Composition based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich

Composition based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich
Composition based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich

In the essay based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich - People's Artist of the USSR, we will get acquainted with the main details of this composition, its features, as well as the biography of the author of the work.

Short biography of Nikolai Romadin

Photo by Nikolai Romadin
Photo by Nikolai Romadin

The artist was born in Samara in 1903. At the age of 19 he entered the Samara Art College, and at 20 he entered the Moscow VKhUTEMAS. Landscapes prevail among his works, for many of them the artist was awarded major prizes, awards, and orders. He painted his works in the style of socialist realism, he put his soul into each of them, as he had a deep knowledge of natural greatness. A large number of his paintings are still in the largest museums and galleries in Russia. Nikolai Mikhailovich lived a long life and died at the age of 83 in Moscow.

N. M. Romadin "Non-freezing river"
N. M. Romadin "Non-freezing river"

Description of the painting by N. M. Romadina "Kerzhenets"

The artist chooses a title for the painting in accordance with the title of the same namerivers in the Nizhny Novgorod region, being inspired by the beauty of the nature of this place. In the essay based on Romadin's painting "Kerzhenets" there is a need to convey the sensations that arise when contemplating it. The mood of this work is peaceful, quiet. It seems that if you listen closely, you can hear the soft noise of river water and the chirping of grasshoppers. The central plan shows two fishermen sailing in a boat on the river. They probably silently enjoy fishing and the tranquility that surrounds them. In the foreground, thin trees are heeling, which means that the main characters of the picture managed to sail not far from the coast. The background of this work is formed by a dense forest of birches and pines, as well as a small fragment of the dawn sky. When describing the painting "Kerzhenets" N. M. Romadin wants to talk about her palette: shades of a cold range prevail here - deep blue and light blue, rich dark greens and the color of young foliage. Despite the initial impression of the gloom of this work, she gradually falls in love with the viewer and begins to play with new colors, then the realization comes that these are the colors of the regularity of natural life, and not sadness or darkness. Despite the fact that people are in the center of the composition, the artist truly sings of the greatness of the river, because the whole plot is built around it.

Composition based on Romadin's painting "Kerzhenets"

It often happens that being inspired by some work of art, you want to create something. If the subject of your creativity is an essay or essay, you may need a reminder to create them:

  1. Write about what you see in the picture: what kind of trees are on it, what people do and how they look, what kind of river and sky. Using metaphors and epithets, you will make your essay based on the painting "Kerzhenets" by Romadin Nikolai Mikhailovich alive. Your task is to become a painter with words, so choose the right "paints" for this.
  2. Describe how you feel, as if you were in the same place from which the artwork was drawn. What is the weather like there, what sounds and smells do you hear. Let the imagination fly - that's what you need here.
  3. Philosophically complete your essay: ask questions that arose in your head while viewing the picture, talk about the powerful force of nature and its gracious attitude towards man.

Adhering to this memo, you will inevitably write a beautiful and concise essay about your feelings and impressions of this beautiful creation of the Soviet artist Nikolai Romadin.
