Emphasis on the word "spoilt": remember thanks to burima

Emphasis on the word "spoilt": remember thanks to burima
Emphasis on the word "spoilt": remember thanks to burima

If you suddenly doubt what stress is in the word "spoil", you should look into the dictionary again. Of course, the correct option is "spoil".

And the stress in the word "spoiled" falls on O. How to keep it in memory, if the word "minion" has a stressed syllable "ba"?

We need associations, best of all - rhymed lines that will help schoolchildren (and not only them) to remember difficult accentological norms.

Meaning of the word and synonyms

Illustration for the poem by S. Mikhalkov "Mimosa"
Illustration for the poem by S. Mikhalkov "Mimosa"

"Spoiled" - a child who requires special attention or is over-given with toys and other things. The same definition can be applied to adults, pets, all pets that are taken care of beyond reasonable limits.

The most appropriate synonyms for "spoiled" and "spoiled" are the words "pampered, capricious, cherished, masterful".

A perfect example of a spoiled child -boy Vitya in S. Mikhalkov's poem "Mimosa":

He is in bed

With wadded blankets, Except for buns and cakes, Doesn't want to eat anything.

A suitable idiom is "like cheese in butter". But spoiled is not just living in full prosperity, but also not quite satisfied; affectionate, but not appreciating the love of others.

What does the minion have to do with it

how to raise a spoiled child
how to raise a spoiled child

The word "mind" creates the greatest difficulty in remembering the stress in the words "spoiled, spoiled, spoil, spoil, spoil". Although the words are of the same root, but this "naughty and favorite" makes it difficult to remember the stresses in them.

Only in the word "minion" the stress falls on the syllable "BA". Even in the noun "spoiler" the last syllable will be stressed. In all other verbs and adjectives with such a root, the accent on "BA" is not done. Correct:

  • spoil;
  • spoil;
  • Spoiled;
  • spoiled;
  • spoil;
  • Pamper.

These are capricious words that do not want to reckon with the "minion of fate".

How to remember the correct stress

The rhyme for the word "spoilt" is chosen easily. "Bewitched, educated, pickled, grounded" and dozens more words. The best association occurs in the pair "spoilt-kissed".

Why do we need rhymes? The verses fit wellin memory. They will help to memorize the stress in the word "spoilt" and in other words with the same root. It is very useful to play burim with children. The rules of the game are very easy.

Write the first line and say what word it ends with - for example, "spoil". The next player writes, choosing a suitable rhyme. Let's say "trade". Everyone comes up with their own line, not knowing what the other player wrote. Only the rhyme and meter are known. When there are enough lines written on the sheet (each previous line is hidden, let's say the edge of the sheet is folded), the result is a poem. After reading it, you will be surprised and laugh.

An example to remember is a common rhyme:

Mom spoiled her daughter, I gave cake instead of bread.

Or another rhyming phrase that will help fix the stress in the word "spoiled": "Pampered pet, kissed by the mistress".

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Accentological norms

Don't assume that such strict rules for stressing the word "spoiled" and cognate words are needed only for schoolchildren in the exam. They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind. And if there are too many such flaws in our speech, we will probably be considered people who are not educated enough.

spa for spoiled dogs
spa for spoiled dogs

The prevalence of error plays a bad role: constantly reinforced by others, it again and again gets into colloquial speech. Even television and radio do not always help -reporting errors are not uncommon.

The study of the rules of stress in accentology leads to the fact that linguists tend to recognize the established word usage. The use of the word, which has been established in live speech, enters dictionaries and becomes the new norm. However, this does not yet apply to the words "spoil", "spoilt". The stress on the first syllable is considered an erroneous, vernacular option.

The correct stress in the word "spoilt" is on the last syllable, in the word "spoilt" - on the second.
