In the circle of attention of any company there is a person who can tell interesting stories, for example, a curious historical fact, a scary story or an anecdote. What is a short funny story in the literary sense, and what jokes did Pushkin tell - let's try to consider together. In addition, we will try to understand how to study the history of Russia using political jokes, and when a joke grows a “beard”.
What is a joke?
You can find the meaning of a word in almost any encyclopedia. The anecdote is divided into two types. In the first sense, it is a short funny story with an unexpected witty denouement. All thematic jokes (about Vovochka, about mother-in-law, about blondes, about school, and others) are classified as this type. Such stories are referred to the genre of urban folklore. Usually jokes are not written down, but are memorized and transmitted orally. The events in these stories are most often insignificant, and the heroes are common characters (husband, director, girl, Russian, American).

The second type includes a historical and biographical anecdote. It's easy to understand what a joke is. Usually a joke is a short story about a historical figure or event. This type is classified as a literary genre. Moreover, such an anecdote is not always funny, often it is just an instructive story. Short stories can be completely fictional, true and based on real events.
Joke story
In the 18th century, Russian nobles chose France as the standard of fashion. It was from there that the anecdote came to us in a literary sense. What is a short funny historical plot, of course, was also known before that time. But it was in the 18th century that the joke gained its real popularity.
If the French simply told funny stories from the life of princes that happened to them during social meetings and at balls, then in Russia the list of topics was expanded, thereby improving the genre. A noble joke could teach:
- patriotism;
- courage;
- courage;
- self-irony.
For example, there was a joke about Prince Bagration, who had a fairly large nose. When they came to him to report that the enemy was "on the nose", he replied: "If on yours, then yes, close. If it's mine, I'll still have time to eat." It is known that representatives of high society should have had many anecdotes in reserve. A smart person could always tell a few new stories at the ball.
At the time of Pushkin
At the beginning of the 19th century, the meaning of the word "anecdote" was already fully formed. In Pushkin's time, funny stories were respected and respected. The Golden Age of Russian Literaturedid without cultural anecdotes. Stories were told about kings, writers, military figures, noble families. Alexander Sergeevich was both the hero of other people's jokes and a master of telling jokes of his own composition. The characters of Pushkin's comic stories often ended up as heroes of fiction. For example, in the joke "Remarks on the Revolt" there is a character Shvanich, who in "The Captain's Daughter" turned into Shvabrin.

However, after the Decembrist uprising, the attitude towards the nobility changed. His culture began to depreciate. Including the literary genre of short funny stories has gone down in history. And folklore jokes came to the fore. It is in this form that we know the modern joke.
Political jokes
Among the huge number of jokes on various topics, a political anecdote stands out. Its value is difficult to overestimate. From these short stories, our contemporaries can easily study the history of Russia and the Soviet Union.

As you know, such jokes were banned for a long time. For them it was possible to get a real term in places of deprivation of liberty. This did not prevent the people from composing a huge number of jokes. The history of political jokes begins with Lenin. They ridiculed the personality of the "leader of the world proletariat", the October Revolution, slogans. Joseph Stalin was next in line. Jokes about him are made up to this day.
In general, people tried to laugh at everything:
- repression:
- anti-Semitism;
- fascists;
- Afghan war;
- Khrushchev corn;
- Moscow Olympics.
Political jokes are still being made. For example, they joke about the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, for his proposals for teachers to go into business, pensioners to "hold on", and turn Americano coffee into Rusiano.
When does a joke grow a "beard"?
However, a funny story is only interesting once. The repeated joke turns into a "bearded joke". Everyone knows that such retelling in a company is considered bad form, but few people realize that the word "button accordion" has grown from this phrase. According to one version, it is believed that this is an abbreviation that stands for: "A bearded joke, obviously boring."

The older the joke, the longer his "beard". And if at the same time she is "gray-haired", then jokes are clearly not the narrator's forte. In addition, the theme of "bearded" jokes has long itself become an occasion for jokes. On the other hand, new stories quickly turn into button accordions. The Internet does not allow jokes to remain fresh and witty for long.