Viktor Tsoi has long been considered a cult figure in Russian rock. He was born in 1962. And in what year did Tsoi Viktor die? This sad information is known to all his fans. In August 1990, he was gone. It is not difficult to calculate at what age Tsoi died? He was only 28. According to the official version, he fell asleep at the wheel on the highway, colliding with an oncoming Ikarus.

Other versions, except for an accident, were not considered at all. But many still believe that not everything is so transparent in this terrible story … How did Viktor Tsoi really die? Let's look at some versions of that terrible event.
Last year
By 1990, Viktor Tsoi was already very popular and was considered a real star, the idol of millions. He appeared in public with two bodyguards and behaved like the hero of some blockbuster. In addition, the most successful album in terms of concept and creativity called "Blood Type" has already been recorded. After that, according to music critics, Choigenerally could not write anything for at least two years.
But in 1989, Victor and his comrades went on their first trip abroad. He ended up in France. And it was here that the musicians released their next album, The Last Hero. A few months later, the Kino group crossed the ocean and ended up in the United States. At the same time, the film "Needle" was released, where the singer played the main role. After that, at one of the film festivals, Tsoi was recognized as the best Soviet actor.

In the early summer of 1990, the big Kino tour ended. The last concert was the group's performance at Luzhniki. It was there, for the first time since the Summer Olympics in 1980, that a fire was lit in the Olympic Bowl. The next tour was scheduled for autumn. The musicians were going to go with concerts to the Land of the Rising Sun.
The same fateful summer, Choi, in order to combine business with pleasure, rented a small house near Jurmala, brought his son there, rested and at the same time composed new songs. Together with guitarist Y. Kasparyan, he practically recorded material for the next disc. Subsequently, this disc will be called the "Black Album". After Tsoi's death, the album was sold out in millions of copies. Much credit for this belongs to the group's producer Yuri Aizenshpis.
Last Producer
Tsoi's first acquaintance with Aizenshpis happened in the second half of 1988. After some time, Yuri became the director of the group, and since 1989 - a producer. Actually, he himself referred to himself as "the first producer in the Soviet Union." howAs a rule, Aizenshpis took already formed teams under his wing. After that, he arranged tours. He coped with this task perfectly.
It was the same with Kino. Aizenshpis managed to organize frequent broadcasts on Soviet television (for example, in the program "Vzglyad"). Thanks to this, the group instantly gained all-Union popularity, and the leader of the team Choi woke up as a superstar.

Also, Aizenshpis made a crazy schedule of tours around the country. So, he agreed that his ward team would give four concerts a day. Seventy thousand fans came to the last performance of the group in Luzhniki, which was mentioned above. Note that all tickets for the concert were sold out in just two days.
Nevertheless, the musicians of "Kino" were on the verge of physical exhaustion. According to the group members, this crazy ches was no longer interesting to anyone. However, this tour turned out to be very profitable. For example, three months before Tsoi's death, Aizenshpis handed him the ill-fated dark blue Moskvich-2141.
Killer Car
In those days, this car was considered very prestigious and fashionable. "Moskvich" had a good engine, a fairly spacious interior and, of course, an attractive appearance. But at a speed of 90 km / h, this model did not feel the road at all. In addition, there was a significant problem with the brakes.
For Tsoi, this "Moskvich" was the first and last personal car. It is difficult to say whether he could have purchased a different car in 1990. After all, it was then thatforeign cars began to penetrate the automobile market of the Soviet Union. Of course, it was a rather expensive product, and their owners, accordingly, were still few. At that time, no one thought about the security systems of such cars, because, first of all, the very fact of the presence of cars transferred the owner to a different rank. But "Moskvich" Tsoi lost much to foreign counterparts in terms of quality. Apparently, this imperfection played a role in the death of the performer. How did Choi die? What happened on that fateful day?
Fatal Morning
Where did Viktor Tsoi die? Recall that after the summer tour, the singer and his son were in the B altic States. On August 15, at about three in the morning, he went fishing in his car. The forest lake where he fished was located nearby - it's a fifteen-minute drive along a familiar road, the Sloka-Tulsa highway.
The performer was completely sober. Be that as it may, over the past two days he did not drink alcohol at all. Fortunately, the singer did not take his young son to morning fishing, although he was very fond of fishing with his father. But on the 15th, for some reason, he decided not to go fishing.

