Law universities in Russia. Which to choose?

Law universities in Russia. Which to choose?
Law universities in Russia. Which to choose?

There is no doubt that today being a lawyer is prestigious, fashionable and sometimes simply necessary. Modern Russian and world realities put ordinary citizens in difficult bureaucratic situations where knowledge of the legislative framework is required. And there are such collisions at every step: from buying a car to defending your rights in court.

Russian law schools
Russian law schools

In addition, a lawyer is still one of the highest paid professions, which provides great prospects for work in the state, judicial and law enforcement spheres.

In order to become a first-class specialist in your field, you need to get a good education. What are the features for admission and who is in the top ranking of law schools in Russia? Read more about it below.

Features of obtaining a legal education

The legal speci alty hides in itself different areas and profiles, which many applicants do not even suspect: forensics, law enforcement, legal support of national security, jurisprudence. From this list, everyone can choose what they like best.

There are law schools in Russia withbudget places, but there are not many of them. Basically, higher education in this area is paid.

Higher legal education in Russia is divided into several levels:

  • undergraduate;
  • magistracy;
  • graduate school;
  • doctorate.

It is enough to get a bachelor's degree to start a business, a master's degree allows you to apply for high positions in the civil service, and the last steps are necessary for those who plan to work in the scientific and teaching fields.

What forms of education are there?

At the moment in Russia there are several options for completing training programs. Full-time education is considered the most popular and full-fledged, which includes a large number of classroom hours, practical classes, conversations, excursions and creative blocks.

Distance learning is more convenient for those who work, receive parallel higher education, or for some reason cannot constantly attend classes. However, in this situation, the training period is increased by 1-1.5 years. In this case, the emphasis is on the independent work of students, which is several dozen times higher than the amount due to full-time students.

Recently, distance learning has been actively developing. Many prestigious law universities have already introduced this form of teaching, it is convenient because almost all lectures are conducted via the Internet, and you only need to come to the university to defend your thesis.

From the background and part-time education, although,of course, it is the most convenient for those who work (classes are held either in the evening or early in the morning).

Legal universities in Russia, the rating of which is presented below, are the foundation of our country in this direction, all the rest are equal to these institutions.

5th place - MGIMO

rating of legal universities in Russia
rating of legal universities in Russia

International relations is a complex process that requires special skills and training, thorough knowledge of state and international law. MGIMO is a law school in Russia that trains international specialists who stand up for the protection of the rights of citizens and the country at the planetary level.

The main legal focus is on the Faculty of International Law.

Main areas of training:

  • international law;
  • administrative and financial law;
  • European law;
  • international private and civil law;

Under the program "Jurisprudence" you can study both at the bachelor's degree and at the master's and postgraduate studies.

One of the features of studying at MGIMO is the obligatory study of several languages, so law graduates can apply for jobs in foreign countries.

Average tuition fee: 400 thousand rubles per academic year, and the passing score is around 320-340.

4th place - St. Petersburg State University

legal universities in Russia state
legal universities in Russia state

St. Petersburg University is the oldest law school in Russia. The decision to create it belongs to Peter I. Despiteactive beginning, the activities of the university quickly faded and revived only under Alexander I. The first lawyers began to study in 1820. Then there were great historical upheavals, and full-fledged work began after the Great Patriotic War.

At the moment, more than 1500 students study at the Faculty of Law, frequent guests of lectures are:

  • Minister of Justice Konovalov A. V.;
  • Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation Krashennikova P. V.;
  • Skolkovo Legal Director Drozdova I. A. and many other domestic and foreign legal figures.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a special graduate of St. Petersburg State University.

Average annual tuition fee: 200-270 thousand, passing score - 280-330.

3rd place – RUDN University

prestigious law schools
prestigious law schools

Peoples' Friendship University is a multinational legal university in Russia that trains specialists for work in various countries.

In the new 1961 academic year, the RUDN University Law Department opened its gates, soon it became an independent faculty, and then an institute.

Main Departments of the Institute:

  • land and environmental law;
  • international law;
  • forensic activities;
  • theories of state and law and 8 more structural departments.

Bachelor's degree can be obtained in International Law or General Law.

Foreign partners of RUDN University are universities in countries such as Belgium,Spain, China, France, Vietnam, Austria and more.

Average tuition fee per year: 310 thousand rubles, the average passing score is 270-280.

2nd place – Moscow State Law Academy

legal universities in Russia with state-funded places
legal universities in Russia with state-funded places

This state law school of Russia has been operating since 1931. The first graduates studied the foundations of Soviet law.

Today there are more than twenty graduating departments, including:

  • criminology;
  • international law;
  • constitutional and municipal law;
  • banking law;
  • integration and European law.

The Moscow State Law Academy conducts active research activities, there are scientific and educational centers that study issues of private law, criminology, intellectual property, protection of business and entrepreneurship, the modern state and law in it.

In total, more than 13 thousand students study at the university, the average tuition fee is around 300-350 thousand per year, the passing score is 290-330.

Among the well-known graduates of the Moscow State Law Academy are State Duma deputy I. V. Lebedev, TV presenter Andreeva E. S., famous billionaire R. A. Abramovich and many others.

1st place - Moscow State University

list of law schools in moscow
list of law schools in moscow

Heads the list of law schools in Moscow and Russia, the undisputed leader in many respects - Moscow State University.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University began its work in 1755.

Main departments:

  • civil law;
  • labor law;
  • financial law;
  • history of state and law;
  • criminology and more than 10 divisions.

Research is carried out by various scientific and educational centers in the following areas: environmental law, Roman private law, theory of state and law, current problems of international law and many others.

The average annual cost of education is 400 thousand rubles, the passing score is from 352.

Thus, Russia's top five law schools are mostly concentrated in Moscow. However, this does not mean that there are no more worthy educational institutions of this profile in Russia.
