Ancient cities of Kazakhstan: list, information

Ancient cities of Kazakhstan: list, information
Ancient cities of Kazakhstan: list, information

Many did not like history either at school or at the institute. Someone fell asleep at the sight of hundreds of dates and thousands of names. Nevertheless, I had to learn all this in order to write tests and pass exams.

And yet history itself is a very interesting discipline. We learn about the past of our ancestors, about the formation of large cities and the development of countries. In this case, the main thing is to present facts and historical events in an interesting way. And then the ancient cities of Kazakhstan will attract the attention of not only the inhabitants of this country, but also people from all over the world.

Thematic focus

The topic of the article is quite extensive. It is almost impossible to tell about each settlement. A book could be written on this subject. Then a couple of volumes will be enough to not forget about every ancient city of Kazakhstan.

What do you need to consider to get the big picture? The ancient cities of this country mean its own settlements that existed in the period of ancient and medieval times. But before we move on to a brief history, let's look at the current situation.state.


This power is located in the center of Eurasia. Most of it belongs to Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is almost 3 million square kilometers. Its dimensions are comparable to those of Argentina. Thanks to this area, the country ranks 9th in terms of territorial definition worldwide.

ancient cities of kazakhstan
ancient cities of kazakhstan

Population over 18 million. Astana became the capital, although there is a larger city - Alma-Ata. The inhabitants of the state speak Kazakh. Although you can also hear the Russian language, which is official here.

Location of Kazakhstan

To find out what ancient cities existed on the territory of Kazakhstan, it is worth considering the geography of the modern country.

It is located surrounded by interesting geographical objects: the Caspian Sea, the Lower Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, China and Central Asia. Russia became a neighbor of the state. The length of their common border is 7.5 thousand kilometers. The eastern side is occupied by China with a border of 1.7 thousand kilometers, the southern side by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.


The history of this state is divided into some periods. Ancient Kazakhstan describes the development of the territory from the Paleolithic period until the appearance of writing in the 8th century.

Early Paleolithic finds were found in the eastern part of the state. They were found on the banks of the Kolgutta River. There is also evidence of Paleolithic sites.

In the XII-V millennia BC on the territory of modernKazakhstan are distributed parking. At this time, large animals are already disappearing. Bows, arrows, boats, traps and more are invented here.

In the Neolithic, stone tools began to develop actively and ceramics appeared. Primitive people are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

In the Copper Age, hundreds of settlements appeared, and the Botai culture was also founded. The type of people is proto-European. The ancient period affects the nomadic lifestyle and the emergence of the Scythians (Saks).

First information

The ancient cities on the territory of Kazakhstan became known long before the birth of the country itself. On the site of the modern state, the first settlements appeared in the II-I centuries BC. e. The authors of those times talked about the existence of cities, on the site of which Issyk-Kul Lake, the Ili Valley and the Syrdarya River are now located.

ancient cities of kazakhstan in kazakh
ancient cities of kazakhstan in kazakh

Since the territory of the state is impressive, at different times certain historical and cultural regions appeared on it. Their feature was a sedentary form of life. From here it became possible to follow their development and formation. Cities began to form here.

South Kazakhstan and Zhetysu were the first known regions of this kind. Archaeologists have been studying this group, identifying palace dwellings in certain outdated villages. From here, the material used for construction became known - raw brick.

It is believed that a large number of ancient cities on the territory of Kazakhstan were located in the valley of the Arys River, in Otyraroasis. Finds have been found here that testify to the cultivation of the land, the supply of water, livestock breeding, small-scale manual production and trade.


Active development of ancient settlements began in the XII century. At that time, Turkic states began to quickly build on the modern territory of Kazakhstan.

The list of ancient cities of Kazakhstan can be very long. It is fair to divide it into several groups. For example, on the territory of South Kazakhstan, the remains of 25 settlements dating back to the 6th-9th centuries were found. From them it became clear that the city had a citadel, an inner settlement and a place that served as a suburb. These include:

  • Isfijab.
  • Sharab.
  • Budukhet.
  • Otyrar.
  • Shavgar.

