What is trouble: the meaning of the word, synonym, stress

What is trouble: the meaning of the word, synonym, stress
What is trouble: the meaning of the word, synonym, stress

What do the words faint, blink and dusk have in common? It turns out that they all came from the Proto-Slavic - "haze". In addition, our ancestors called this name the sinister god of lies and deceit. Let's try to figure out what a hassle is, where in this word it is correct to stress and what synonyms are closest to it.


In dictionaries you can find several definitions of Old Slavonicism - trouble. The stress in the word is always on the first vowel. Here are four of the most popular meanings for mysterious haze:

  1. Most often you can read that the hassle is a distortion of perception, a distortion of reality. It would seem that darkness is a synonym for a mirage, which seems to tortured travelers in the desert. But unlike the usual optical illusion, he does not appear on his own, but is “guided”.
  2. In conversation, trouble usually means exhausting and unloved work, as well as fuss.
  3. Initially, our ancestors called it fog and darkness, but in a figurative sense of the word, something mind-numbing.
  4. Also, eye diseases are sometimes understood as haze.
whatsuch a hassle
whatsuch a hassle

Worry is a synonym for the word obsession. And today this is the most accurate definition of "foggy" Old Slavism. Other synonyms include: darkness, darkness, foggy consciousness.

Derivatives of the word

Apparently, our ancestors gravitated towards everything mysterious and mysterious. Not without reason, a lot of derivatives appeared from the word trouble, which we still use in everyday speech. Perhaps they will help to better understand what trouble is.

As you might guess, the most popular derivative is "trouble". Here the emphasis is on the second "o". True, there is little mystery in this word. Most often, it is understood as red tape, troubles, problems, worries, as well as intricate difficult cases.

The well-known "twilight" may seem more mysterious. Initially, it sounded like a twilight. But it meant the same thing as today - the interval between sunset and nightfall.

The word "fainting" also comes from the already familiar confusion. But, unlike a mysterious obsession, this is a very real phenomenon - a temporary loss of consciousness.

haze synonym
haze synonym

Another popular derivative word is "blink", that is, close and open the eyes. Dive in and out of darkness quickly.

This is not all the words that came from the old Slavic haze. These include such definitions as blinking, flickering, fooling, fading, darkening and many others.


Morok is a word that gave us stable expressions. At least withouthe would not have the popular phraseological unit "Fool the head." That is, to obscure, confuse, or simply try to leave the other person “out of the blue.”

Without the hassle, our contemporaries would not know what it means "darker than the clouds." I would have to look for a new definition for a gloomy person who is in deep thought.

Also, there would not be some catchphrases that came into colloquial speech from Soviet films. For example, the hero from "Gentlemen of Fortune" would not have shouted loudly that he would "tear his mouth, poke out his blinkers." Because, as we remember, the word "blink", and hence the jargon "blink", also came from "haze".

Worry in ancient mythology

But it turns out there is another unique meaning of the word trouble. In the pantheon of Slavic gods there was one gloomy creator. He misled people, patronized lies, deceit, ignorance, brought bad dreams with him, and also introduced into hypnosis and made confusion. The Slavs called him Morok.

the meaning of the word trouble
the meaning of the word trouble

It is believed that this is an analogue of the Greek god Morpheus (the god of dreams). He is also compared to the cunning Scandinavian god Loki. Or with the Greek rogue god Hermes. But at the same time, Morok is darker and gloomier. They often scared children.

It's not for nothing that the Slavs awarded their god with such functions. It is he who protects the path to the Truth from people, which mortals are not supposed to know.

Why does God Morok have such a heavy temper?

To fully understand what trouble is, it is worth referring to the genealogy of the Slavic deity. Exactlyat this stage, it becomes clear why this god is so treacherous. It turns out that this is the son of Koshchei-Chernobog, also known as Bes. God of cold, death and madness. Actually with such a father it is difficult to be a god of love and beauty.

Moroku's mother also got a difficult one. She became the goddess of nightmare and ghosts - Mara, also known as Morena. She frightens people, takes away their he alth and, just like a son, clouds their minds. It turns out that the son just took all the "best" from his parents.

haze stress in the word
haze stress in the word

At the same time, Moroka has a twin brother. Known as Frost. Today, in our view, this is a kind grandfather who brings gifts to obedient children. In the view of the Slavs, this is a stern deity who plunged the earth into a mortal sleep. Even the Sun was afraid of him.

At the same time, the brothers liked to joke and sometimes turned into each other. On January 1, on their birthday, Frost and Morok walked around the villages and sent frosts and obsessions on people. The Slavs left various gifts and sweets on the windows of the brothers so that the insidious gods would not harm them much.

How not to succumb to confusion?

Despite the fact that this is an Old Slavonic word, some modern people can feel for themselves what trouble is. Most often these days, various manipulators cloud the mind. These include:

  1. Sectarians.
  2. Pick-ups.
  3. Gypsies.
  4. Some representatives of network marketing.

That is, people who need to get some benefit from the person confused by him. Quite often, trouble is brought on byusing Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques such as:

  • anchor, that is, an incentive to something;
  • trance - switching attention, "disconnection" from the outside world;
  • suggestion of the necessary information.

And there are two types of suggestion. In the first case, the "victim" fulfills the will of the manipulator. In the second, adepts resort to metaphors, forcing a person to agree with the interlocutor through understandable associations. For example, pick-up artists tell beautiful love stories to girls.

In order not to succumb to the modern hassle, psychologists recommend:

  1. Ask clarifying questions (this confuses the finished script).
  2. Respond to flattery with counter compliments (so you don't feel like you owe something to the manipulator).
hassle word
hassle word

Also, you can try to use the term from NLP or, say, pickup truck, in the wrong sense. If the interlocutor starts to correct, perhaps he is trying to mislead you.