How did Viktor Tsoi die? On the way back at 11.30 near the town of Tukums, at a speed of 130 km / h, Tsoi's car flew into the oncoming lane, where it collided with the Ikarus. The impact was devastating. The collision "Ikarus" fell into the river, its driver, fortunately, was not injured. There were no passengers in the cabin. Tsoi's car was thrown twenty meters. The engine was found 50 meters from the Moskvich. In fact,only one trunk remained from the car. The death of the idol came instantly. At what age did Choi die? We already mentioned this - the performer was only 28.
When the singer's body was opened, forensic experts got down to business. Thus, Tsoi's brain cells were examined. Judging by the results, at the time of the accident, the performer was probably asleep, and from overwork. Actually, because of this, a terrible fatal accident occurred. Note that the re-examination has never been carried out.
The death of Viktor Tsoi was a real shock for a huge army of fans. The death of an idol was sudden. That is why many categorically refused to believe in the reality of what actually happened. Everyone wondered: why did Viktor Tsoi die? How could this happen? Fans wrote on the walls: "Tsoi is alive!". And several connoisseurs of creativity "Kino", they say, committed suicide. Tsoi died at the age of only 28, and it's really hard to believe that a person full of vitality and energy is no more.
The relatives of the deceased demanded that they bury him exclusively in a closed coffin. From a terrible blow in an accident, the singer's body has changed beyond recognition. The funeral of the Kino leader took place in the northern capital on August 19. Thousands of fans arrived in the city to say goodbye to the idol. The last refuge for the singer was the Theological Churchyard.
The only witness
So why did Choi die? After the funeral ceremony, it became known that the investigation, which was carried out hastily, did not consider any versions, except for an accident. Viktor Tsoi,apparently fell asleep at the wheel. Indirectly, this proves that the Moskvich did not have a brake track on a sharp turn. In principle, this version is more than convincing: great speed and lack of sleep. But the Ikarus was empty and, accordingly, no one can confirm how fast Tsoi's car was rushing.

The only eyewitness to this deadly accident was the driver of the ill-fated bus named Janis Fibix. By the way, after the accident, he again continued to drive passenger vehicles. How did Choi die? What testimony did the driver of the Ikarus give? August 15, 1990, of course, he remembers. He told how the Moskvich suddenly appeared and hit the Ikarus. There were no other details. Accordingly, the traffic police relied on the testimony of one witness Phoebex. And this has led many to question the cause of this deadly incident.
Versions of the death of the singer
So, in 1990 (Viktor Tsoi died 28 years ago), the version about the deliberate murder of the singer was actively supported. Among the motives were the distribution of proceeds from concert activities, copyrights and, of course, the change of Kino producers. Others argued that the premature death of a musician is beneficial to many, since Tsoi was not at all shy about singing "in a forbidden format." On the other hand, he never quarreled with the capital's show mafia. He more than satisfied them.
How did Choi die? Another version is connected with Victor's suicide. In any case, some of his fans were sure that their idol had committed suicide. Among the reasons - fatigue from the crazy tour schedule, difficult relationship with his beloved wife and, as a result, severe depression. In fact, it all sounds rather strange. Moreover, many remembered how organically the singer entered the hypostasis of a rock hero. Accordingly, it is unlikely that Tsoi would have chosen such a method of suicide and began to ram a large bus. In the end, the singer's relatives did not notice that something was weighing heavily on him then.

