Parry is the ability to defend one's position

Parry is the ability to defend one's position
Parry is the ability to defend one's position

Some modern definitions seem intuitive and are used automatically, even without understanding the interpretation of a particular word. Meanwhile, many of them have not been used for a long time in their direct meaning, but have been preserved in a figurative sense. For example, in the 21st century, the ability to parry means comfortable behavior in a discussion, when you easily beat off the opponent’s arguments with facts, and only due to this you look like a winner in the eyes of the audience. But has it always been like this?

Aristocratic heritage

Sound concept is actually a borrowing. It gained relevance when balls and duels were as popular as knowledge of the French language. Not only fashion came to Russia from Paris, but also the verb "parer", which literally translated as "reflect", "beat off".

It was a duel with melee weapons. To retaliate with brute force and stop the blade, or to deflect the point with a graceful movement, is to parry the blow. Sounds simple, but the speaker means saving life and honor.

Can you parry a punch in boxing?
Can you parry a punch in boxing?

Modern use

Most of the interpretations focus on describing the means of protection, the essence of which varies depending on the context and object of discussion. There are three main options:

  • repel a blow with a sword or saber;
  • repel enemy attack;
  • repel verbal aggression, neutralize the opponent's arguments.

The term originally referred to swordsmanship. Even today, professional athletes will interpret the meaning of the word "parry" no worse than the aristocrats of the 18th century. Gradually, the word spread to other battle formats. Some fight with swords, others command entire armies. And the capacious definition was immediately transferred to situations where the defending side deftly negates any efforts of the attackers.

This is where the third transcript came from. The ability to parry is to defend yourself in a conversation; it is valued in the same measure as combat skills. Diplomatic negotiations or philosophical discussion is an arena for the competition of minds, the clash of ideologies. Heated disputes affect the future of people no less than a blow to the heart with a blade, and you need to be able to repel the hostile attacks of someone else's thought!

Parry the arguments of the interlocutor in a dispute
Parry the arguments of the interlocutor in a dispute

Non-standard usage

Besides the generally accepted meanings, there are lesser known ones. In some texts, you can find phrases where “parry” is a term with unexpected connotations:

  • Reinsting the horse.
  • Betting.

Similar variants of the meaning of "parry" appear infrequently andare considered obsolete, but you need to remember them at least for the purpose of self-education. And also in order not to get confused in historical novels, if the author wishes to be original.

Daily communication

Be sure to add this word to your vocabulary. It is not the most popular, but those who like to argue at the expense of an additional synonym get an advantage over a potential opponent, which is already a lot!
