The word "tya" is an obsolete "dad"

The word "tya" is an obsolete "dad"
The word "tya" is an obsolete "dad"

There are many words in Russian that are not used today or their use is minimized.

Among such words, tyatya is an obsolete meaning of the word "dad", "father". It has been used since the time of the Rurikids, that is, from the 9th century. More often it could be heard from the lips of a child, this is an affectionate designation, in the roots of which lies the designation of the protector and head of the family.

Tatya is an unused word

After centuries, new things appeared in everyday life of people that had their own names. Old items, going out of use, were forgotten. Words with foreign roots were transferred into Russian speech, replacing old obsolete designations.

Russian family
Russian family

The origin of the affectionate name of father, father or dad lies in the origins of the Russian language. In a peasant environment, children often called their fathers the simple word "tya". Related to historicism, tyatya is obsolete,word not used today. Among the forgotten definitions are the following: a hryvnia - an ornament around the neck, a brush - a dish (food), a business card - men's clothing, a prototype of a modern jacket, the name of which comes from the fact that they put on a thing to visit.

Origin of the word

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin made a huge contribution to the expansion of the linguistics of Russian speech. He is given the merit of introducing the word of French origin "dad" into speech. In Russian, the stress is placed on the first syllable. Instead of aunt, tato, father or literary "father", the word "dad" began to be actively used. And the old designations are no longer used.

In etymological dictionaries one can find assumptions about the origin of the word "tya". It is explained as invented by children to designate their father, due to undelivered speech. That is, baby talk marked the parent as a baby.

There are also theories of origin from the Turkic language, Hittite, Greek or Serbian. Each of which has a word with the same meaning and very close pronunciation.

Volcano on the Kuril Islands

The origin of the name of the volcano, located on the territory of the Kuril Reserve, comes from the indigenous inhabitants of this territory. The Ainu called him Father Mountain, the Japanese called him Tyatya-Dake, hence the Russian name Tyatya, that is, father, dad.

Volcano on the Kuril Islands
Volcano on the Kuril Islands

He is the most active of the Kuril volcanoes. Its activity today is weak, mainly there is an emission of smoke from the side crater. The largest eruption was recorded in 1973, it led to a series of fires. A similar phenomenon occurred in 1812.

Scientists failed to accurately determine Tyatya's age. It is only known that this is one of the oldest active volcanoes on the Kuril Islands. Its height reaches about 1.8 km.

Today, there are popular tourist routes to the top of this formidable mountain.
