Underly is The real meaning of an obsolete word

Underly is The real meaning of an obsolete word
Underly is The real meaning of an obsolete word

There are many words in our language, the meaning of which is not immediately clear due to the obsolescence of those language forms from which they were formed. Therefore, one often has to guess about their meaning and meaning, but this does not guarantee the correctness of their interpretation. For example, the adverb “latently”, hearing it, one can only guess what it means.

Associations and the real meaning of the word "underlying"

If you rely only on associations, then the interpretation of a word can be very different from its true meaning. For example, in the online dictionary of associations, the word “latent” can be: idea, meaning, line, accumulation, fear, impact, layer, polarity, fame, and so on. That is, it is precisely such, completely unusual images that people have when they hear this word.

Some believe that the word means "at the same time, at the same time, in the meantime", others under the adverb "underlying" mean "implicitly, subconsciously." And in most cases, both meanings that are embedded in the word do not violate the harmony of the text, but still the first option leads to inaccuracies in understanding, and the second - moreclose to its true value.

Actually, "under the bushel" means something hidden, hidden.

The word "hidden" means hidden
The word "hidden" means hidden

Meaning and usage of the word "spud"

"Spud" is the Old Slavonic name for a bucket.

Dictionary of the Russian language edited by Evgenyeva A. P. defines the word "spud":

  1. Cache, closed place, vault. In this sense, the word was used in Zhukovsky's "God's Judgment on the Bishop", in Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar S altan", in the work "Poshekhonskaya Old" by S altykov-Shchedrin.
  2. Cargo, heaviness. The word was used in this meaning by Goncharov in the work "Frigate" Pallas, Leskov in "Scarecrow".

The word "spud" is used only in oblique cases:

  • In the genitive in combination with the preposition "from under";
  • In the accusative and instrumental - in combination with the preposition "under".

For example:

  • "To extract from under the bushel". The phrase has the meaning "to start using something that was inactive."
  • "Put under a bushel". The expression has the opposite meaning, that is, postpone something, do not apply.
  • "Keep something under a bushel" - means that something is in oblivion, without use.

Meaning of the word "underlying" in dictionaries

The old expression "under the bushel" means something secret, hidden, hidden.

Dal's dictionary defines: "latent" is "lying without use, idle".

The explanatory dictionary of Efremova says that the wordhas the meaning: "secret, hidden".

The word "latent" is synonymous with (indicated in the dictionary edited by Trishin V. N.): not manifested openly, hidden, hidden, secret, secret, secret, undercover.

Dictionary edited by Ushakov D. N. indicates that the term can be interpreted as "unused", "not moving", "hidden".

The word "hidden" means "hidden"
The word "hidden" means "hidden"

The adjective "underlying" is obsolete, it is practically not used in colloquial speech, the only place where it can be found is in works of fiction and in Old Slavonic books. The word is very interesting and has several meanings.
