In Khakassia, which is a republic of the Russian Federation, the road to life and science for many people is opened by Khakass State University. Katanov. This is the largest university in the named subject of the country, which claims to provide a classical education and a secure future. And it's not just words. The university produces highly qualified specialists who are in demand in the labor market. Some of them achieved success in their careers and became well-known personalities in the republic. Some of the graduates continue their studies at the university and begin to engage in scientific activities.
History of creation and modern period
Khakas State University was founded in 1994. However, this educational institution is not considered young. It adopted the traditions and experience of training qualified personnel from the Abakan Pedagogical University, which was opened in 1939 as a teacher's institute.
Today KSU is an educational institution that, in the status of a classical university, has been able to achieve a lot in a short period of time. It teaches both Russian and foreign students. Periodically, the university holds intra-university, regional, all-Russian and even international conferences. All this confirms the quality of education, the high level and authority of scientific teams.
Modern university is located in Abakan. Address: Lenina street, 90. Here is the main building. The educational institution has several more buildings located at different addresses. However, admission of applicants is conducted in the main building. This is where you need to come with documents.

Higher education at KSU: undergraduate speci alties
At the Khakass State University, applicants entering after graduation are offered a bachelor's degree. This is the first step in the system of two-level education. Among all speci alties, pedagogical ones can be distinguished. They train future primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, subject teachers.
It is also worth noting that there are popular speci alties. These include: "Economics", "Management", "Jurisprudence", "Journalism". Young men who do not like the directions listed above can choose a more interesting and suitable one for themselves (for example, "Construction", "Informatics and Computer Engineering").

Specialist inschool
Khakas State University, in addition to bachelor's degree, offers a traditional education system. It's called a specialist. In connection with the transition to a two-level education system, there are few speci alties left in the university. These include only medical.
One of the speci alties is "Medicine". It is suitable for those people who want to become doctors in the future. On a full-time basis, students study for 6 years. During this period, they study various medical disciplines, practice in clinics and hospitals.
The second medical speci alty on offer is Veterinary Medicine. The duration of study on it is 5 years full-time and 6 years part-time. In the initial courses, university students study general professional disciplines. In the future, they are introduced to clinical diagnostics, obstetrics, internal medicine and other subjects.
Magistracy directions
Master's degree is the next step in the system of higher education. The university offers more than 20 master's programs every year:
- "Psychology, clinical psychology";
- "Municipal and state administration, security of public administration and anti-corruption";
- "Jurisprudence, legal system of Russia";
- "Journalism, socially oriented journalism";
- "Pedagogical education, information technologies in education";
- Philology, Intercultural Communication and English Language, etc.
Each master's programat KSU (Abakan) includes a large amount of research work. This is the main difference between this stage of education and the areas of bachelor's and specialist's degrees. It should be noted that the master's research activities are always focused on solving practical problems in the field of economics, law, journalism, pedagogy and other sciences. Based on the results, students write master's theses.

Vocational secondary education: speci alties
Khakas State University, like many other higher educational institutions, implements secondary vocational education programs. There are about 20 of them. Programs belong to different fields of activity. For example, there are the following directions:
- "Computer systems and complexes";
- "Special Preschool Education";
- "Operation and construction of structures and buildings";
- "Fish farming and ichthyology";
- "Veterinary";
- "Nursing";
- "General Medicine";
- "Pharmacy";
- "Musical Variety Art", etc.

Rules for university admissions
When entering KSU (Abakan) for higher or secondary vocational education programs, applicants provide a standard package of documents (passport, certificate or diploma, photographs, application) to the selection committee. Bachelor's and specialist's programs require 3-4 entrance examinations. Pupilsgeneral education subjects are taken in the form of the Unified State Examination, and persons with secondary vocational and higher education take written or oral exams within the walls of the university.
When applying for programs of secondary vocational education at KSU. Katanov selection committee requires the same documents. Enrollment is carried out according to the results of the competition of certificates. In some areas of training, creative exams are established, thanks to which auditory, performing and stage data, rhythmic and musical abilities are tested.

Thus, Khakass State University is a university, thanks to which you can get both secondary vocational and higher education. A wide range of speci alties allows each applicant to choose the right path in life.