Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov was formed on the basis of the Pedagogical and Energy Institutes. The decision to form an educational institution was made in 1967, on August 17. The faculties of economics, chemistry, history and philology, the electrification of industry, and electrical engineering were part of the ChGU. There were seven structural units in total. CSU address: Cheboksary, Moskovsky Ave., building 15.
Admission to the institute is carried out in accordance with the results of the USE, as well as the results of entrance examinations. Upon admission, applicants must provide all the necessary certificates, as well as original documents on education. Further in the article we will tell in more detail about the history of the university, its structure, leadership. Also, the reader will be able to get acquainted with some departments of the Institute.

General information
Chuvash University bears the name of one of the most famous domestic educators and democratic teachers. The formation of an educational institution became possible due to the achievementswhich took place in the cultural and socio-economic life of the republic. The Chuvash universities that existed at that time (MPEI (Volzhsky branch), Agricultural and Pedagogical), as well as research institutes and other scientific, industrial and cultural institutions actively contributed to the opening of the institute. The organized branch of the Power Engineering University annexed the entire staff of the Cheboksary branch of the Gorky Polytechnic University named after. Zhdanov. By 1967, the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov had the opportunity to train more than 1300 people. About 3,800 students attended evening and correspondence courses, including general technical.
Structure at the initial stage
Teaching staff consisted of almost two hundred people. Most of the staff at the same time were young professionals with high qualifications in technical sciences. Among the teaching staff there were twenty people with academic titles and degrees. Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov had an extensive and well-equipped laboratory base, dormitories for students. Students and teachers also had at their disposal a large library, the fund of which amounted to about one hundred thousand printed publications. The institute has a computer laboratory, training workshops, its own printing house, and graduation design rooms.

Chuvash University, in the process of its formation, accepted the department of history and philology into its structurePedagogical Institute, opened back in 1930. It should be said that by that time this unit had already trained about 900 people, 350 of which were full-time. In addition, the Faculty of History and Philology included a scientific and pedagogical team. The staff included thirty associate professors and three professors. For all the time of its existence, the historical and philological department has gained wide popularity and formed its own traditions. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was opened in 1968-1969. For the subsequent formation of the engineering and machine-building departments, the general technical department with correspondence and evening courses was the base. In general, all eight faculties had 45 special and general scientific departments, which provided basic and specialized training for students in fifteen different professions.

In the process of organization, Kazan State University named after A. I. Lenin. From it ten candidates and two doctors of sciences were sent to Cheboksary. The first rector to head the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov was prof. Saikin, Doctor of Engineering. Semyon Fedorovich worked for many years at the KSU. Lenin. Prof. Abrukov.
The second rector, who headed the Chuvash State University. I. N. Ulyanova, - Sidorov - for the nine years of his leadership of the institution, he did a great job ondevelopment and improvement of the educational base. Thanks to his activities, a lot of key problems were solved in a timely manner. While he is on duty, a new corps begins to be built.
Since 1990, a new rector has been selected on a competitive basis. The educational institution was headed by Professor Kurakov. On January 12, 2010, the Order on the appointment of a new rector was signed by the Federal Education Agency. Professor Agakov became them. On December 23, 2013, the Order on a new appointment would have been signed. Since 2014, A. Yu. Alexandrov has become the rector of the university. It should be noted that each leader made a feasible contribution to the development of the university. The material and technical base was continuously improved, new teaching methods were developed and introduced. The institute also practices extracurricular activities. Students actively take part in the public life of Cheboksary and the republic as a whole.

In terms of legal form, the Federal Budgetary State Educational Institution is currently considered a non-profit organization. Today CSU, where passing scores for some speci alties are quite high, is considered one of the largest educational institutions in the republic. The institute carries out its activities in accordance with a license that gives it the right to conduct training in the field of higher education. The educational institution works within the framework of the Constitutions and laws of the Russian Federation and Chuvashia.
Education quality
It should be noted that every year the institute raises the requirements for the preparation of applicants. So,for example, the passing score in 2012 was higher than in 2011. For example, in the direction of "Construction" it was 184. This was in 2012. And in 2011 there were 177. The average score according to the results of the Unified State Examination also increases significantly with the new academic year. At the same time, the leadership of the educational institution expresses the hope that every new year the institute receives a worthy replenishment of students.
Law Faculty of Chuvash State University
This unit was formed in 1991. The educational process is carried out in accordance with the curricula developed according to the Federal State Standards. The tasks of organizing pedagogical and scientific research activities are decided by the Academic Council. Acting as a structural element, the Faculty of Law sets itself the fundamental goal of providing higher specialized education that meets all the requirements of the 21st century, the realities of modern life and the demands of the labor market.

The Faculty of Law accepts students in the following areas:
- State law.
- Law enforcement.
- Criminal law.
- Administrative activities.
Postgraduate studies are carried out in the following speci alties:
- Theory and history of law and state.
- Business and civil law.
- Criminology.
- Penitentiary,international, private, family law and others.
Students and graduate students are trained in three forms: part-time, full-time and part-time. Students can be enrolled in a university on a budgetary or contract basis.

The Faculty of Law is equipped with advanced teaching equipment. Within the division there are multimedia audiences, there is a forensic laboratory, classes equipped with computers. In addition, the faculty has at its disposal a meeting room, a legal clinic. A forensic testing ground is also open for classes. The practice of students takes place in law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, the Republican Bar Association, local courts and other government agencies. The high level of students' training is confirmed by the results of accreditations, which are carried out by the Russian Association of Lawyers and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Graduates who have been educated here are not only highly qualified, but also in demand specialists in the labor market of both Chuvashia and other regions.

Other speci alties. General Medicine
A number of higher educational institutions of the republic provide training in the direction of "Medicine". However, it should be said that today there is no specialized institution in this speci alty in the region. Chuvash State Medical University is a structural subdivision of the described institute. The faculty here is made up ofhighly qualified teachers, candidates and doctors of sciences.
The Medical Institute at the State University is considered an excellent launching pad for starting an interesting and successful life. Various opportunities are open to students. All the necessary conditions have been created here to realize creative potential and achieve high goals in the medical field. The faculty does not just teach medicine. Here they instill love for the profession and patients. The faculty is equipped with the most advanced equipment. In the process of training, modern methods are used that meet Russian and international standards. Many graduates of the Institute have worldwide recognition. Educational technologies are improved every year, new methods are introduced. During the internship, students apply their theoretical knowledge. In the future, graduates become a worthy replacement for leading specialists in the field of medicine in Chuvashia and other regions of Russia.