Mathematics is not only an exact science, but also quite complex. It is not easy for everyone, but it is even more difficult to introduce a child to perseverance and love for numbers. Recently, such a method as mathematical fairy tales has been popular among teachers. The results of their trial use in practice were impressive, and therefore fairy tales became an effective way to introduce children to science. Increasingly, they are being used in schools.

Stories about numbers for the little ones
Now, before a child goes to first grade, he should already be able to write, read and perform the most simple mathematical operations. Parents will benefit from math fairy tales for preschoolers, because with them kids will learn the wonderful world of numbers in a playful way.
Such stories are simple stories about good and evil, where numbers are the main characters. They have their own country and their own kingdom, there are kings, teachers and students, and in these lines there is always a moral, which a small listener needs to catch.
Fairy tale aboutproud Number One
One day Number One was walking down the street and saw a rocket in the sky.
- Hello fast and nimble rocket! My name is Number One. I am very lonely and proud, like you. I like to walk alone and I'm not afraid of anything. I believe that loneliness is the most important quality, and the one who is alone is always right.
To this the rocket replied:
- Why am I alone? Quite the opposite. I take astronauts into the sky, they sit inside me, and around us are stars and planets.
Having said this, the rocket flew away, and our heroine went further and saw the Number Two. She immediately greeted her proud and lonely friend:
- Hi Odin, come walk with me.
- I don't want to, I like being alone. The one who is alone is considered the most important, said the One.
- Why do you think that the one who is alone is the most important? Deuce asked.
- A person has one head, and it is the most important, so one is better than two.
- Although a person has one head, but two arms and two legs. Even the head has a pair of eyes and ears. And these are the most important organs.
Then One realized that it was very difficult to be alone, and went for a walk with Number Two.
Funny math numbers. Tale of Three and Two
In one school state, where all the kids loved to study, there lived the Number Five. And everyone else envied her, especially Three and Two. And one day two friends decided to expel the Five from the state so that the students would love them, and not the cherished assessment. We thought and thought how to do it, but according to the laws of the school state, no one has the right to drive away the number, itcan only leave of his own accord.
Three and Two decided to make a tricky move. They argued with Number Five. If she doesn't win, she must leave. The subject of the dispute was the answer of the boy-loser at the lesson of mathematics. If he gets canceled "five", then the brave figure wins, and if not, then Three and Two will be considered the winners.
Number Five honestly prepared for the lesson. She spent the whole evening studying with the boy, learning numbers and making equalities. The next day, the student received an "A" at school, our heroine won, and Troika and Deuce had to run away in disgrace.

Math fairy tales for primary school children
Kids enjoy listening to math stories. In mathematics, grade 3 with their help learns the material more easily. But not only to listen, but also to compose their own stories, guys at this age can.
All stories in this period are selected quite simple. The main characters are numbers and signs. It is very important at this age to show the children how to study properly. Parents and teachers can find a lot of useful information in books for grade 3 ("Mathematics"). Mathematical fairy tales with different characters will be described below.
The parable of big numbers
One day all the big numbers gathered and went to a restaurant to relax. Among them were domestic ones - Raven, Kolod, Darkness, which are already thousands of years old, and proud foreign guests - Million, Trillion, Quintillion and Sextillion.
And they ordered a noble dinner: pancakes with redand black caviar, expensive champagne, they eat, walk, do not deny themselves anything. The waiter works at their table - Nolik. He runs back and forth, serves everything, cleans up broken wine glasses, takes care of him, sparing no effort. And the honored guests know to themselves they say: "Bring this, bring that." Nolik is not respected. And Sextillion also gave a slap on the back of the head.
Nolik was offended then and quit the restaurant. And all the high Big Numbers became ordinary Units, worthless. That's it, you can't hurt even those who seem unimportant.

