The sky is a symbol of freedom and independence, it has always been something mysterious and unattainable for people. Everyone wanted to soar like birds, maneuver between the clouds, look down at the small planet. With the invention of the airplane, man came a little closer to his dream, steel birds began to cut through the expanses of heaven. This amazing discovery turned the views on some things, opened up new horizons for a person and gave many opportunities. Interestingly, most often aircraft do not move in a straight line. But what kind of trajectory does a jet plane leave in the sky?
Which plane can be called a jet?

A jet aircraft is an aircraft that moves with the help of special engines. Ejected from the devicea gas jet that transmits an impulse to it, the rocket moves according to the same principle. Jet aircraft today form the basis of civil and military aviation. What trajectory a jet leaves in the sky can be determined by its condensation (or contrail) trail.

What trajectory does a jet plane leave? Let's start with definitions. Trajectory - the line along which the body moves. It is either straight or curved. That is, you need to determine the path along which the plane flies. Typically, the trajectory of a jet aircraft is a line similar to an arc. But it all depends on the pilot, his skills, skill and experience.

To determine what trajectory a jet plane leaves in the sky, you need to look at its contrail. The temperature of the gases emitted by the aircraft is much higher than the air temperature, because of this, the water vapor is converted into small droplets, thus, a visible white plume forms behind the aircraft. Therefore, what trajectory a jet aircraft leaves in the sky, along which line it moves, can be judged by the strip left by the aircraft.