In "phone" the accent will not cause problems. What about "let's call"?

In "phone" the accent will not cause problems. What about "let's call"?
In "phone" the accent will not cause problems. What about "let's call"?

The emphasis on "call on the phone" does not cause difficulty for anyone. You won't hear "we need to call" misspelled. It's quite another thing - "let's call", "they will call".

and so on.

Why is it easy to put the stress in the word "phone" correctly, but it's difficult to put it in "let's call"? Probably out of habit. The prevalence of the error serves its constant "reproduction". Such a vicious circle.

How to teach everyone to stress the word "let's call" on And? Of course, you need to start with young children. It is easiest to teach them the correct use of words. With the help of poems, stories, conversations. Perhaps, children's "jokes", rhymed stresses will also come in handy for adults.

Be that as it may, it is worth trying to establish the correct pronunciation in the language. Just do not go too far - not everyone likes it when they are taught, interrupted, commented on their mistakes. It is not so much people who speak inaccurately that can cause antipathy, but those who constantly rebuke them.

Meaning of the word and synonyms

Time to call
Time to call

The meaning of the word "let's call" - we will call each other, see you, see you, see you, see you, goodbye.

Its synonyms - let's talk, discuss, contact, call each other, agree, talk over, let's talk.

The meaning of this word in the Russian-speaking environment is beyond doubt. Some believe that the expression "let's call" (as well as "call back") contains a hint of the optional contact. You can disagree with this, because the usual "I'll call" depends on the context.

How to remember "let's call"

Call after arrival
Call after arrival

In many words derived from "phone up", the accent is placed on O, which is incorrect. This does not apply to "I'll call you", no one is mistaken in this verb. But "phoned, phoned, phoned, phoned, phoned" suffered a completely different fate.

Of course, you can keep in mind that if the stress in the word "call" on the syllable "ringing" does not fall, then by analogy in other words it will be like thissame. But it's hard to remember every time. There are also some pitfalls that interfere with memorization. For example, the word "ringing" - has an accent on O, and call on I.

Many educators advise using funny simple rhymes for younger students. For example:

Let's fly! Let's land -

We will definitely call you.

A life story familiar to children will help you remember how to say "let's call you" correctly. By the way, at the same time it would not be bad to fix one more rule - for the phrase "phone on arrival".

Of course language changes. Once upon a time, the verb "gives" was pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable. Now "gives" is the norm. But for now, the dictionary will answer the question, what is the stress in the word "let's call", unequivocally - to "I".

All related words without accent on "ringing"

Call the child
Call the child

Verbs with the root "ringing" - call, call, call, call back, phone - the stress is on I.

No one has problems "call", "call back", "get through". And after all, "Moscow, the bells are ringing" - everyone will pronounce it correctly. But the phrases "I'm being called" and "we'll call you" are so often misspelled!

Having remembered the derivatives of "phone" with the correct accent, we will not be mistaken when we say "let's call", "will call".

Who will teach us


It's good when the speech was delivered correctly at school or in the family. Educated people themselves do not make mistakes and condescendingly relate to other people's flaws, preferring not to notice them. But some connoisseurs are not satisfied with incorrect accents, and they begin to correct them.

The truth, as always, is in the middle - it's not worth it to pull everyone up and teach, but it's also unreasonable to leave them completely unattended. After all, we do not want our friends, acquaintances, relatives to be considered illiterate people? How can you help them?

You can help only in one case - if the person himself wants to improve his speech and turned to you for advice. If you can’t wait to push him to this thought, then offer a conversation about how others relate to speech errors, how incorrect pronunciation characterizes a person. If this topic turns out to be interesting, then it is already easy to influence your friend. He himself will look into the dictionary or listen to the correct speech.

Television and radio are not a panacea these days. Reporting errors are not uncommon. And a movie, where the speech characteristics of the character is more important than the exact pronunciation, will leave you at a loss as to how correctly "let's call" or "let's call". But there are textbooks, reference books, advice on the Internet - let's listen to them.

Where the dog is buried

How many words in Russian are persistently pronounced wrong by native speakers? There are a lot of them. The most obsessive on everyone's teeth - "on Wednesdays", "money", "bows", "cakes", "beets""sorrel".

Let's pay attention to the fact that these words are incorrectly pronounced by people not only with secondary, but also with higher education. At the same time, they have a large vocabulary, they know a lot of terms, they have a good command of the language as a whole. But the force of habit does not allow you to put the emphasis in the right place.

So, you just have to not be lazy, once again consult, look in the dictionary. And your report or conversation with colleagues will be devoid of annoying blunders, negligence, persistent errors.

Call for a business conversation
Call for a business conversation

The most "insidious" verbs

The "uncomfortable" verbs include not only derivatives of "call" and "phone on the phone". The verbs "to indulge" and "to peck" may be less common in our speech, but mistakes in them are also frequent.

Waiting for a call
Waiting for a call

There are verbs in which it is not the stress that causes difficulty, but the prefix. These are "put on" and "dress".

And only at first glance these subtleties seem like impenetrable intricacies of the Russian language. Looking closely, we will understand that everything is much simpler.
