Learning definitions: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms

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Learning definitions: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
Learning definitions: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms

What makes our speech rich and colorful? The use of various artistic and grammatical techniques. In this article we will consider the following definitions: antonyms, synonyms, homonyms. What do they mean and what are they used for in speech?

Vocabulary and lexicology

Vocabulary is the entire vocabulary of a single language. If we usually speak and write in Russian, then we use Russian vocabulary.

The science that studies the vocabulary of a language is lexicology. The basic unit of study of this branch of knowledge is the word and its meanings. Consequently, this science does not disregard definitions: synonym, antonym and homonym.

Defining the concept of a synonym

Evil, cruel, unkind, inhumane - synonyms. And what is it? The definition of "synonym" is very simple. These are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning.

synonym definition
synonym definition

The fact that synonyms have slight differences in meaning helps to give something the most precise definitions. With the help of synonyms, you can colorfully, avoiding repetition, describe any event. Synonyms can be found almost toany word that makes sense, regardless of part of speech.


  • house - dwelling - hut - apartment - cottage - building - shelter - shelter - roof over head - housing;
  • bribe - bribe - bribe - magarych;
  • eyes - eyes - eyeballs - peepers - walleye - balls;
  • friend - comrade - buddy - kent.


  • old - ancient - elderly - middle-aged;
  • stupid - stupid - dumb - slow-witted;
  • sad - sad - depressed - dull - unhappy;
  • surprised - amazed - dumbfounded.


  • run - rush;
  • listen - listen;
  • to ask - to be interested - to question - to ask a question;
  • disappear - disappear - hide - get lost.


  • good - great - great - great;
  • quickly - quickly - soon - headlong;
  • bad - bad - doesn't matter;
  • loud - noisy.


In addition to the definition of "synonym", in the vocabulary of the Russian language there are antonyms - words with opposite meanings. By the way, antonyms belong to the same part of speech.

Do you think delicious and lonely are antonyms? No, they are not, because the "antonym" involves the opposition of words on only one basis.

definition synonyms antonyms homonyms
definition synonyms antonyms homonyms


  • he alth is disease;
  • woman - man;
  • love is hate;
  • heat - cold;
  • warm - cool;
  • mind is stupid;
  • loss is a find.


  • excited - calm;
  • nervous - balanced;
  • virtual - real;
  • wide - narrow;
  • rare - frequent;
  • strong - weak;
  • cunning - naive.


  • continue - stop;
  • start - finish;
  • lead - obey;
  • sell - buy;
  • ask - answer;
  • dig - bury;
  • earn - spend.


  • good - bad;
  • on purpose - by accident;
  • right - wrong;
  • great - terrible;
  • in person - in absentia;
  • sweet - bitter;
  • fast - slow.


Homonyms are twin words.

definition of synonym
definition of synonym

However, do not confuse the meaning of this concept with the definition of a synonym. They are only spelled and pronounced the same, but they mean very different things.

A modern person who hears or reads the noun "key" is likely to imagine the key to a door lock; and, for example, an old man living as a hermit somewhere in a forest hut will think that he means a spring gushing out of the ground.

Compare offers:

  1. They noticed a puff of smoke rising from the forest. Girls, let's go to the club after the lectures?
  2. Dachshund was presented to Kolya for his birthday. I wonder whatnow taxi drivers have a dachshund?
  3. Sorry, I can't come, I'm flying to Turkey in the evening. I work as a veterinarian, I treat animals.
  4. The illusionist performed a simple trick. The photographer was unable to focus.

So, we have analyzed several basic lexicological concepts: synonym, antonym, homonym. All of them play a significant role in the language: their use in speech and writing makes it more beautiful, richer and brighter, and makes us more eloquent.