Montpensier is both sweets and the name of French aristocrats

Montpensier is both sweets and the name of French aristocrats
Montpensier is both sweets and the name of French aristocrats

Montpensier are small candies of different colors with a pronounced aroma. Previously, it was provided by the addition of spices, and now - fruit essences. The word "monpensier" came to us from the French language. There it is written as montpensier. Sometimes mistakenly these sweets are called "monpasier". In addition to the above, the studied word has another interpretation. The meanings of the word "monpensier" will be discussed.

Kind of sweets

Montpensier - a type of lollipop
Montpensier - a type of lollipop

Kind of sweets - this is exactly the lexical meaning of the word "monpensier". The name of a French duchess is associated with this name. She is known to the general public from the novels of A. Dumas, where she was bred under the name Grand Mademoiselle. Her real name was Anna, Duchess de Montpensier.

The name was used in Russia to distinguish one type of candy from others. For example, from large colored figured lollipops in the form of a rooster, a bear. And also from lollipops rectangular andcylindrical shape - "Barberry", "Mint", "Theatrical".

The name "monpensier" was given by analogy with the name of the duchess for the following reason. Since the Middle Ages, French confectioners have been making lollipops so that noble people can comfortably enjoy boiled sugar. In fact, such a name was, as they would say today, a marketing ploy.

Considering the question of what is Monpensier, you should tell what these sweets are.

Essentially a lollipop

Japanese lollipops
Japanese lollipops

Montpensier is a candy that looks like a viscous or solid mass. It is prepared from kandis, which is boiled until firm. It is flavored sugar with molasses or corn syrup. In Russia, lollipops have been produced for over 500 years. In Japan, their manufacture began in the 8th century.

Lollipops come in a variety of flavors, colors, shapes and sizes. They usually have a fruity sweet taste, but there are also s alty varieties. In Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Germany, liquorice-flavoured candies are popular. There are also sweets with fillings, such as chewing gum or liquid caramel, and even something as exotic as beetle larvae.

In continuation of the study of the fact that this is a monpensier, you need to pay attention to how, in addition to the usual purpose, these sweets are used.


Traditionally, lollipops are sweet. But since they are very common and popular, this is used for a wide variety of purposes. For example, to maintain fresh breath,as a drug form.

As a distraction, in some cases, the process of resorption of lollipops is used. This applies to situations such as quitting smoking, strong excitement and others. For colds, lollipops are used that taste like eucalyptus, menthol, lemon or honey.

Some species are part of a weight loss diet. But it should be noted that there are currently no sufficient medical justifications for such use, as well as information about the mechanism of action. There is an opinion of doctors that in cases of weight loss there is a placebo effect.

Small lollipops

small candies
small candies

All of the above can be fully attributed to such a variety of lollipops as monpensier. About the latter, it should be added that, as a rule, these are small candies of various colors: red, green, pink, purple. They have a rich aroma, which was previously achieved by adding spices to them. Now use essences such as pear, raspberry, cherry, lemon.

In recent years, such a trade name as "candy monpensier" has appeared. It must be said that its use is completely meaningless. After all, the term "monpensier" is a well-established name for small lollipops in Russia, which are sold in sealed, durable packaging.

At the end of the story about small lollipops, a few words about the lady by whose name they are named.

Grand Mademoiselle

Great Mademoiselle
Great Mademoiselle

The Duchess de Montpensier is a French princess of royal blood. We are talking about Anna Marie Louise d'Orleans, whose years of life are 1627 - 1693. She was the niece of Louis XIII.

Her father was Gaston of Orleans, who bore the title of "monsieur" and was the youngest son of King Henry IV. Consequently, Anna was Louis XIV's cousin. Marie de Bourbon, her mother, was the great-granddaughter of the second Duke of Montpensier. From her ancestors, she inherited a huge fortune and many high titles. At the time of Anne's birth, the Duchess died and the girl was brought up at the court of Louis XIII, under the tutelage of Queen Anne of Austria, his wife.

According to the novels of Dumas, Anna de Montpensier is known as Grand Mademoiselle, that is, the Great Mademoiselle. She actively participated in the events of the Fronde and wrote "Memoirs", which gained fame.
