What is profit? Detailed analysis

What is profit? Detailed analysis
What is profit? Detailed analysis

What is profit? Where did this word come from? How is it applied today? If you are interested in this information, then you just need to read our article.


In any living language that people use, you can find words that came from other languages and dialects. And this is an absolutely normal and natural process, although in every country there are radical citizens and politicians who believe that such borrowings violate the purity of their native language, are generally harmful and should be changed to domestic counterparts. And by the way, the French have gone this way - they translate almost all new words.

The Russian language is no exception, and over the past twenty years, a lot of words from English have appeared in it, which people are used to and actively use them. And one of those words is "profit". So what is profit? Where did it come from and how is it used today? We'll figure it out.


what is profit
what is profit

There is no consensus about the roots of this word, but most linguists are inclined to believe that it came from the Old French prufit. In the English version, it sounds like profit. So what is profit?

Profit is profit or excess profit. And as we all know, profit is the positive difference between income and expenses that were put into circulation or used in some other way in order to make a profit. In our time, when anglicisms and other borrowings of words from other languages have become especially popular among young people, this word can be found very often. True, the debate about whether it is worth using it when there is a Russian analogue with the same meaning has not subsided so far. So now we know what profit is.


As already mentioned, this word is used mainly by young people, fortunately, it is not used at the official level. But there are two more areas in which you can meet the word "profit" - this is trading (trading on the Forex currency market) and memes. Let's start with the first one.


profit value
profit value

Every year more and more people get involved in Forex trading. And if 15 years ago, in order to make transactions, it was necessary to have a fairly large starting capital, now almost all dealing centers have no limit on the size of the balance. Simply put, it starts at all with 1 dollar. On the Internet and in real life, you can find many seminars and training courses on Forex trading, and an increasing number of people are trying their hand at it, even those who are not related to finance and economics. True, not everyone ends up getting the notorious profit. The meaning of this word among traders means gettingprofit from a specific transaction or a series of them, or the total positive income during the trading session.


With time and the wide spread of the Internet, it has its own subcultures, jargon and even legends. This process is natural and normal, since in any society or its virtual likeness, people tend to unite in interest groups. Also, the Internet has created, or to be more precise, revived, such a phenomenon as memes. Memes are a unit of digital or oral information that is distinguished by a "viral" way of distribution. Simply put, it is a picture, a phrase, or something else that is distributed among people almost independently of them. And relatively recently, such a meme as profit has become popular. It is almost always playful in nature and is built according to the following principle:

  • do something;
  • do something else;
  • Profit!

Usually such a meme is used in a situation where you need to emphasize the absurdity, stupidity or humor of someone's strategy, activity or plan.


profit word meaning
profit word meaning

So we figured out what profit is. We have considered the meaning of the word in various areas of modern life, so now there should be no problems with its definition in a given situation.
