"Prettier": Emphasis on "and" is the only correct option

"Prettier": Emphasis on "and" is the only correct option
"Prettier": Emphasis on "and" is the only correct option

The word "more beautiful" is very common. This is a comparative degree of the adjective "beautiful" often used in colloquial and literary speech.

It became "problematic" because of the strict accentological norms of the Russian language, which require that "more beautiful" be emphasized only on "and".

Those to whom this rule seems strange are invited to take a closer look at how it has developed. It is necessary to pay attention to what similar adjectives are in speech. What prevents correctly put the stress in the word "more beautiful"? How to memorize the shock "and"?

Meaning, synonyms, usage

which rose is more beautiful
which rose is more beautiful

Beautiful is the quality of a person, an object, an action, which speaks of its attractiveness, an image that is pleasant for the eyes of people, special harmony and proportionality. More beautiful means even better, prettier,more beautiful, more wonderful and wonderful.

There are a lot of synonyms for "more beautiful" - "more magnificent", "more picturesque", "more refined", "more elegant", "more interesting", "more beautiful", "prettier", "more elegant", "more charming".

There is a good analog for pathos words "more aesthetic", "more elegant", "more effective". "More beautiful". They can also replace a number of colloquial words that are close in meaning.

Comparative degree

"More beautiful" is a comparative degree. When they say "more beautiful", they certainly compare with something. With a different landscape, interior, act, face, outfit, and so on. The superlative degree of this adjective is "beautiful". It is also sometimes pronounced with an erroneous accent.

The Little Prince and the Rose
The Little Prince and the Rose

The comparative degree of adjectives follows a simple pattern: the ending - "her" (in some cases - "e" or "she") is added to the root of the word.

Here's what's interesting. In short form and in full form, the stress falls on the same syllable: "beautiful", "beautiful", "beautiful" - "beautiful". It is in adjectives where the stress is stable that it will remain in the comparative and in the superlative degree. This is exactly what happens with the adjectives "beautiful", "beautiful". Another example: "shy", "shy", "shy" - "shy" -"shyer".

Of course, keeping this rule in mind all the time and remembering during a conversation is not the best way to remember a word. There are more practical options.

Why such an emphasis is unexpected

Prettier is a relative term
Prettier is a relative term

What's stopping you from stressing the word "beautiful" right? Force of habit, of course. But it also arose not only because the environment says the same. Analogy with other adjectives in the comparative degree is the main reason for this mistake.

Because we say: "This student is smarter, stronger, he althier and more fun than his peers." I would like to apply such an emphasis on the ending for "more beautiful".

Although here the association should arise with other adjectives - "smarter", "more patient", "more courteous", "more fair", "hardworking", "more fun". So, can't dozens of words with a similar formation in any way affect the use of one of them - "beautiful", which is still stressed incorrectly?

Out of fashion?

1927 - choice of coat
1927 - choice of coat

Although there are many synonyms for the word "prettier", it has not become less popular because of the awkward accent. Of course, if uncertainty about pronunciation prevents its use, "better", "more interesting", "more beautiful", "more beautiful" will appear instead.

When discussing a number of topics, this word is quite appropriate. Not only female beauty is judged insuperlative and comparative degrees - "beautiful" and "more beautiful". Designers are wondering how to make a room more beautiful, gardeners are wondering how to grow a beautiful rose, and so on. So they say about their beloved land, their native land, about flowers and animals, dresses and jewelry. Compare songs, music, poems, paintings. Even skills.

For example, James Fenimore Cooper in Pathfinder:

…a ship must always approach the shore astern, no matter if it is one mile or one cable from land. It looks more beautiful, and beauty in our world means something.

But more about women - in a different context. For example: "How to feel more confident and more beautiful?", "Which of the actresses is more beautiful?", "Why do girls become more beautiful with age?".

Obviously, this word has not gone out of fashion, despite good analogues for it. So, we will learn the correct stress in the word "beautiful".

Trying to make the handwriting prettier, choosing a prettier manicure - you will have to pronounce this word not only in these cases.

What is more beautiful
What is more beautiful

Accentological norms

If a person thinks about where the emphasis falls in "more beautiful", he is on the right track. Looking into a dictionary, reference book, reading tips on the Internet, he will find words, the stress in which causes difficulties even for the native speakers of the Russian language.

Choice of beautiful colors
Choice of beautiful colors

By the way, take offense at those whocommented on your mistake in oral speech, it's not worth it. Even if their motivation is not entirely correct, you will notice something that you did not notice before. This is a plus. Most, simply out of politeness, will remain silent when you incorrectly emphasize "more beautiful".

Improving your speech is very useful. By vocabulary and the way it is used, a person is judged more accurately than by appearance. Don't wait to be corrected. Take care of this issue yourself. Especially if your work is connected with communication with people.

Accentological norms of the Russian language are studied by linguists. They publish dictionaries and textbooks. There are materials for the exam, which reflect modern stresses in words. The Ministry of Education issues special documents reflecting changes in word usage.

How to remember

For those who are familiar with the song about Leningrad to the words of A. Fatyanov, it is not at all difficult to remember how expressively the word "more beautiful" rhymes in it.

The sky is blue over Russia, The sky is blue over the Neva.

There is no more beautiful in the whole world

My Leningrad.

Boris Zakhoder's poem "What is the most beautiful of all" has the key to remember the correct stress. Below is an excerpt.

The child asked out of the blue:

- Come on, tell me, what is the most beautiful thing?

Yes, that's the question: "What is the most beautiful thing?".

I couldn't answer it myself.

There are a lot of rhymes for the word "more beautiful". Let's try to play with children in burim. Let's write a rhyme"prettier is happier." For example:

"The more beautiful flowers are, Happier gardener".

It's hard to decide who's prettier
It's hard to decide who's prettier

There are enough of these rhymes, more than a hundred - that's for sure. You can take "funnier", "jealous", "rainier" and so on. This game will entertain on the way, while waiting for a doctor's appointment, it will decorate a country evening. It will be interesting for kids to play under the guidance of older children or adults. They won't get bored and will always remember the emphasis on the word "more beautiful".
