Professional words: examples. Professionalisms in Russian

Professional words: examples. Professionalisms in Russian
Professional words: examples. Professionalisms in Russian

The words of each language are far from the same in terms of whether they are used by all native speakers or only by certain groups. Some lexemes can be understood only by representatives of a certain profession, they are called “professional words”, examples: in the speech of printers it is “pantone” (ready-made paint of a certain shade), “full color” (printing an edition with all the colors that are needed to fully transmit a color image). Of course, first of all, terms are meant, but no less, and perhaps more often, ordinary words are transformed in a professional environment.

professional words examples
professional words examples

Scientific terminology

So, the most typical examples of professional words are terms. They form the core and basis of this vocabulary group. Terms are words whose meaning tends to be strict. The work to ensure that these words are understood by the professional community is equally, unequivocally, carried out by those who are engaged in scientific work. Often the dispute about the meaning of a particular term isthe essence of a voluminous scientific discussion. As a rule, these are the most general terms, the understanding of which determines the understanding of the problem as a whole and sets the meaning of narrower terms.

An example of a scientific dispute about the meaning of a professional word

For example, among linguists, such an example of professional words is “bilingualism”. It seems that the meaning of this term is transparent, literally it means "bilingualism", that is, the ability of a person to speak two languages. However, some scientists and practitioners call bilingualism an exclusively natural and complete knowledge of two languages, when a person lives in a country where both languages are in demand (for example, in Canada or Australia), while others believe that even someone who studies a foreign language can be called bilingual. language at school and can speak or at least read at a minimal level. From the outside it may seem that this is just a dispute about the word, but behind it is the problem of understanding the essence of language skills, mastering speech, and this dispute itself is very productive from the point of view of the development of the science of language.

Examples of terms with a narrow meaning

Most of the terms have a strict meaning, and they are familiar to the average native speaker insofar as he has to deal with the very scope of their use. For example, a person who brought a dog to a veterinary clinic immediately plunges into an unusual topic for his everyday life and involuntarily perceives and uses medical professional words (examples of words: puncture, hepatoprotector, plasma, dehydration, vaccine, symptom, syndrome). The same goes for anya person ordering, say, a printing service for an album, business cards, books, or brochures. He will have to deal with printing professional words, examples of which are familiar to many: flyleaf, binding, offset, risography, layout, etc.

professional words examples of words
professional words examples of words

Professional slang

As already mentioned, professionalism includes not only terms, but also widespread words in which a new meaning understandable only to specialists is embedded, these are also professional words (examples and their meaning: “broken” is called in the computer environment what does not work as a specialist (broken link - leading to a non-existent page); "magnet" emergency doctors call magnesium sulfate; by "pajamas" designers mean the name of the Paige Maker program).

In addition, the speech of specialists can be filled with words formed from names, terms and names, foreign words, abbreviations. They also refer to professional words (examples of words: photoshop (“Let me photoshop her after all”) - process the image in the Photoshop program, quark (“Have you been quarking for a long time?”) - work in the Quark Express program).

professional words examples
professional words examples

The appearance of such and similar words in the speech of specialists can be explained by the fact that the language as a whole strives for expressiveness and at the same time for capacity; speech is met with resistance, andterms are transformed or replaced.

Thus, professional words are that part of the vocabulary that is mostly in demand and understandable to representatives of certain professions. First of all, this is scientific and professional terminology, and secondly, it is its transformation, or ordinary language words used in a narrow special meaning.