But other cities were built on trade routes. Information about the existence of the residences of rulers was collected here. These places belonged to important international objects, neighboring powers knew about them. These cities include:

  • Taraz.
  • Otyrar.
  • Isfijab.
  • Shavgar.
  • Balasagun.
  • Almalyk.
  • Suyab.

This list of ancient cities of Kazakhstan can be continued with a dozen more settlements. The central part of the modern territory was settled in the 9th-13th centuries. Cities were located in river valleys and foothills.

East Kazakhstan was also populated along the Irtysh River. There is evidence that the cities in this territory are attributed to the Turkic nomadic people - the Kimaks. The largest of these was the last Imakiya. It is tentatively calledcapital.

The western part of Kazakhstan was also populated. The Oghuz Turks, who occupied the Ural valley, were in charge here.

ancient cities in kazakhstan
ancient cities in kazakhstan


Before we turn to information about the ancient cities of Kazakhstan, it is important to give their general characteristics. Like any medieval cities of the East, these were multilingual. The territory had a diverse ethnic group. It was inhabited by Usuns, Turgeshs, Karluks, Kypchaks, etc.

Crafts, glassmaking, metal processing, and jewelry were actively developing in the ancient cities of Kazakhstan. The most important for each settlement was trade. It extended to both local buyers and international cooperation. As a result, some cities acquired large markets, while others minted pennies.

Almost every city had the same structure. There were close clusters of buildings, which were combined into separate parts. Between them were narrow streets lined with stalls.

Already in the 8th century, the spread of religion began. The townspeople began to study Buddhism and Christianity. Some residents have become shamans. But a century later, Islam appeared on this territory, which soon took the main place among other religions.

In the same period, temples and cemeteries begin to be erected. Since the 10th century, the mosque has become the main building of the city. In addition, baths became notable in the settlements. They were distributed throughout the ancient cities of the state. Information about their existence was found in the 10th century.

The oldest city in Kazakhstan

Of courseit is not easy to define such a settlement. In 2013, the director of the Institute of Archeology, Baurzhan Baitanaev, called Shymkent the most ancient city. Moreover, if earlier it was believed that it has existed for about 700 years, then according to the historian, its age is more than 2,200 years.

list of ancient cities of kazakhstan
list of ancient cities of kazakhstan

He made such a statement on the basis of excavations that lasted several seasons. Archaeologists have found a ceramic complex, which is attributed to one of the oldest cities in the world, Afrasiab. The appearance of the latter dates back to the 8th century BC.

The scientist suggested that information about the city of Nujiket is directly related to Shymkent.

But so far it is difficult to consider this information as true, as well as the one that Shymkent and Shymkent are one and the same city. Therefore, reliable information about the settlement appears only in the 14th century. So far, it is officially believed that the birth of the city dates back to 1365-1366.

This settlement changed hands for a long time. In the 13th century, the army of Genghis Khan came here. In the 16th century, the city passed into the possession of the Kazakh Khanate. For the next two centuries, the Dzungarian conquerors “came” here. Until the first half of the 19th century, two major khanates fought for dominance in this territory.

During the Great Patriotic War, a large number of industrial enterprises of the USSR were moved here. In the post-war period, the territory was overtaken by rapid economic growth.

By October 2017, 950 thousand people live in Shymkent. Since its independence, the city has developed. Population growth by 44% in 2011relative to the year 2000. The territory of the city has also slightly expanded.

Not on the map

It is believed that this is Sairam, who was previously called Ispidzhab (Isfidzhab). Unfortunately, now it is not known for sure whether this ancient city was located on the territory of modern Sairam. Historians are divided.