Equation with one unknown
And here is another mathematical fairy tale (Grade 3) - about the unknown X.
Once different numbers met in the same equation. And among them were whole and fractional, large and unambiguous. They had never met so close before, so they started dating:
- Hello. I am One.
- Good afternoon. I am Twenty Two.
- And I am Two Thirds.
So they introduced themselves, got acquainted, and one figure stood aside and did not name himself. Everyone asked her, tried to find out, but the figure said to all questions:
- Can't tell!
Offended by such a statement of the number and went to the most respected Sign of Equality. And he answered:
- Don't worry, the time will come and you will definitely find out what this number is. Do not rush, let this number remain unknown for now. Let's call him X.
Everyone agreed with fair Equality, but still decided to stay away from X and went beyond the equal sign. When all the numbers lined upthey began to multiply, divide, add up and subtract. When all the actions were performed, it turned out that the unknown X became known and was equal to only one number.
So the secret of the mysterious X was revealed. Can you solve the math riddles?
Fifth grade number stories
In the fifth grade, children are more and more familiar with arithmetic and methods of calculation. For them, more serious riddles are suitable. At this age, it is good to introduce children to their own writing of stories about those things that they have already studied. Consider what a mathematical fairy tale should be like (Grade 5).
Different figures lived in the same kingdom of Geometry. And they existed quite peacefully, complementing and supporting each other. Queen Axiom kept order, and Theorems were in her assistants. But once Axiom fell ill, and the figures took advantage of this. They began to figure out which of them was the most important. The Theorems intervened in the dispute, but they could no longer contain the general panic.
As a result of the chaos in the realm of Geometry, people started to get into big trouble. All railroads stopped working as parallel lines converged, houses were twisted because rectangles were replaced by octahedrons and dodecahedrons. The machines stopped, the machines broke down. It seemed like the whole world had gone awry.
Seeing all this, Axiom clutched her head. She ordered all the Theorems to line up and follow each other in a logical order. After that, all the Theorems had to collect all their subordinate figures and explain to each her greatpurpose in the human world. Thus, order was restored in the land of Geometry.

The Tale of the Dot
There are completely different mathematical tales. Numbers and numbers, fractions and equalities appear in them. But most of all, fifth graders like stories about things they are just starting to learn about. Many students do not understand the importance of simple, elementary things, without which the whole world of mathematics would collapse. To explain to them the importance of this or that sign is called upon such a mathematical fairy tale (grade 5).
Little Dot felt very lonely in the realm of Math. She was so tiny that they constantly forgot about her, put her anywhere and did not respect her at all. Whether business direct! It is large and long. You can see it, and no one will forget to draw it.
And the Point decided to escape from the kingdom, because because of it there are always only problems. The student will grab a deuce, because he forgot to put a point, or something else. She felt the dissatisfaction of others and she herself was worried about this.
But where to run? Although the kingdom is large, the choice is small. And then the Direct Line came to the aid of the Point and said:
- Period, run over me. I'm infinite, so you will run out of the kingdom.
The dot did just that. And as soon as she set off on her way, Mathematics fell into chaos. The numbers got excited, huddled together, because now there was no one to determine their place on the digital beam. And the rays began to dissolve before our eyes, because they did not have a Point that would limit them and turn them into segments. Numbersthey stopped multiplying, because now the multiplication sign has been replaced with an oblique cross, and what to take from it? He's oblique.
All the inhabitants of the kingdom got worried and began to ask the Point to return. And you know, she rolls like a bun along an endless straight line. But she heard the requests of her compatriots and decided to return. Since then, the Point not only has its place in space, but is very respected and revered, and even has its own definition.

