A person gradually grows up, each new day offers him an increasingly interesting choice. It is quite difficult to decide on your own, and the advice of older comrades, parents and teachers is even more confusing. Older people with a smart look talk about how important it is to choose your path. What is it? How can one find the path of life if the helpers speak in mysterious terms? You just need to look in the dictionary!
Slavic roots
On the territory of Europe, consonant terms can still be found in many languages. They are similar to each other even in spelling, and their meaning is reduced to general concepts:
- footpath;
- path;
- road;
- trail etc.
It becomes immediately obvious that the path is the path. Most often trampled down by many travelers, laid in advance and therefore the most convenient. To move through it, it is not necessary to make serious efforts, it is enough to rely on the experience of predecessors.

Rare use
But why is the word "path" almost impossible to find in everyday speech? Where did all these paths, sidewalks, highways come from? The point is the poetic nature of the concept under study. It can be seen in poetry, in fiction, heard during the speeches of famous speakers who are trying to charm the public with sonorous statements. For everyday communication, they use other terms, simple and generally accessible.
Simple meaning
The speaker shows the direction and claims that this is the path? How to understand his thought? Two interpretations are possible depending on the style of speech used:
- path, road - in the traditionally poetic;
- life path is in the sublime.
In the first case, everything is clear: an ordinary element of infrastructure along which people, horses, cars move. In the second, the nuances are important. We can talk about the life of some important historical figure, his achievements and defeats. Or the interlocutor points to hypothetical possibilities, to choose from:
- directions in education;
- future profession;
- specific enterprise for employment;
- life partner, etc.
The word touches on abstract, but fateful moments, thanks to which the personality is formed.

Relevance of the concept
Can I say that? Undoubtedly! Do not forget that "path" iselegant parable. In addition, it is a marker of erudition and a way to show off the knowledge of your native language.
The younger generation reacts with discontent to attempts to impose opinions, so the poetic form may be the most effective. It is enough to describe certain advantages of choosing a life path in beautiful wording, and the sublime style will disguise the tips with a beautiful wrapper and preserve a sense of independence. And this is the method of a good mentor!