St. Petersburg Pedagogical University (RGPU named after A. I. Herzen): address, faculties, admission conditions

St. Petersburg Pedagogical University (RGPU named after A. I. Herzen): address, faculties, admission conditions
St. Petersburg Pedagogical University (RGPU named after A. I. Herzen): address, faculties, admission conditions

In St. Petersburg, one of the famous educational institutions is St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. Herzen. This is the largest university in our country. Its structure includes more than 20 different faculties and 100 departments. The educational organization trains bachelors and masters in a wide range of areas of higher pedagogical education and science. A huge number of students study here, among which there are more than 500 foreigners. This suggests that the university is famous not only in Russia, but also abroad.

History of the Pedagogical University

St. Petersburg (Russian) Pedagogical University has existed for over 200 years. The history of the university is rich in various events:

  1. The founding date of the educational organization is 1797. In those days, it was called the Orphanage, in which orphans received a profession.
  2. In 1837, the Orphans Institute appeared. Heunited the classes that existed in the Orphanage to train music teachers, mentors, governesses.
  3. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Petrograd Pedagogical Institute was founded on the basis of the Orphanage. A couple of years later he was named after A. I. Herzen.
st. petersburg pedagogical university
st. petersburg pedagogical university

School today

Currently, the university is called the Russian State Pedagogical University. This educational organization is known for the high quality of education. In 2014, the university was included in the list of the best universities in the CIS countries. In 2015, the educational organization was included in the TOP-100 higher educational institutions of our country.

The high quality of education at St. Petersburg Pedagogical University is ensured by an excellent faculty. The educational organization has more than 1,700 employees involved in the preparation of students. Of these, about 260 people are doctors of science and about 850 people are candidates of science.

Faculties and institutes that make up the university

Each institution of higher education has faculties. These are structural units that train students in one or more related areas, speci alties. Saint Petersburg Pedagogical University includes 12 faculties:

  • life safety;
  • chemistry;
  • biological;
  • Russian as a foreign language;
  • geographic;
  • fine art;
  • math;
  • social sciences;
  • human philosophy;
  • physics;
  • philological;
  • jurisprudence.

St. Petersburg Pedagogical University also has institutes. They are joint faculties. The Russian State Pedagogical University includes 16 institutes:

  • choreography, theater and music;
  • of the peoples of the North;
  • international relations;
  • psychology;
  • childhood, etc.
St. Petersburg Herzen Pedagogical University
St. Petersburg Herzen Pedagogical University

University branches

Not only those people who study in St. Petersburg can get a diploma from the Pedagogical University. Applicants from Vyborg, Makhachkala and Volkhov also have a chance:

  • in the branch of the city of Vyborg 2 undergraduate programs ("Psychological and Pedagogical Education" and "Pedagogical Education") and 3 specialist programs ("Russian Language and Literature", "Culturology" and "Foreign Language");
  • in the branch of the city of Makhachkala 3 undergraduate programs (“Pedagogical Education”, “Economics” and “Psychology”) and several specialist programs (“Economic Security”, “National Economics”, “Methodology and Pedagogy of Primary Education”, “Psychology”);
  • in the branch of the city of Volkhov 3 undergraduate programs (“Management”, “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” and “Pedagogical Education”) and 4 speci alty programs (“Russian Language and Literature”, “Mathematics”, “Foreign Language”,"Management of the organization").
Russian State Pedagogical University
Russian State Pedagogical University

Addresses of the head university and branches

Structural divisions of the Pedagogical University are dispersed throughout St. Petersburg. The main territory of the university is located in the historical center of the city and is a palace and park complex of amazing beauty. Address - Moika River Embankment, 48.

Branches of RSPU im. A. I. Herzen are located at the following addresses:

  • Vyborg, st. Parkovaya, 2.
  • Makhachkala, st. Nasrutdinova, 80.
  • Volkhov, st. Oktyabrskaya embankment, 1a.

