The Volga region has always been known as a center of agriculture, famous for its rich harvests and the development of agricultural science. To solve the problems of the agricultural industry in this region, an educational center was created - the Saratov State Agrarian University, capable of providing agro-complexes and the processing industry with personnel.
Educational History
Saratov State Agrarian University named after Vavilov dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, namely from the opening of the Higher Courses in 1913, headed by Alexander Ivanovich Skvortsov. The first recruited course consisted of a little over a hundred people, mostly from the well-to-do classes.
After the revolution, in 1918, an agrarian institute was created on the basis of the courses, which actively recruited students, and then was attached to the classical Saratov University.
In 1923, the reclamation faculty was opened, where they developed the skills of forestry and agro-reclamation work. In 1930, the formation of a separate veterinary institute was completed. Thus, by the end of the 20th century,There were two higher educational institutions in Saratov - the Academy of Veterinary Medicine and the Institute of Agricultural Engineering.
In 1997, the veterinary academy joined the agricultural institute, as a result of which the universities were merged. Saratov State Agrarian University has become an important center for the preparation of standards and testing the quality of nutrition, one of the largest scientific institutions, occupying an honorable place in the ranking of agricultural educational institutions. The first rector of the new institution was Dvorkin B. Z.

Training areas
Saratov Vavilov State Agrarian University presents the following areas of training for its students:
- veterinary;
- livestock, beekeeping;
- landscape design and construction;
- agribusiness;
- park management;
- control of the food industry, etc.
During its functioning, about 100 thousand highly qualified specialists passed through the Saratov State Agrarian University. In addition, the university allows you to undergo specialized retraining for both employees of agricultural higher educational institutions and workers in agricultural complexes and other areas of agriculture.
The Rector of the University today is Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich. Branches of the higher educational institution are located in Krasny Kut, Marks, and Pugachev.

What subdivisions does Saratov State Agrarian University have
Faculties of the university carry out five main activities:
- Training of personnel for the development of agribusiness (training in accounting, auditing, foreign languages, foreign economic activity, marketing, organization of production in the agro-industrial complex, etc. is handled by the Faculty of Economics and Business).
- Implementation of training of specialists in agro-industrial engineering (study of engineering physics, design of electrical equipment, rules for water use, environmental management, melioration, landscape construction, heat supply, etc. - Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Management).
- Teaching agronomic professions (botany, chemistry, crop production, genetics, etc. - Faculty of Agronomy.
- Training of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, biotechnology, as well as food technology (training of doctors for the treatment of diseases of small and large animals, he alth inspectors, microbiologists and other specialists - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine).
- Institute of Correspondence and Additional Education.

Territorial divisions
Saratov State Agrarian University has the following territorial divisions:
- UPNK "Korolkov Garden", founded on the site of the garden of the landowner Korolkov in 1926 and transferred to the ownership of the university in 1945, on the spacious plots of which are growna variety of crops and tree seedlings, are undergoing experiments on the mechanization of agriculture, etc.
- Veterinary hospital equipped with modern equipment, having three operating units. In a veterinary hospital, you can either consult narrow specialists - cardiologists, dentists, or diagnose a disease, operate on a sick animal or even microchip a pet, thereby preventing it from getting lost.
- UPNK "Pishchevik", which received international awards for meat products, is engaged in improving developments in the food industry, researching experimental production, etc.
- The Engineering Center focuses on lubricants, advanced manufacturing technology and innovative mechanical engineering.
- The Youth Innovation Center at SSAU is also an engineering department, students' activities cover robotics, computer modeling, digital production.
- UPNO "Povolzhye" includes an experimental field with crops of breeding crops.

Famous graduates of the Saratov Agrarian University
Among famous personalities - graduates of SSAU:
- Governor of the Saratov region - Valery Radaev, mechanical engineer and former head of the Blagodatinsky state farm.
- Famous songwriter Braslavsky Boris.
- Ayatskov Dmitry - former governor of the Saratov region, agronomist of the Tatishevsky district.
- VolodinVyacheslav is the chairman of the current Duma, previously the head of the presidential administration and the government apparatus.
- Alexey Shekhurdin is a well-known breeder of spring wheat, based on the varieties obtained by Shekhurdin, the variety "Saratovskaya 29", known worldwide, was bred.
- Tsitsin Nikolai - famous geneticist, head of the Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Saratov State Agrarian University: address
The Admission Committee of Saratov Agrarian University operates at the following address: Saratov, Theater Square, 1. The main building is located on Vavilov Street, where the engineering center and one of the dormitories are located.
Agrarian University has a branched structure, and its divisions are located in different parts of the city.

Thus, Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University has a century-old history and great achievements in the field of science, which positively influenced the development of agriculture in Russia and the world.