Thus, there is no talk of suicide or contract killing at all, and the official version of the accident looks quite plausible. True, many doubted that Viktor Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel. So, the team manager said that the singer was a collected and pedantic person. He was engaged in martial arts and generally led a rather sporty lifestyle. Viktor Tsoi was punctual and able to concentrate. Therefore, according to him, he could not just fall asleep. Others believe that the cause of the trouble was a small driving experience. He could be distracted by something. Well, of course, I felt tired due to night fishing.
What other versions were considered? How did Choi die? Many argue that the performer a priori could put the cassette in his car radio. Accordingly, he was distracted from the traffic at the fatal turn of the track. As for the cassette, he could listen to rough material for the new album. But the guitarist Y. Kasparyan categorically denied this version. The fact is that on August 15, 1990, Tsoi did not have such a tape. According to Kasparyan, in those days he specially came toJurmala with appropriate equipment. Together with Tsoi, they arranged new songs. After that, Kasparyan took the cassette and went home to Leningrad. And a few hours later I learned about the tragedy.
The singer's widow Marianna also never believed that his beloved husband could just fall asleep at the wheel. She tried in every possible way to communicate with the driver of the ill-fated Ikarus, but this did not happen. Nevertheless, she was sure that the tragedy involving her dead husband was a banal car accident. At the same time, the violation of the accident was on the part of Victor. Still, it was he who crashed into the oncoming lane.
The musician's mother also doubted that her son had fallen asleep at the wheel. According to her, he was a rather balanced and calm person. The music just distracted him. And thus he did not control the road. If he was working on a new record, then while driving he could scroll through all the options. “Musicians shouldn’t drive at all!” she confessed.
And Tsoi's friends arranged an experiment on purpose. They came to Latvia and repeated the tragic route of their dead friend. They came to the conclusion that the official version is still convincing. According to them, Victor is the indirect culprit of the accident. After an intense touring schedule, his body was physically and mentally exhausted. Therefore, on the day of the tragedy, the singer, returning from night fishing, nevertheless fell asleep at the wheel.
An unexpected witness
Almost twenty years after Tsoi's death, a letter arrived at the editorial office of one of the well-known publications. The addressee was a Riga resident Janis. In the letter, he confessed thatinvolved in the fatal death of the singer, and also told how Choi died. According to him, some "customers" asked him to intimidate Tsoi. On August 15, 1990, he and his friends arrived at the forest lake, where the singer was fishing at that time. As a result, the verbal squabble turned into a fight. Choi was the winner. Using martial arts techniques, he laid down all the opponents, and he himself rushed to the car, slamming on the gas. Perhaps this conflict was the real cause of the fatal accident on the highway.

Of course, the media wanted to find this Janis. And they almost succeeded. But strong men arrived at the meeting. They advised them not to interfere at all in this matter. To be honest, this version and the existence of a certain Janis still raise obvious doubts.
But a man who introduced himself as Viktor Tsoi called another edition of a popular publication. According to him, he is alive, and in 1990 there was a terrible mistake. Allegedly, he was tired of everything and disappeared, having moved to Japan. There he runs the auto business and continues to write.
By and large, the untimely death of the singer contributed to the great popularity of the Kino team. And the very death of the leader created a kind of cult of the deceased hero.
- As mentioned above, after the death of V. Tsoi, the posthumous album "Kino" appeared. The musicians had to write and put together the record themselves. It was called "The Black Album". The group's subsequent recordings have always sold out quickly.
- A little later, a documentary appeared"Death Turn". The tape has all versions of the fatal accident. There is also a story that the singer is still alive.
- Where Choi died, now there is a monument to the singer. The height of the figure is almost 2.5 m. Fans of Tsoi's work collected money for the monument.
- In 2009, in Tsoi's hometown - in St. Petersburg, on Nevsky Prospekt - a plaster sculpture of the performer was installed. True, the monument did not last long. The place of the sculpture was constantly changing. The situation is still uncertain.
- At the end of autumn 2010, the country's first permanent monument to the singer was opened in Barnaul.
- The most famous "living" wall, which is dedicated to the memory of Tsoi, is located on the Arbat. In 2006 it was painted over by vandals. Fortunately, the wall was completely restored by the singer's fans.
- Such walls of Tsoi exist in almost every city. So, the Dnieper also has its own wall of Tsoi. In fact, it is unofficially not only a memorial, but also a meeting place for admirers of the musician's work. There is also a similar memorial in the capital of Belarus. It has been around since the mid 90s. This wall of Tsoi was repeatedly transferred to another place. Now she is in Lyakhovsky Square.