Some words in Russian are rarely used, which is why different generations have their own norms for the use of such designations. What is "kalancha" for you? This is a very interesting question, to which young people will certainly answer with a nod in the direction of a very tall person. However, how true can such an interpretation be considered, and what historical background led to the capacious naming of stately citizens? The origins are easy to find in the Turkic languages.
Oriental Roots
Initially it was about fortifications. The modern "tower" is a derivative of the Arabic "fortress". Moreover, it entered the domestic lexicon after close military cooperation with the Turks, who built powerful and durable watchtowers at all key points. Around the 19th century, the name spread to the buildings of other nationalities, in particular, they began to call the towers in the Caucasus.

Proper usage
In Dahl's and Ushakov's dictionaries one can find the most complete list of possible meanings. Given the outdated, regional and slang definitions, the word "kalancha" hasfour most common interpretations:
- watchtower;
- watchtower;
- high chimney oven and chimney itself;
- tall man.
The first meaning is out of circulation today, it is used only by historians and architects when reviewing ancient buildings. But the second option is more in demand, even if it loses relevance with the development of surveillance technologies, tracking fire situations.
From the 18th to the 20th century, the tower was the main element of the fire station, from which it is easy to notice the smoke and give an alarm to call the brigade. Now various kinds of alarms perform a similar function, and citizens themselves can seek help through mobile devices.
Caustic nickname
People noticed a clear resemblance of the impressive stoves and massive chimneys with traditional towers. It was natural to want to jokingly call them a foreign word. Somewhere this term has taken root, but for the majority of the Russian-speaking population, the original transcript will seem like a discovery.
But caustic comments about friends and colleagues can be heard to this day. Is it possible to tell a person that he is a tower? It depends on your upbringing and the intimacy of the relationship. In some cases, irony will be appropriate if friendly communication and a relaxed atmosphere are conducive. But remember that even allegorical allusions to the physical features of the interlocutor are considered bad form!

Daily communication
Worth including in the lexicon? Like a building, toweralmost impossible to find today. Beautiful buildings are preserved only in the form of architectural monuments in the historical districts of the city and on the sites of ancient fortresses. But signal towers in fire hazardous and tourist areas are sometimes referred to as a sonorous definition, so it is useful to know it.