Choosing a profession is a very serious step. It depends on him how the future life will turn out. There are quite a few professions. One of them is a pediatrician. This profession is interesting and in demand on the labor market, but before you get it, you should think about whether it matches your abilities and interests, whether there are specific personal qualities that are necessary in future work.
Pediatrics as a branch of medicine
In 1847, the domestic manual "Pediatrika" was published. Its author was the doctor S. F. Khotovitsky. This specialist in his manual defined the place of pediatrics among medical speci alties. He indicated its tasks and goals. Thus, S. F. Khotovitsky became the founder of Russian pediatrics. So, what is meant by this term? What is the essence of this branch of medicine? Pediatrics is the science of diseases of the child's body, their treatment and prevention. Its main task is to preserve the he alth of the child or return to normal in case of illness.

Pediatrics is conventionally subdividedinto several branches (directions):
- Preventive Pediatrics. This term refers to a system of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of various diseases.
- Clinical Pediatrics. This area includes the diagnosis of ailments, treatment and staged rehabilitation of sick children.
- Scientific Pediatrics. This direction, the essence of which lies in the formulation of paradigms. They are further guided by doctors in their practical work.
- Social Pediatrics. The tasks of this branch of science are the study of children's he alth, the development of a system of social prevention and the provision of medical care to the child population.
- Environmental Pediatrics. This area of science studies the impact of various natural factors on the he alth of children.
History of domestic pediatrics
Pediatrics in Russia emerged as a separate medical discipline in the 19th century. At this time, the first translated books and publications of domestic authors began to be published (for example, “A Guide to the Knowledge and Healing of Infantile Diseases” by N. Rosen von Rosenstein, “A Word on the Necessary Funds for Reinforcing a Weak Infant Age for Reproduction in the Fatherland of Our People” by A. And Danilevsky).
As for the treatment of children, it is worth noting that until the 19th century, all the necessary activities were carried out at home. Obstetricians and therapists gave general advice. The first children's beds, as the history of pediatrics testifies, were established in the therapeutic clinic of Ivan Petrovich Frank, opened in 1806. A few years later theseplaces have been eliminated. The first children's hospital was opened only in 1834 in St. Petersburg.

Currently, there are a huge number of institutions in Russia that provide medical care for young patients and their mothers:
- children's (city, regional, regional, republican, district) and specialized (tuberculosis, infectious diseases, psychiatric) hospitals;
- polyclinics (urban, dental) and various centers (diagnostic, rehabilitation);
- institutions for the protection of childhood and motherhood (children's home, perinatal center, dairy kitchen, women's consultation).
Attention deserves the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after Academician Yuri Evgenievich Veltishchev. This is the oldest research pediatric institution in Russia. Various operations are performed here for children. All treatment for babies with a referral is free of charge. It is financed from the federal budget. It is also worth noting that the Institute of Pediatrics provides not only medical assistance, but also advisory.
Objectives and main topics of pediatrics
One of the tasks of this branch of medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Doctors identify ailments in children according to the symptoms, results of tests and examinations. After the diagnosis is made, the specialists prescribe the appropriate treatment. At the same time, doctors always strive for minimal pharmacotherapy, because the total effect of taking a large number of drugs in mostcases turns out to be unpredictable.
The case of pediatrics has one more task - it is the rehabilitation of children. After suffering diseases, the young body needs to be restored. In this regard, after recovery, children may need:
- sparing daily routine (exemption from sports, additional loads);
- stimulating therapy (phytotherapy, use of vitamin preparations);
- vaccination exemption;
- stay in a sanatorium.

Prophylaxis of diseases also belongs to the tasks of pediatrics. It can be primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention refers to the prevention of the development of ailments through vaccinations, asepsis measures. Secondary prevention is based on the detection of early signs of disease. Due to timely diagnosis, severe manifestations can be avoided. Tertiary prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing the progression of a disease that can lead to disability.
Based on the above tasks, it is possible to determine the main topics that pediatrics studies in medicine:
- physical development and he alth of children;
- causes of diseases and injuries, their symptoms;
- treatment and prevention of ailments;
- first aid for various injuries and accidents, etc.
Profession "pediatrician"
A doctor is a person involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases and injuries in people. This profession is one of the oldest and mostrevered in society. It includes many speci alties. One of them is a pediatrician.
The main duty of the named specialist is to treat little patients. The pediatrician does not act in a pattern. He finds a special approach to each child, clarifies complaints through a conversation, uses the necessary diagnostic methods, analyzes the results, develops the most individual treatment regimen. The duties of a pediatrician are not limited to working with sick children. The specialist is still doing paperwork.
The profession of "children's pediatrician" is in demand in the labor market. Beginners quickly find a use for themselves. Salary depends on the place of work and the level of professionalism. It is low among novice specialists working in state medical institutions. Experienced doctors of commercial clinics receive decent salaries.
Who can become a pediatrician?
Only those people who have a higher medical education can treat children. You can get it at a special university (academy, institute). Education is quite difficult, because modern medicine is the most complex field of knowledge. Studying at a medical university lasts for 6 years on a full-time basis. It is impossible to get an education in absentia.

