For ordinary Russian applicants, Oxford is something unattainable, one might even say, a magical institution for the elite. A beautiful old building, green lawns, students in robes, wise professors, rich libraries - all this seems somehow distant and unreal. On the one hand, this is true, because it is very difficult to get into the university, but if you make every effort, you can fulfill your cherished dream - to get an education at Oxford.
Oxford University is one of the oldest educational institutions, the first mention of it was found in documents in 1096, although the exact date of foundation is unknown. At first, monks studied there, and in the Middle Ages - members of high society, since in those days education was mandatory for all the nobility. Today, Oxford graduates young professionals who are confident in their abilities, who know their own worth, and who are able to achieve their goals.

Graduates of this university hold senior positions in serious companies. They are entrusted with the most responsible work, because if theywere trained at Oxford, which means they know how to find a way out of any situation, quickly adapt to a new place, switch to certain duties. These are the people that successful companies need. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to guess why many people dream of becoming students of this university. How to get into Oxford?

Of course, the applicant must be fluent in English, but this knowledge is not enough to be sure of admission. The competition is very big, so everyone who wants to go through a rigorous selection by university teachers. Before you enter Oxford, you need to undergo high-quality preparation. It is best to start in high school, a couple of years before passing exams at the university. The ideal option is to study at one of the prestigious schools in the UK.
In advance, you need to take care of acquiring certificates indicating that you have passed three English language proficiency exams. It does not hurt to undergo special training for foreign students in one of the summer centers. If possible, you should transfer to one of the prestigious schools in the UK. Do not forget about academic performance, marks in all subjects should be as high as possible. This approach to business in the future will help you join the ranks of the students of a respected university, and not puzzle over how to enter Oxford.

First of all, you need to write an application on a special form and send it to the university. After a positive answer, you need to gotesting and interview with Oxford professors. It is necessary to show all your knowledge and skills, the university must be interested in the applicant. To stand out, you can talk about your scientific or sporting achievements.
The selection committee must provide a full package of documents exactly at the specified time. You should leave your contact details so that the university can contact the student and notify him of his decision. This is where all the recommendations on how to enter Oxford come to an end. After enrollment, all that remains is to get a visa and go to study in the UK with peace of mind.