What fairy tales can sixth grade read?
In the sixth grade, children already know and understand a lot. These are already adult guys who are unlikely to be interested in primitive stories. For them, you can pick up something more serious, for example, mathematical problems-fairy tales. Here are some options.
How the coordinate line was formed
This story is about how to remember and understand what numbers with a negative and positive value are. A mathematical fairy tale (Grade 6) will help to understand this topic.
Walked-wandered the earth lonely Plyusik. And he had no friends. So he wandered through the forest for a long, long time, until he met Straight. She was clumsy and no one wanted to talk to her. Then Plusik invited her to walk together. Direct was delighted and agreed. For this, she invited Plusik to sit on her long shoulders.
The friends went further and wandered into the dark forest. For a long time they wandered along the narrow paths until they came to a clearing where the house stood. They knocked on the door, and Minus opened for them, who was also lonely and did not make friends with anyone. Then he joined Direct andPlus, and they went on together.
They went out to the city of Numbers, where only numbers lived. We saw the numbers Plus and Minus and immediately wanted to make friends with them. And they began to grab first one, then the other.
The king of the kingdom Zero came out to the noise. He ordered everyone to line up along the straight line, and he himself stood in the middle. Everyone who wanted to be with a plus had to stand at the same distance from each other on the right side of the king, and those who wanted to be with a minus, in the same way, but on the left, in ascending order. This is how the coordinate line was formed.
The topics of mathematical fairy tales can cover all the questions covered. Here is one good riddle that will allow you to generalize knowledge in geometry.
One day all the quadrangles got together and decided that it was necessary to choose the most important among them. But how to do that? We decided to test. Whoever gets to the kingdom of Mathematics first from the clearing will become the main one. We agreed on that.
At dawn all the quadrangles came out of the clearing. They go, and a fast river crosses their path. She says:
- Not everyone will be able to cross over me. Only those of you whose diagonals at the intersection point are divided in half will move to the other side.
Someone stayed and the rest moved on. This time, a high mountain stood in the way. She made her condition:
- Only those whose diagonals are equal will be able to conquer my summit.
Again, the losing quadrangles remained at the foot, and the rest went on. Suddenly - a cliff with a narrow bridge, on which only one can pass, the one withdiagonals intersect at right angles.
Here are the questions for you:
- Who became the main quadrangle?
- Who was the main competitor and made it to the bridge?
- Who was the first to leave the competition?

The riddle of the isosceles triangle
Math math tales can be very entertaining and contain hidden questions at their core.
In one state there lived a family of the Triangle: mother-side, father-side and son-foundation. It's time to choose a bride for my son.
A Foundation was very modest and cowardly. He was afraid of everything new, but there is nothing to do, you need to get married. Then his mother and father found him a good bride - Median from a neighboring kingdom. But Mediana had a terribly nasty nanny who gave our fiancé a whole test.
Help the unlucky Foundation solve the difficult problems of Geometry's nanny and marry Median. Here are the questions themselves:
- Tell me which triangle is called an isosceles triangle.
- What is the difference between an isosceles triangle and an equilateral triangle?
- Who is the Median and what is its speci alty?

Riddle of proportions
In one direction, not far from the realm of Arithmetic, lived four gnomes. They were called Here, There, Where and How. Each New Year, one of them brought a small Christmas tree one meter high. They dressed her up with 62 balloons, one icicle and one star. But one day they all decided to go for the Christmas tree together. And chosethey are the most beautiful and the highest. They brought it home, but it turned out that there were few decorations. They measured the tree, and it turned out to be six times larger than usual.
Calculate how many decorations the dwarves need to buy using the proportion.
Hero of the Planet Violet
As a result of research, it was found that intelligent beings live on the planet Violet. It was decided to send an expedition there. Kolya was a part of the team. It so happened that only he managed to get to the planet. There is nothing to do, you need to carry out a responsible task from Earth.
As it turned out, all the inhabitants of the planet lived in round houses, because the population did not know how to calculate the area of rectangles. The earthlings decided to help them, and Kolya had to do it.
But the boy didn't know geometry very well. He did not want to study, he always copied his homework. There is nothing to do, you need to figure out how to teach the residents of Violet to find the required area. With great difficulty, Kolya remembered that one square with a side of 1 cm has an area of 1 sq. cm, and a square with a side of 1 m - 1 sq. m. and so on. Reasoning like this, Kolya drew a rectangle and divided it into squares of 1 cm each. It fit 12 of them, 4 on one side and three on the other.
Then Kolya drew another rectangle, but with 30 squares. Of these, 10 were placed along one side, 3 along the other.
Help Kolya calculate the area of the rectangles. Write down the formula.
Can you compose your own math stories or problems?