License and Accreditation

License allowing RSPU im. A. I. Herzen to carry out educational activities, was issued in June 2016 for an indefinite period. The application of the university lists the branches of the higher educational institution, all existing speci alties, areas of study.

In November of the same year, the educational organization received a certificate of state accreditation for the enlarged groups of professions indicated in it, areas of training, speci alties. Thanks to the document, students receive a deferment from military service, and at the end of their studies they will be issued a state-recognized diploma of higher education.

rgpu im a and herzen
rgpu im a and herzen

Admission to the university: submission of documents

A very convenient way to submit documents to an educational organization is to register on the official website of the university in a special system. It allows:

  • find out the faculties of the Russian State Pedagogical University and the necessary information about the selected areas of training;
  • apply to an educational organization by filling out the form and attaching photos or scans of the required documents to it;
  • upload your personal photo;
  • make an appointment with the secretary and document specialists of the university admission committee.

Another option for submitting documents is a personal visit to the university. The Admissions Committee of the Russian State Pedagogical University issues forms to incoming applicants to fill out applications. Applicants provide:

  • passport or other document that serves as proof of identity and citizenship;
  • certificate or diploma confirming the presence of higher or secondary specialized education;
  • documents showing individual achievements (optional);
  • photocards in the amount of 6 pieces;
  • medical certificate (only required for some areas of training and speci alties).
faculties of the RSPU
faculties of the RSPU

Entrance tests

In RSPU St. Petersburg, in each direction of training, certain entrance examinations are established for 2 categories of applicants:

  • for persons entering after completing 11 years of schooling, the results of the USE in certain subjects are taken into account;
  • persons with secondary specialized or higher education take exams within the walls of the university.

What subjects are required for admission to St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. Herzen? The answer to this question should be known as soon as possible,in order to better prepare for the delivery of the necessary disciplines. In most areas, entrance examinations are exams in 3 general education subjects. One of them is Russian. It is taken by absolutely all applicants of the Pedagogical University, regardless of the chosen field of study. In some speci alties, one of the entrance tests is a task of a professional (creative) orientation.

rgpu passing scores
rgpu passing scores

Features of conducting entrance examinations within the walls of the university

St. Petersburg Pedagogical University conducts entrance examinations in Russian. They can be implemented in various forms: written, oral or in the form of an interview with a teacher. As a rule, an exam in a particular subject is held on the same day for absolutely all applicants of an educational organization. In some cases, the test is conducted at different times for certain groups of applicants.

In one day, a person entering St. Petersburg Pedagogical University takes an exam in only one subject. However, it is possible to complete more than one challenge per day. It is provided to those applicants who report their desire to the staff of the educational organization.

Applicants will learn the results of entrance examinations on the official website of the Pedagogical University or information stand:

  • during the interview, the results appear on the same day;
  • in the written, oral entrance test and in the testprofessional (creative) orientation results are announced within 3 days.
Admissions Committee RSPU
Admissions Committee RSPU

Minimum points

Every year St. Petersburg Pedagogical University sets a certain number of points for each entrance test. Those applicants who will enter an educational organization in 2017 should familiarize themselves with the table below.

RSPU: passing scores

Passing the exam or passing the entrance test Result
In Russian Not less than 40
Mathematics (for areas such as Applied Informatics and Mathematics, I&VT, Information Systems and Technologies) Not less than 30
Mathematics (for other areas of study) Not less than 27
Chemistry Not less than 40
Physics Not less than 40
On information and communication technologies and informatics Not less than 40
Geography Not less than 40
By history Not less than 40
Biology (for the areas of "Psychology" and "Biology") Not less than 45
Biology (for other areas) Not less than 40
According to literature Not less than 35
Social Studies Not less than 42
Foreign language (for"Linguistics") Not less than 50
Foreign language (for other areas of study) Not less than 30
According to creative (professional task) Not less than 55

In conclusion, it is worth noting that St. Petersburg Pedagogical University is one of the best educational institutions in our country. This university allows you to get a high-quality higher education, an interesting and popular speci alty. Applicants who decide to enter here make the right choice.
