Who are the heroes? Heroes of time, literary and other heroes

Who are the heroes? Heroes of time, literary and other heroes
Who are the heroes? Heroes of time, literary and other heroes

Answer the question: "Who are the heroes?" Starting from the early years of our lives, we listen to stories about brave warriors, people who accomplished a feat, about dogs and other animals that saved human lives. In our view, a hero is a brave, selfless person who is ready to help at any moment. They admire him, they praise him, they talk about him … That's who the heroes are, according to many. Ordinary people are far from them. But is it?

who is the epic hero
who is the epic hero

Heroes are ordinary people

In fact, heroes are basically ordinary people. The only thing that sets them apart from the rest is their purpose in life. The hero always has a goal to live for the sake of others. Such people never do anything for themselves. They see the essence of human existence, suffering, the problems of our kind, it hurts them to look at unemployment, poverty, disease, war and famine. That's who they are. Heroes are people living among us, under certain conditions and the desire to approach them, everyone can.

Distinctive features of heroes

Hero of Glorynot looking. She finds it herself. He simply lives as he considers right, his conscience is unshakable and pure. Heroes are not always accepted and recognized. They always have a lot of envious people who strive to destroy or frame them. However, they endure all troubles with a smile, without losing faith in the best for all of us. So, we answered the question: "Who are the heroes?" However, the topic can be explored in more detail. There are different types of heroes. We invite you to get to know them better.

who is a hero in literature
who is a hero in literature

Heroes of our time

As you know, each era is characterized by its heroes. Who are the heroes of time, and what is "our time" in general? Goethe once said through Faust that the spirit of the times is "the spirit of professors and their concepts." Perhaps there really is no time with its spirit, but only us with our dreams and ideals, ideas, fashion, opinions and other "cultural baggage", fickle and changeable. We, wandering from the past to the future for someone…

Heroes of our time can be both concrete personalities and fictional characters, collective images that have appeared thanks to literature, cinema or folklore. For example, Pechorin was such a hero. This is an image created by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, a man with a strong inner world, opposing the grayness of society with a bright personality.

who are the heroes
who are the heroes

The origin of the word "hero"

The very word "hero" came from the AncientGreece. In translation, it means "guardian", "protector", etymologically connected with the name of Hera, the patron goddess of vows and marriage. A similar concept in Latin means "to keep the whole".

A mythological hero is usually the son of an immortal father and a mortal mother. A typical example is Hercules. He was born on earth and after numerous trials returned to his immortal father, finally overcoming his earthly, mortal nature. Through his deeds, Hercules showed the way to humanity.

That's what a real hero is. His distinguishing feature is his enormous physical strength. In Russian culture, physical strength has also always been held in high esteem. Every person living in Russia knows who an epic hero is. Even a child can tell what qualities Russian bogatyrs possessed.

who are the heroes of time
who are the heroes of time

Various meanings that are invested today in the concept of "hero"

Today we use the word "hero" in a variety of senses, which are sometimes very far from the original. There are, for example, heroes of war and labor, theatrical, bookish, cinematographic, lyrical and tragic. The concept has changed, but is not outdated. Still, something else lives in us, forcing the soul to look for landmarks in this world. In such role models, as if in focus, everything valuable and the best that we ourselves strive for is collected. Therefore, speaking about what kind of heroes we have today, one can judge about us, about the values that are dear and important to us.


Who is a hero in literature? This person is multifaceted and complex. She has two appearances - internal and external.

who is the real hero
who is the real hero

The following components create the appearance:

  1. Portrait. This is a figure, face, body features that distinguish the hero from the rest (for example, Karenin's ears or Quasimodo's hump).
  2. Clothes that may also reflect the traits of a particular character.
  3. Speech. Her features, no less than her appearance, characterize the hero.
  4. Age that determines the potential for certain activities.
  5. Profession showing the degree of socialization, position in society of a hero.
  6. Life story. This is information about the parents, the country in which he lives, which give historical concreteness to the hero.
  7. The components of the internal appearance are as follows:
  • Ethical beliefs and worldview, endowing with value orientations, bringing meaning to the existence of the hero.
  • Affections and thoughts outlining his varied spiritual life.
  • Faith (or lack thereof), which determines the attitude towards the church and God, presence in the spiritual field.
  • Deeds and statements that indicate the results of the interaction of the spirit and soul of a certain hero. He can not only love, reason, but also analyze his activities, be aware of his own emotions, in other words, reflect. Artistic reflection allows the author of a literary work to reveal the self-esteem of the hero as a person,describe his attitude towards himself.

One can talk about who the heroes are for quite a long time. However, we will limit ourselves to the above. These are, in our opinion, the most essential points worth remembering.
