Probably even a person who just went to kindergarten will tell if he has a friend or not. But what does this wonderful word mean from the point of view of the Russian language? Today we will figure it out. In other words, we are interested in the meaning of the definition "friend", synonyms will not be left without attention either.

The older we get, the less people that surround us, we can call friends in the true sense of the word. If you do not open the dictionary, then the friend is called the one who is always there, always ready to help. Spiritual relationship is also not excluded. What does the dictionary say? After all, as you know, emotions are alien to him. So, the following meanings of the word “friend” are written in the explanatory dictionary (we will deal with synonyms a little later, when the meaning becomes known):
- One who is connected with someone by friendship. For example: “Kolya and Vasya are friends, they have known each other since school.”
- Supporter, protector of someone or something. “Ivan Nikolaevich is such a wonderful teacher that he has long been known as a friend of students, but, of course, without any familiarity.”
- A friendly address to a loved one or a person in general. “- Friend, stop smoking! - And in response - silence: he did not return from the battle yesterday.”
I would like to believe that the characteristic style of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky is recognized unmistakably in the last example. If not, then there is an excuse to join the creativity, to become a friend (you can choose a synonym yourself) of the famous poet.
So, finally, we can announce the list of replacements for the object of study, in fact, why we are here today at all. Here it is:
- comrade;
- comrade-in-arms;
- buddy;
- acquaintance;
- follower;
- supporter;
- follower;
- sidekick;
- kent;
- brother;
- druzhban;
- corefan;
- favorite;
- lover;
- cute;
- lover.
Yes, a whole book could be written under the title "The word "friend" and synonyms." It is easy to see that there is a system in the analogues of the object of study. First come the words that replace the generally accepted, most common meaning (from 1 to 4), then those that replace “friend” in the second meaning (from 5 to 7), then the slang block (from 8 to 12), and close the list of definitions, which are suitable to replace the "friends of the heart" girls. We hope that the reader's synonymous thirst is fully satisfied.
A friend in need is a friend?

There is such a common expression and belief that a friend is known in trouble. Is it so? Usually yes. But there is one nuance, which is not enoughwho thinks: trouble is, of course, a serious test for friendship, but even more serious is the test with copper pipes, that is, when one succeeds, and the other remains in the same place where he was before. In fact, joy is what truly tests the strength of people. A man will always find two hundred who will cry with him, but will there be even one who will laugh with him? Especially when the companion from this is neither hot nor cold. Hangers-on and sycophants, of course, have fun together with their "friend" and benefactor in the hope of profits, but sincere joy, not spoiled by profit and self-interest, is possible? Big question. Therefore, it is not so difficult to find a synonym for the word "friend" as to find a real comrade-in-arms, a brother in arms. But let's not fall into despair. Good people are few, but they exist. Therefore, friends-comrades (the phrase is spelled that way), this is not the time to lose heart.