Russian folk tales: description of Ivan Tsarevich

Russian folk tales: description of Ivan Tsarevich
Russian folk tales: description of Ivan Tsarevich

All children, without exception, like Russian folk tales. Why is it so? Because they are very kind and cheerful, they teach kids from a very early age to distinguish good from evil, instill good qualities, and are very instructive. There are many positive characters in Russian fairy tales who resist the forces of evil.

We propose in our work to consider the description of Ivan Tsarevich. We chose this particular character due to the fact that he is most often found on the pages of works not only of Russian folk art, but also in the works of Khudyakov, Afanasiev and other authors.

Who is this

description of Ivan Tsarevich
description of Ivan Tsarevich

Ivan Tsarevich has been around as a beloved hero since the middle of the eighteenth century. Tales with this character are numerous and were written by different authors. Of course, I want to know more about him and figure out which side he belongs to - dark or light.

To understand this, let's analyze the fairy tales where our hero meets, trace his evolution and draw conclusions. ForLet's start with a description of Ivan Tsarevich. He always appears before us in the same guise: a young, fair-haired and very brave young man. Often our character is subject to reincarnation, he is helped by amazing servants, fairy tales with his participation are always full of various trials and adventures. In addition, the hero always has a difficult life. He is forced to go on adventures full of danger in order to fulfill someone's errand or simply because he was kicked out of his house for some offense.

Considering the description of Ivan Tsarevich, what he was outwardly, little information can be found, but the inner qualities of the hero are expressed in all their glory.


description of Ivan Tsarevich from a fairy tale
description of Ivan Tsarevich from a fairy tale

As mentioned earlier, the description of Ivan Tsarevich is the same everywhere. As a rule, he does not know about his real roots. He becomes aware of this only at the end of the tale. His awards:

  • outlandish animal;
  • marry the king's daughter;
  • half the kingdom and so on.

He is always helped by his faithful servants (pike, Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka and many other characters). He performs all the feats described in fairy tales in order to save a girl who was captured by some villain. Most often, in terms of the enemy of Ivan Tsarevich, Koshchei acts.

The description of Ivan Tsarevich can be presented as follows: a fearless, intelligent and courageous young man. His image is often found in fairy tales with such a plot: a thief starts up in the royal garden, not just any, but the Firebird herself. Our hero and his brothers go in search of her. The paths often diverge, but Ivan Tsarevich meets his assistant Gray Wolf, who helps him find not only a bird, but also a bride. Fairy tales always end with the exposure of evil brothers and a chic feast.


Ivan Tsarevich description of the hero of a fairy tale
Ivan Tsarevich description of the hero of a fairy tale

Who was Ivan Tsarevich? The description of the hero of the fairy tale regarding the genealogy is presented as follows:

  • son of the king;
  • youngest of three brothers;
  • often even before his birth, the father promises to give his son to the Sea King;
  • the most stupid, but good-natured and disinterested person;

Although at the beginning the description of Ivan Tsarevich from a fairy tale does not favorably represent him against the background of his brothers, but thanks to his inner qualities he always comes out of all situations as a winner.

As a result, he gets such wives as Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise or Marya Morevna. The brothers are left with nothing because of their anger and cowardice.

Ivan Tsarevich as a negative character

description of Ivan Tsarevich as he was
description of Ivan Tsarevich as he was

There are also works where our hero is presented as negative. For example, a fairy tale about Ivan - a fisherman's son. In it, Ivan Tsarevich appears to us as an evil and treacherous hero who wants to kill positive characters, take possession of their we alth and take away their reward.

The finale in this case looks something like this: Ivan Tsarevich is shamed and punished, but not killed. Nevertheless, our hero is remembered to us on the positive side, this example is an exception that occurs quite often.rare.

The plot of fairy tales with our character is almost always the same, only the characters and their names change. Russian folk tales remind children that there is not only good, but also evil on earth. But good always wins.

We made sure that our hero still takes the place of a positive character in Russian fairy tales. In his heart, he will forever remain a young, kind, strong and brave fellow, selflessly helping people in trouble.