Ispidjab itself was a popular trading city. Its main feature was its important commercial value. It was located on the Great Silk Road. It was first mentioned in 629. According to other sources, it was founded in the 9th-10th century as a military fortification. Because of its beauty, it became known as the White City.

What ancient cities existed on the territory of Kazakhstan
What ancient cities existed on the territory of Kazakhstan

There is information that after the founding of the Samanid state, the ancient city of Kazakhstan, Ispidzhab, became part of it. Already a century later, he passed to the Karakhanid dynasty and was with them for two centuries.

It is believed that the city became Sairam in the 13th century. This is if we take the theory of the connection between the two settlements. Already as Sairam, he was annexed to the empire of Genghis Khan, and a couple of years later to the Chagai ulus.

For some time it was part of the Uzbek possessions. Now Sairam is a Kazakh village in the south of the country, where 48 thousand people live.

Large settlement

Otyrar - the ancient city of Kazakhstan in Kazakh. In Russian it is called Otrar. Also, this settlement had different names: Tarband, Turarband, Turar or Farab.

Until the Mongol invasion overtook this territory, it was the largest in Central Asia. Now Otrar is a settlement in the Otrar region in the south of the state.

The most ancient cities of Kazakhstan are
The most ancient cities of Kazakhstan are

Previously there was an Otrar oasis. Now it is a historical and cultural reserve. Research and excavations have been carried out here for almost 50 years. It was thanks to the work on this territory that Otrar became known.

Otrar oasis developed in the 1st-13th centuries AD. In the ancient city of Kazakhstan, Otrar, there was a mint of the Karakhanids. In the 13th century, the territory became part of Khorezm.

There is evidence that Otrar was part of Farab. They were obtained from a study of copper dirhams.

There is evidence that a large number of scientists, sages, skilled musicians, soothsayers and jewelers lived in this settlement. The excavations have helped identify key locations in the city. So, it is known about a madrasah, a market, a blacksmith workshop, a gurt-khan, baths, a mosque, shops and shops.

After the reign of Genghis Khan, tragic events took place here with the participation of the Mongolian troops. The sons of the great commander led the siege for six months. Famine began in Otyrar, as well as confrontations between residents and government officials. Simple Otrars wanted to negotiate with the attackers. As a result, one of the residents opened the gate to the Mongols. This led to the burning of the city and its complete destruction. The inhabitants were enslaved and killed.

In the 15th century, the settlement was rebuilt. Until the middle of the 18th century, the city belonged to the Kazakh Khanate. After it was again destroyed by the Dzungars. It was finally abandoned in the 19th century.

The ancient city of Kazakhstan, foundedsakami and usunami

Taraz is a well-known settlement of the state. It is the administrative center of the Zhambyl region. The city is located in the south of Kazakhstan, next to Kyrgyzstan. Its population is 364 thousand people.

ancient city of kazakhstan founded by sakami
ancient city of kazakhstan founded by sakami

Taraz is an ancient city of Kazakhstan, in the Kazakh language this word is consonant with "scales". Some believe that this is what gives the right to consider the city a member of the Great Silk Road (scales were used in trade). In fact, the origin of the name is still unknown. During the Soviet period it was called Dzhambul.

The history of the city begins with the Talas River, where the tribes of Saks and Usuns settled down. It is believed that they founded the settlement in the 5th century BC. Until the founding time of Shymkent is proven, we can say that Taraz is the most ancient city of Kazakhstan.

In the first century BC, the state of the Huns split. One of the brothers of this dynasty decided to leave China for Central Asia. He ends up in the Talas Valley with his Uysun vassals.

After that, written evidence of the existence of the ancient city of Kazakhstan - Taraz began to appear. In 400 there are mentions of Talos. This settlement was part of the Great Silk Road. After 350 years, the battle on Talas was recorded, in which the Arabs participated. It was from their suggestion that the city began to be called Taraz.

In the year 900, the settlement voluntarily converts to Islam. Christian churches are being rebuilt into mosques. Taraz becomes part of the Samanid state. Until the 10th century it was part ofKarluk Khanate.

