Monitoring in education is Definition of concept, problems, opportunities

Monitoring in education is Definition of concept, problems, opportunities
Monitoring in education is Definition of concept, problems, opportunities

Monitoring of the education system is a concept that appeared in the process of informative development of society. There was a need for subjective and objective information about certain structures and objects. It was the society's need for information that contributed to the expansion of various research in pedagogy. Let's analyze the distinctive characteristics of research, which has recently become more and more in Russian schools.

Education system monitoring
Education system monitoring


Monitoring in education is the ability to collect, process, distribute, store information about the educational and educational process. Such a process allows conducting scientific research, organizing control (selecting assessment methods).

Monitoring in the field of education is mentioned in cases where phenomena and processes that occur in the subject environment are monitored. Such actions are needed in order to use the results of observations in management activities.

Historical background

Monitoring in education is a concept that appeared in the 19th century. It was founded by priest Andrew Bell and teacher Joseph Lancaster. The essence of the term was that the teacher transferred knowledge to a group of students (10 people), who then transmitted information to another 10 children. Thus, one teacher covered an audience of several tens, hundreds of schoolchildren at the same time. A child who received trust from a teacher was called a "monitor" - guiding, supervising. This is how monitoring in education was “introduced”. This is a constant monitoring of the pedagogical and educational process, which helps to analyze the achievement of the goal set by the teacher.

Monitoring the development of education
Monitoring the development of education

Working definition

Monitoring in education is a standardized systematic observation of the process. For educational activity to be successful, it is necessary to systematically monitor the current work, as well as the effectiveness of educational work. As part of planning, forecasting is important, which allows you to make certain adjustments in order to increase the effectiveness of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

The monitoring center in education is the most important tool that allows you to systematize individual methods into a single pedagogical concept. It is carried out through a personality-oriented approach to the upbringing and education of schoolchildren.

Monitoring of the education system is a system not only for collecting and processing, but also for disseminating information about the functioningpedagogical system. Such a process contributes to the continuous monitoring of its state, allows you to predict the necessary innovations.

Educator A. S. Belkin considers monitoring of education development as a process of constant scientifically based, predictive, diagnostic analysis of the state, development of the pedagogical process for the selection and timely solution of educational goals and objectives. Only then can we talk about the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system.

What is the center of monitoring and development of the education of the city
What is the center of monitoring and development of the education of the city

Important points

Monitoring of informatization of education involves systematic and continuous tracking of results, their detailed comparison with the original standard on a scientific basis. In modern conditions, it is important not only to achieve the quality of education, but also to use all the internal reserves of the educational organization, which are difficult to identify with the formal traditional version of control over the process and results of the educational and educational process.

It is possible to identify the resources that ensure the subsequent development of an educational organization only with proper thinking through research activities within the school. Monitoring the informatization of the education system is part of this work.

What you need

To organize research related to the analysis of the quality of the organization of educational and developmental activities in educational institutions, it is important to involve teaching staff. Teachers systematically enter information intocomputer to process it. Computer literacy will be required for them to successfully handle the additional responsibilities placed on them.

Monitoring Center in Domestic Education
Monitoring Center in Domestic Education

Features of the organization

Monitoring of additional education is focused on the student. It allows you to identify in the dynamics of his achievements, which contributes to obtaining information about the development of the child, not only for his parents, but also for himself. Such a process is the most important means of evaluation and control. Thanks to such research, the information space is changing, as the objectivity, timeliness, and availability of information increase. The purpose of monitoring is to timely identify any changes that occur in the educational process.

Among the main advantages of such work, we note that the center for monitoring the quality of education, based on the information received, forms universal methodological tools adapted to additional and secondary education.

How education is monitored
How education is monitored

Research Hierarchy

Among the conditions for its effective implementation are ease of use, objectivity of information, etc. Accounting for regional characteristics is an important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of a monitoring system. Analysis of the real picture of its creation and functioning involves the allocation of several levels of monitoring:

1. At the level of an educational organization. The essence of the research is to fix the generalizeda comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the school, the achievement of the goal set by the society for the educational institution. As part of the ongoing monitoring, the development of an individual student is also analyzed, and on the basis of the results obtained, predictive information of a psychological and pedagogical type is created.

2. At the municipal level, an idea is formed about the work of all educational organizations that are located in the municipality. This takes into account the distinctive parameters of each individual element: gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums, specialized schools. Based on the information received, a preliminary plan for the development of the educational system is being developed.

