What does the word "praise" mean? What is its interpretation? The article tells about the meaning of the word "praise". The interpretation of this language unit is revealed. This noun is often used in modern speech, so you should familiarize yourself with its lexical meaning.
Interpretation of the word
Let's figure out what praise is. It is no secret that the interpretation of any speech unit is in the dictionary. You can simply open it and find the word of interest. It is important not to memorize the wrong interpretation, so that later you do not get into funny situations because of your ignorance.

So, the noun "praise" has the following lexical meaning: a good review of someone, approval expressed in relation to someone or something. That is, such a word is called a positive attitude.
There are several situations that can be used to illustrate what praise is. You carefully prepare for the test in the Russian language. Conscientiously study the material, do the exercises. And now you get the coveted "five". And your parents give you praise: they say how well done you are that you were able to get the highestmark.
Let's take another situation. The whole family had dinner. Naturally, after the meal, a mountain of dirty dishes remained. Mom is going to wash it. But then you decide to release her from this duty and volunteer to wash the dishes yourself. What do you get praise for? You helped your mother, you did a good deed.
Sample sentences
Everyone knows that words shouldn't be dead weight. They must be constantly used in speech, otherwise they will be forgotten very soon. To forever understand what praise is, it is worth using this noun in sentences.
- For all the hard work I've done, I've been getting some well-deserved praise.
- You won't get praise from him, this man is greedy for kind words.
- What could be better than sincere praise from your loved one?
- Katya loves praise so much that she is ready to do anything for the sake of a flattering review addressed to her.
- Kids, which one of you loves praise?
- Insincere praise is frustrating, because a person immediately feels that he is simply flattered, and not sincerely admired.
- Igor, to understand the meaning of the word "praise", do a good deed.
- Children often confuse praise with flattery.
- Praise is extremely self-flattering, so if you want to befriend someone, give them a sincere compliment.
- It can be seen that the girl was greedy for praise, she liked it when others admired her.

Synonyms for the word
The following sentences helped me remember what praise is. But sometimes it's a nounoccurs several times in the same text. This leads to repetition, which makes it extremely difficult to perceive information. To make your text easy and understandable, it is better to resort to synonyms. The word "praise" has several words with similar interpretations.

- Approval. My work was approved by the jury, it was recognized as the best, and I was awarded a prize.
- Praise. His praise was insincere, he seemed to be spitting it through his teeth.
- Praise. I do not need your praise, I know that there is no truth in it.
- Ode. The girl with a satisfied smile listened to the odes describing her lovely appearance and outstanding mind.
- Compliment. Is there anything sweeter than a sincere compliment?
The noun "praise" has a fairly simple meaning. This word is good because it does not have a direct or figurative lexical meaning. Everything is clear enough.
To consolidate the interpretation of a word, it is better to use it more often in communicative situations. Otherwise, the noun will simply be forgotten.
If necessary, you can use synonyms. However, they should not distort the meaning of the sentence. For example, it is not always possible to use the word "ode". It is important to analyze each specific speech situation.