Despite the fact that this is an ancient city of Kazakhstan, founded by the Sakas, by the year 1000 there was nothing left of this tribe in this territory. The land was conquered by the Karakhanids. Thanks to this dynasty, the area became a center of development as it was the capital.

Interestingly, this is one of the few cities that has not preserved written references to the Mongol invasion. Perhaps Taraz was able to withstand the warriors. Although the information that it was burned in 1220 suggests otherwise. At this point, the Mongols decide to rename the city to Yany.

ancient city of kazakhstan ispijab
ancient city of kazakhstan ispijab

Until the 15th century, the settlement belonged to the Chagatai ulus. Until 1718 - to the Kazakh Khanate. It also fell under the destruction of the Dzhungars. After this, the Taraz tribe became part of the Kokand Khanate. And in 1856 it was renamed Aulie-Ata. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Taraz - the ancient city of Kazakhstan - began to be called Mirzoyan in Kazakh. Two years later - Dzhambul.

Each time the city was renamed in honor of prominent people. Aulie-Ata (kaz. "Holy grandfather") was named after the founder of the Karakhanids. Levon Mirzoyan was the first secretary of the CP(b) Central Committee. Dzhambul Dzhabaev is a Kazakh poet and akyn.

Already in 1993, the city was renamed again due to transcription in Zhambyl. But it is obvious that the locals were not satisfied with such changes and the city was returned to its old name - Taraz.

Other cities

Unfortunately, describing every ancient city is not easy. This is largely due to the fact that some settlements have not yet been studied.good.

For example, the previously mentioned Imakiya - the ancient city of Kazakhstan, in the Kazakh language - Kimakiya. Previously, it was a medieval Asian settlement of the Kimaks. It was located on the territory of modern Kazakhstan and is now considered disappeared.

In the 9th-13th centuries it was the residence of the ruler of the eponymous kaganate. There was a city on the Irtysh River in the area of modern Pavlodar.

Kulan settlement was known. Now it is difficult to understand what territory was meant, since there are two villages of the same name in Kazakhstan. The first is located in the South Kazakhstan region, the second - in Zhambyl. Moreover, in the latter case, we have before us a village, in which by 2009 about 15 thousand people lived.

Aspara has become another ancient city of Kazakhstan. Located in the Zhambyl region. Now it is the remains of a medieval settlement. It was investigated before the Great Patriotic War. Found that the length of the destroyed walls is only 100-300 meters.

information about the ancient cities of Kazakhstan
information about the ancient cities of Kazakhstan

It is believed that the main part of the settlement existed before the 12th century. Some sources mention Aspara as a point of the Great Silk Road. There is also a possibility that at one time there was a camp for the troops of Emir Timur.

And the last ancient city that exists to this day is Turkestan. It is located in the south of the country. Not far from it flows the Syrdarya River. It is considered a city of regional subordination.

The first settlements on this territory were recorded in 500 AD. Perhaps Turkestan in the 10th century received the nameShavgar, and in the 12th - Yasy. In medieval times, the settlement became a fortress city.

Often this territory is compared with the life and death of the poet and philosopher Ahmed Yasawi. Later, Tamerlane built a mausoleum in honor of the poet, which is now considered a cultural center.

The city named Turkestan was talked about in the 15th century. This place became part of the Kazakh Khanate, and then was destroyed by the Dzungars.


There are a huge number of ancient cities of Kazakhstan. It is interesting that some become a kind of synthesis, since it is not easy to finally determine the territorial and temporal boundaries of a particular settlement, given the number of past centuries.

This is how disputes about the existence of this or that city are born. Now it is unambiguously known about the large ancient cities of Kazakhstan, among which are Shymkent, Isfijab, Otyrar and Taraz. These are the territories that have preserved a lot of physical evidence and written information.

Many settlements have become part of the neighboring states of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and China.
