Concretization - what is it? Meaning, interpretation of the word

Concretization - what is it? Meaning, interpretation of the word
Concretization - what is it? Meaning, interpretation of the word

Most of the long words in Russian, the meanings of which can be quite difficult to figure out, came to us from other languages. In order not to be considered ignorant, one sometimes has to look for the origin of a word and find out its direct meaning, because in the modern world, most words have long lost their fundamental meaning and are used in a different context. For example, "specification". This word is understandable to any modern person, but what was the meaning of it originally and how to describe its meaning?

concretization of the meaning of the word
concretization of the meaning of the word

Origin of the word

Like most words, "concretization" came to us from Latin. The term comes from the word concretus, which can be translated as "established", "coordinated", "condensed". Initially, this term appeared in philosophy and is a kind of totality of knowledge of the surrounding world."Concretization", the meaning of which we find out, in itself implies some other foundation, which is abstraction (distraction), a kind of deepening into the essence of the issue. These two ways of knowing are closely interconnected and do not exist without each other.

instantiation is
instantiation is

In the modern world, "concretization" is a term of practical psychology. By this criterion, a person's ability to remember any details is most often assessed, with the help of which a general idea is formed.

Nevertheless, the word "concretization", the definition of which is strictly scientific and hardly understandable to the average layman, is also used in everyday life.

Concretization in everyday life

In a practical sense, for any ordinary person, concretization is some kind of distinguishing feature of an object or situation. Most often, something is specified with the help of demonstrative pronouns "this", "this", "these", with the help of any signs (color, shape, size) or on some other basis. All this is specification. Synonyms of this term in the meaning of colloquial speech are "clarification", "detailing". The more detailed something is described, the clearer what is being discussed in the conversation.

specification definition
specification definition

The word itself may not be mentioned in the conversation, much more often people simply ask for a more specific explanation, and then the person clarifies the details, putting the situation on the shelves.

Besides philosophical andpsychological sciences, whose representatives actively use their professional lexicon, where in everyday life can this term be found? After all, as it turned out, concretization is a way not only of scientific knowledge, but of informative communication in general.

Method of knowing

The ability to concretize any details determines a person's ability to perceive information as a whole. Many psychologists conduct various kinds of tests with children in order to teach them critical thinking, and the correct perception and processing of information in general.

This ability is also useful for schoolchildren, because in this way their ability for theoretical thinking is formed. It is much easier to learn any material, being able to make logical chains, while taking into account various factors that affect the situation as a whole. In this way, a person can develop his abilities in the exact sciences.

instantiation synonym
instantiation synonym

Specification of flight

You will surely come across such a service if you contact a travel company that provides tours to various countries. Most often, the travel agency offers its customers this service for a fee, less often it is already included in the price. What is it?

Do you often fly with the same airline? Not a question, the travel agency will take care of this and select tickets from this particular airline. Limited vacation or scheduled meeting in another country? The tour operator will choose the most reliable flight, which will be canceled fromleast likely and which takes off at a convenient time for you. Do you prefer to depart from a specific airport? It is from this place that tickets will be provided to you.

Specifying the date of departure, airline, place and time of departure of the flight - all this is a specification, the importance of which is greatly underestimated by tourists. Quite often, people still face the fact that flights are canceled and they cannot get on the plane, so this service is often necessary. Specifying the flight does not give a full guarantee that you will arrive in the right country at the right time, since the travel agency cannot directly affect the schedule of airlines, but the date and place of departure are definitely guaranteed.

Concretization as a technique in translation

Language barrier is one of the main problems that arise when translating any document. Both English and Russian have words with very broad meanings, which creates certain difficulties, so translators often use the method of concretization - replacing words with others with a narrower range of meanings. The most important thing in the translator's craft is to convey the essence of the issue, and for this, foreign expressions can and should be adapted to another language.

instantiation meaning
instantiation meaning

Another option is contextual replacement of words for more convenient adaptation to another language. For example, in one language a word can have many meanings, while in another it has only one, so confusion arises. It is especially difficult to understand various idioms, proverbs and sayings, as well as set expressions that simply cannot be translated.are subject to. In this case, analogues are found in the target language. All this together is concretization.

Concretization in debate

For a person participating in a debate, it is important not only to defend his point of view, but to provide concrete evidence that he is right. The speeches of many figures often consist of a greeting, thesis, proof and conclusion, where the proof is the concretization. The meaning of the word this in this context means that reliable data with specific figures, such as statistics, are provided, and, referring to them, a person forms his point of view. Concreteness is the main weapon of many politicians, experienced businessmen, scientific candidates and so on.

The opposite of concretization is an abstraction, when the essence is singled out from the whole issue and attention to details is not paid at all, everything is generalized and becomes a single whole. However, we should not forget that this integrity is born primarily from details, and specificity in some matters is sometimes necessary.
