Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU) is one of the leading universities in the city of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan as a whole. More than 8 thousand students are trained on the basis of the institution. Every year, hundreds of graduates start working in the field of agriculture throughout the country, bringing their knowledge and dynamic solutions to the development of the state food market. How does the university work, what speci alties does it offer to applicants?
Facts about BSAU

The Bashkir State Agrarian University was established in 1930 (the first name was the Bashkir Agricultural Institute). In 1993, the institute received university status.
The founder is the Ministry of Agriculture represented by Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev.
The university has an extensive educational base: educational buildings (7 buildings) with about 200 laboratories, experimental fields, greenhouses, its own agricultural fleet, apiary, barnyard.
Open for nonresident studentsseveral dormitories, a sports complex, a dispensary.
University structure
Faculties of the Bashkir State Agrarian University:
- Agrotechnology and forestry (working since 1930).
- Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine (formed by the merging of two divisions in 2012).
- Mechanical (established in 1950 due to the need to train agricultural engineers).
- Energy (active since 1998).
- Food Technology (training personnel for the food industry since 2001).
- Environmental management and construction (separate departments began to work since 1947, in its modern form the faculty was organized in 2014).
- Economic (established in 1966).
- Distance learning.
There are also separate departments: "Foreign Languages" and "Physical Education, Sports and Tourism".
Organization leadership

Bashkir State Agrarian University is headed by rector Ildar Ismagilovich Gabitov. He is a doctor of technical sciences, a graduate of the Basselkhoz Institute, where he began his scientific career as an assistant. In 1996, he received his first managerial position - he became Vice-Rector for Research.
In 2008 he was elected to the post of rector. Has several titles and awards.
Also, the administrative apparatus consists of vice-rectors for academic work, for scientific and innovative activities, for economics and the property complex.
Directions andspeci alties

The University implements the following training programs:
- Vet.
- Economy.
- Forestry.
- Landscape architecture.
- Agroengineering.
- Land management and cadastres.
- Agronomy.
- Construction, etc.
There are over 40 profiles in total at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Bashkir State Agrarian University trains not only those who receive higher education for the first time, but also personnel who want to improve or change their qualifications. This is being done by the Institute of Additional Education on the basis of the university.
Master's and PhD programs also operate.
Cooperation with foreign partners

Bashkir State Agrarian University does not remain aloof from modern world trends and with great success implements joint programs with other countries, hosts foreign students, sends Russian students and teachers for internships and education abroad.
Partner countries: Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Kazakhstan, etc.
Special and fairly strong ties have been established with Germany - the first joint activity began in 1978, when the German delegation visited the university for the first time, until today the work is carried out in the most active way, friendly projects and courses are being implemented.
What you need to know about admission?
Bashkir State Agrarian University trains bachelors, specialists, masters, graduate students.
Students can study on a budgetary basis (for this you need to pass a competition) or under an agreement on the provision of paid services.
For applicants after school, you must have with you: a passport, a document confirming the presence of a general secondary education. If you have a certificate of disability or benefits, documents proving individual achievements.
Address of the admission committee: Ufa, street of the 50th anniversary of October, 34.

Thus, the Bashkir State Agrarian University is a whole mechanism consisting of many details: competent leadership, knowledge-hungry applicants, qualified teachers, state support and much more. Working together, this university produces ideological youth capable of changing the face of the country in the near future.