a certificate of secondary education. At this stage, it is important to see the student's inclinations for learning, to set a course for the development of his inclinations and abilities for self-determination. At the end of the fourth grade, the child begins a new stage of education - basic general education. Having graduation documents 9class, the graduate has the right to change the general educational institution (secondary general education school) to an institution of primary professional level (college, vocational school, technical school) or continue his education by moving to the 10th grade. It is important that the student's choice is conscious. Completing the curriculum at a municipal general education institution (secondary school) by passing the Unified State Exam, graduates have the opportunity to make an informed choice in favor of their future profession and enter a secondary specialized educational institution, institute or university.
Public School Year Schedule
If there are a large number of requests to the territorial bodies of the Department of Education from parents and students, as well as an appropriate level of material, technical and human resources, specialized education can be introduced at the school. Its content is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard, made up of curricula, a list of disciplines, and courses. For primary, secondary and secondary schools, the same duration of the academic year is set - 34 weeks, which does not include the period of final assessment and the Unified State Examination. First graders, meanwhile, only have 33 weeks of schooling.

During the school year, students are en titled to 30 days of vacation outside of a general education institution. The same rule applies in the summer - students must rest for at least 8 weeks. The calendar schedule and plan of the educational process is developed by the school and agreed with representatives of the localself.
Legal Rights of School Students
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the federal laws regulating the sphere of general education approved the following rights of students:
- get free education in accordance with GEF;
- study according to an individual curriculum that does not contradict GEF;
- take a crash course in educational programs;
- use library and other information sources in the institution;
- apply for the provision of additional educational services and receive them for a fee;
- take part in the regulation and management of the school's activities within the framework of the powers assigned by its statutory documents.

In addition, every child who receives secondary education in a municipal institution has the right to respect for their own dignity, freedom of expression of their beliefs and worldviews, freedom of conscience and reliability of information.