Boycott is Detailed analysis

Boycott is Detailed analysis
Boycott is Detailed analysis

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The article talks about what a boycott is, why it is announced. Several historical examples of this action are given.


boycott it
boycott it

Everyone has heard this word at least once. It has long and firmly become a kind of synonym for protest, strike or other form of peaceful opposition. If you turn to the encyclopedia, it says that a boycott is a form of political, civil, social or economic struggle, whose goal, by refusing to cooperate with an individual, legal entity or any organization, is to convey their ideas, demands or proposals. Naturally, such measures are applied when it is difficult to resolve disputed issues in other ways.


Boycott is a completely legal measure, a way of conveying one's desires and aspirations when no one listens to ordinary words or protests. Boycotts were most common in the 20th century during massive wars, revolutions and political changes.

It is worth noting that a boycott is a completely legitimate phenomenon (naturally, if its actions do not violate the law), and it is resorted to not only by individuals, groups or organizations, but also by entire countries and political movements. The clearest example of this isUS boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. This decision was made because of the allegedly fundamentally wrong decision on the introduction of Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the games still took place.

And one of the first massive and documented boycotts, whose implementation subsequently influenced the state of affairs, was the boycott of cane sugar in England, since most of it was produced by slaves in various colonies. This was the first impetus for the abolition of slavery. So a boycott is sometimes a very effective method to achieve your goal.

Another example of such an action is the one-day boycott of German citizens by Jews in 1933 in Germany. It was held as a protest against the beginning persecution and discrimination on racial and cultural grounds.


what is a boycott
what is a boycott

If we talk about the roots of this word, it came from the English language. Charles Boycott - that was the name of one manager who was boycotted by English farmers.


announced a boycott
announced a boycott

Despite successful historical examples, this form of protest does not always bear fruit. Often the organizers themselves understand this, and therefore the boycott sometimes turns into a kind of popular or social movement, the purpose of which is to indicate unity with some people, beliefs or situations.

For example, in 2006, a number of residents of the Arab countries began to ignore the goods of Danish firms due to the fact that reporters from one of the magazinesDenmark drew a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. Obviously, the journalists had nothing to do with businessmen, but nevertheless, this protest lasted for a very long time.

It is worth noting that a boycott should not be confused with a strike. These are completely different concepts. However, we will talk about strikes another time.
