Meanness is a bad trait

Meanness is a bad trait
Meanness is a bad trait

There are many bad traits in a person's character. Someone constantly deceives, someone scatters promises or sets up friends. There is such an unpleasant feature, which is called stinginess. What is the meaning of the word "stinginess"? The article reveals the interpretation of this noun, indicates synonyms and examples of sentences.

Lexical meaning

What does the word "stingy" mean? In the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov, it is indicated that such a concept refers to stinginess and stinginess, when a person is panicky afraid to spend at least one extra penny.

It's worth noting that "stingy" is a colloquial word. It is most often found in colloquial or artistic styles.

The stingy man does not want to give money
The stingy man does not want to give money

Synonyms for the word

When the interpretation of the noun "stinginess" does not raise questions, you can proceed to the selection of synonyms. They will help to avoid repetition and diversify speech. To the named noun, you can pick up several words that are close in meaning.

  • Greed. Your greed goes beyondborders.
  • Avarice. Due to his stinginess, the old man ate only bread and water.
  • Misery. This man's meagerness is amazing, he is ready to hang himself for a penny.
  • Stinginess. The young man could not fork out for a gift for his beloved because of his stinginess.
stingy woman
stingy woman

Sample sentences

To consolidate the lexical meaning of the noun "stinginess", it is better to make several sentences with it:

  1. Remember that stinginess does not make you look good.
  2. Being mean, you don't want to buy yourself a new suit.
  3. Excessive stinginess repels people.
  4. Meanness is the inability to rationally allocate finances.
  5. Meanness leads to foregoing essential needs.

Now it became clear what the word "stingy" means. This is a bad character trait, which indicates that a person is terrified of spending money and infringes on himself in every possible way.