3. The regional level involves fixing ideas about the operation of the entire system, its elements (municipalities), taking into account the distinctive features of each educational institution. Based on the information received, a forecast is made for the subsequent organization of upbringing and educational work in a particular region.

4. At the federal level, the Center for Monitoring and Development of Education analyzes the work of all schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. Control is built on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for elementary, secondary, basic schools, a final check is carried out on the achievement of educational and educational goals by educational institutions.

The center for monitoring and development of education of the city, region builds its work so that at each level of education the requirements of new educational standards are met. This outcome can only be achieved by applying agreed criteria at each level.

Thosethe requirements for the organization of the upbringing and educational process, on the basis of which the system of multi-level monitoring of pedagogical activity is built, are developed on the basis of the state general educational standard.

Modern monitoring in the field of education
Modern monitoring in the field of education

Application of research

There are many areas of application of pedagogical monitoring. Numerous systems have certain common characteristics, due to which it can be considered an independent scientific and practical phenomenon.

The modern system of assessing the quality of education is one of the steps of Russia's entry into the global and pan-European educational space. We can talk about improving the quality of Russian education only if the results of the ongoing research become the basis for the subsequent innovative activities of all subjects of the educational and educational process.

As part of the functioning of the educational system, the orientation of schools according to the social order is carried out. To organize effective activities to meet the needs of society, it is important to timely monitor the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators that reflect the educational needs of the population, as well as analyze the educational services offered by various specialized organizations.

Pedagogical monitoring and analysis of the work of the educational institution makes it possible to control the objectivity of marking, to make certain adjustments to teachers in their professional activities.

Types of monitoring

There is a division of all research in the education system into two groups: statistical and "soft".

The first option is based on static reporting data: a consistent system of information collection, government reporting.

Non-static ("soft") monitoring is based on indicators that are developed by researchers themselves. A. S. Belkin also highlights didactic analysis, which involves monitoring different aspects of the educational and educational process. This allows you to create a system of relationships between all participants in the educational process, track the system of personal, group, collective relationships, control the psychological atmosphere in individual groups of the team.

Research in education
Research in education

Typology of school monitoring

Depending on the scale of learning objectives, operational, tactical, strategic monitoring is distinguished.

According to the stages of the educational process, input, thematic, intermediate, and final control is assumed. Depending on the time frame, retrospective, advanced (preventive), current monitoring is carried out. Depending on the number of studies, we are talking about a one-time, periodic, systematic analysis. Taking into account the form of organization in domestic education, external research is carried out, as well as introspection and self-control.

Depending on the goals that are set for monitoring, a diverse set of tools is used to conductresearch. So, to assess the quality of knowledge of graduates of the 9th grade, the children are offered tasks with a choice of answers. Depending on the base chosen for analysis, there are, for example, dynamic monitoring. Its essence is to assess the dynamics of development of a certain indicator, phenomenon, object. It is the easiest way to track your child's progress on an individual educational path.

Competitive monitoring involves the choice for examination of the results of a similar study of other educational environments. In such situations, monitoring becomes a platform for many serial tests. It is held in parallel in several OS at once, then rating tables are built, which are brought to the attention of all participants. Thanks to such monitoring, not only those educational institutions are selected that use the most effective teaching and educational methods, but also the quality of schoolchildren's knowledge at each level of education is analyzed.

Comparative monitoring involves the choice for examination of the results of similar studies of one or more systems of a higher level. It is needed to compare a separate educational organization with the Federal State Educational Standard, which is relevant when conducting school certification.


Currently, society put forward new requirements for schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. As one of the functions of school monitoring, an integrative one is singled out, which makes it possible to provide a comprehensive description of the processes that occur in the system. In addition, research is being carried out todiagnostics, thanks to which the state of educational activity is scanned, as well as changes, a conclusion is made about the stability of the functioning of a separate educational organization.

As part of monitoring, an examination of the state, forms, concepts, methods of educational and educational processes is carried out. Experts get a real picture in a separate school, which is necessary for drawing up a long-term plan for the work of the educational institution.

Thanks to the information content of monitoring the educational process of the school, satisfaction is determined in the techniques, methods, programs by all participants in the educational process. The information received in the framework of such studies is processed, on its basis certain adjustments are made to the organization's long-term work plan, relationships with students' parents.