People who are interested in the profession of "pediatrician" and who want to connect their future life with medicine should have not only a diploma of higher medical education, but also such personal qualities as:
- mercy;
- compassion;
- observant;
- responsibility;
- communication.
Becoming a pediatrician
There are quite a lot of medical universities in Russia. One of the best educational institutions is SPbGPMU. Deciphering this abbreviation - St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. This university has been operating since 1925. People who want to become pediatricians in the future can enroll here at the Faculty of Pediatrics. Reviews about him are good. Students express positive opinions about the quality of education and teachers. There are other faculties at SPbGPMU:
- postgraduate and additional professional education;
- clinical psychology;
- dental;
- "Medicine".
The First Moscow State Medical University named after Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov also deserves the attention of applicants who dream of becoming a doctor. It is the largest and oldest institution of higher education in the country in the field of medicine, founded in 1755. Its structure includes 10 faculties. One of them is pediatric. There are 8 departments in this faculty:
- pediatrics and pediatric rheumatology;
- clinical immunology and allergology;
- children's surgery;
- hygiene for children and adolescents;
- pediatrics and childhood infectious diseases;
- diabetology and endocrinology;
- neonatology;
- propaedeutics of childhood diseases.

Another example is the Altai State Medical University. The university was founded in 1954. In its structure, the following faculties are distinguished: medical, dental, pharmaceutical, medical and preventive, advanced training of doctors, higher nursing education. Pediatrician is a profession that can also be obtained here. The Faculty of Pediatrics has existed since 1966. For all the time of his work, a huge number of highly qualified specialists have been released.
Admission to the Faculty of Pediatrics
To enter a medical university at the pediatric faculty, schoolchildren take the exam in chemistry, biology and the Russian language. The points received are taken into account by the educational institution. In the absence of USE results, applicants pass entrance examinations within the walls of the university. Their form is different: oral or written (in the form of tests, answers to questions, etc.). Information regarding exams should be checked in advance with the admissions office of the selected university.
In order to successfully pass the entrance examinations in chemistry, biology and the Russian language upon admission, it is enough to master the school curriculum well. If you wish, you can enroll in preparatory courses. They are offered by every medical university, academy, institute. In the courses, you can recall previously studied material, ask questions of interest.
Pediatrician is a profession that can be obtained at the university both for a fee and for free. To enter the budget place, you must pass a competitive selection. There is such a thing as a "passing score". This is the minimum amountpoints, which is enough to pass the budget. The admission committee always calls last year's figures as applicants, because the real passing score becomes known only after passing the entrance examinations and forming the rating of applicants.
Studying at the university at the Faculty of Pediatrics
Training of specialists begins with the study of fundamental natural sciences, medical and preventive and biomedical subjects. Students get acquainted with the structure of the human body, the anatomical and physiological processes occurring in it. Then training begins at specialized pediatric departments. Future pediatricians in the classroom study the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of childhood diseases, current questions and answers of pediatrics.

Studying at a medical school includes obtaining not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. The first practice of students is called educational. It includes caring for sick children and adults. The following practices are called production practices. During their passage, students perform the duties of medical workers:
- Assistant of junior medical staff (on the 1st course);
- Assistant ward nurse (on the 2nd year);
- Procedural Nurse Assistant (3rd year);
- Assistant doctor of the hospital (on the 4th year);
- Physician's assistant at a children's clinic (5th year student).
Tasks of a pediatrician
People who are studying at a medical school should knowthe importance of pediatrics, as well as what challenges they will face in the future. The pediatrician not only examines the child, diagnoses and prescribes treatment. The doctor also contributes to the education of parents:
- focuses mother on the critical importance of breastfeeding;
- convinces of the benefits of loose swaddling;
- explains to parents the importance of vaccinations;
- opposes winter swimming for young children and so on.
Specialist should not intimidate parents with diagnoses. In chronic diseases, you should always keep mothers and fathers optimistic about the prognosis. With incurable pathological conditions, recovery cannot be promised. It is also not necessary to tell the whole truth at once, because it is not known how people will react to a terrible diagnosis. Only one of the parents can be told about the existing illness.
When in contact with a sick child, the doctor must show sympathy, empathy. The child will feel the attention, care and trust the specialist. Physical contact is required. Fear in the child will decrease due to touching, stroking. If the baby complains of pain, then you need to ask him to show the place that hurts. Then you should make sure of what has been said and feel the painful and painless areas. During the examination, in no case should you shame the little patient, laugh at him.
Famous pediatricians
Many people know Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky. This is a pediatrician, a doctor of the highest category. He has written quite a few books and articles on childhood diseases, he althkids. Komarovsky is also a TV presenter. In 2010, a program called “The School of Dr. Komarovsky” started on one of the Ukrainian TV channels. In it, the doctor tells viewers in an accessible way about various childhood ailments, as well as how to treat them. Understanding pediatrics. For children, you can even turn on this program.
Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal made a huge contribution to the development of pediatrics. This is a Soviet and Russian pediatrician, surgeon, doctor of medical sciences. The specialist wrote a huge number of monographs. Roshal is also known for his courage. He rescued children affected by earthquakes, wars and disasters.

Another well-known pediatrician - Alexander Alexandrovich Baranov. He wrote about 500 scientific papers (monographs, textbooks and manuals). Currently, Alexander Baranov works at the I. M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University. He is the Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Rheumatology, Faculty of Pediatrics.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that pediatrics is a very important branch of medicine. If you want to become a pediatrician, then you can enter a medical school. Being a doctor is interesting, but difficult. At the same time, it is worth remembering that a pediatrician must have not only the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also personal qualities. He should enjoy the children and their recovery.