We know a scattered man from Basseinaya Street. Who refuses to admit that he is awkward, ridiculous, but at the same time sweet? Children who read S. Ya. Marshak's verse for the first time probably laugh heartily, and adults can grieve. But absent-minded with Basseynaya was remembered to us only because of the introduction. Further we will talk about the absurd, and it will be interesting, because the examples are completely different.

First, let's try to capture this sense of the absurdity of what is happening. Suppose a girl asks a guy about the prospect of their relationship, and instead of answering, he puts a frying pan on his head (and yet the shadow of the absent-minded haunts us). Of course, this is a strange and awkward, immature reaction. But such actions can also be saturated with meaning. The young man is unwilling to talk about relationship prospects during breakfast, but he also does not want to explain his unwillingness, so he put on a frying pan.
Weunderstood what an absurd situation is, which means it's time to move on to supporting an explanatory dictionary, where "absurd" is interpreted as "absurd, awkward." The dictionary decides to get rid of us by referring to synonyms, but we will not forgive him for this. Let's decipher the first adjective in the definition - "absurd": "not justified by common sense." And finally we have a clue! If you behave absurdly and contrary to common sense, then you are absurd. If a person does this all the time, it means that he has an awkward character, it's obvious!

Serious people are annoyed by any absurdity. If a person does not want to play by the rules of society, then it is difficult to manage him, that is, absurdity is a rebellion, but at the same time, one cannot rely on such a person, and this is already a serious drawback. We’ll talk about what awkward means a little later, but for now it’s time for replacements. There were already synonyms for the adjective, but we will reduce them to a list:
- stupid;
- ridiculous;
- stupid;
- clumsy;
- awkward;
- incoherent;
- unreasonable;
- stupid.
As the reader might guess, there are many more substitutions, but we leave the others for independent study. There is nothing touching in synonyms. But nevertheless, "absurd" is fun, although a little sad. Now let's look at the various options for when the reaction to events is ridiculous.
Examples of situations

Human life is full of absurdities. And specific examples are probably unnecessary here, but we will still give them so that the reader has an image that abstract knowledge will catch on to:
- The groom did not come to the registration because he overslept.
- The student did not learn the subject because he did not have time.
- The man didn't come to work because the cat was sleeping on his lap and he didn't want to disturb the animal.
That's interesting. The examples tell us quite clearly that even the truth can be awkward, and that's sad.
By the way, if you need an example of an awkward person, then this is the hero of the film "Liar, Liar" (1997) Fletcher Reed. Remember that moment when Fletcher beats himself up in the closet in hopes of getting a reprieve? And when the guards actually brought him, the judge asks him who did it. And he replies, among other things: "So awkward." And we know that "clumsy" is a synonym for "clumsy". And we leave the reader to think whether Jim Carrey himself is absurd or not.