Starting a conversation about what terms are, one should turn to the ancient culture of classical Greece. There, long before our era, at the homes of we althy citizens and gymnasiums - original educational institutions - public baths were created, access to which was open to everyone. However, this type of Mediterranean culture received its highest flowering in Ancient Rome.

A tradition established in Ancient Rome
Founded the tradition of building public baths, called "therms", the Roman emperor Agrippa, who ruled from 25 to 19 BC. Before his death, he bequeathed his offspring for free use to all residents of the Eternal City, and his successors supported this initiative. What are terms, the Romans knew before. Close trade and political ties with Greece played a big role in this, but only with the light hand of Agrippa did they manage to fully appreciate this achievement of civilization.
Thermae in Rome, without losing their functional purpose, have become a real attribute of luxury. Made of expensive varieties of marble and richly decorated with mosaics, they were decorated with sculptures,made in the best traditions of ancient art. The creators of thermae spared no expense either on the columns that supported the vaults of the premises, or on the bronze doors, decorated with intricate ornaments.
Features of Roman terms
It is characteristic that the baths in Rome did not need water heating - they were originally built near hot springs with a temperature of 37-40 ° C, from which they got their name. Numerous pools were filled with this warm water, and it was changed two or three times a day without much expense.

Ancient baths had different devices and internal layouts, but they certainly kept rooms that had a strictly defined purpose. Passing from one to another, the visitor of the thermal bath made the whole bath cycle for several hours.
The path of earthly bliss
This is primarily the so-called apodytherium, which was a cool dressing room, where it was pleasant to enter from the street filled with the heat of the day. Then followed the tepidarium - a warm room, the temperature in which did not exceed 40 ° C. Humidity in it was moderate and equaled 40%.
From it, the visitor got into the callidarium, where the air temperature rose significantly and reached about 50 ° C, and the humidity was 100%, and from there, fairly steamed and maddened, he passed into a dry steam room - laconium. According to the climate established in it, it was similar to a modern Finnish sauna. At a sufficiently high temperature, reaching 80°, the humidity did not exceed 20%.

Next toIn the next room, called the "frigidarium", two pools filled with warm and cold water awaited this minion of the pagan gods. They performed what today is commonly called contrast bathing. And the crown of the whole bathing cycle was the lavrium. There, in the hands of skilled masseurs, he was to taste truly heavenly bliss.
Technical arrangement of Roman baths
However, you can get a complete picture of what thermal baths are only by touching on the question of their technical device, which made it possible to set the desired temperature and humidity in the premises. It must be admitted that in this respect the Roman architects showed extraordinary ingenuity. They developed a highly efficient central heating system called the "hypocaust".
Water and air, heated in furnaces located in the basement, rose through special channels and circulated in the cavities of the walls, as well as under the floor, which had a double coating for this purpose. The floor and walls were made in such a way that their outer layers allowed only a strictly defined amount of heat to pass inside and thus ensured the desired temperature in each room.

Baths that have become urban cultural centers
Antique baths were very popular among the population and soon after their appearance became generally accepted leisure centers. In this regard, their content began to grow rapidly. Gyms, libraries and eventheaters. A special role was given to eating food, which was the reason for the appearance of branches in the baths, which became the prototypes of modern restaurants.
To this day, the memory of the glory that was once used by the famous baths of Diocletian, the Roman emperor who ruled at the end of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th century, has been preserved. They were built in the period from 298 to 305 and then solemnly consecrated in honor of the emperor. It was a truly grandiose structure, covering an area of fourteen hectares and capable of simultaneously accommodating more than three thousand people.
According to the descriptions that have come down to us, the baths of Diocletian included gardens, decorated with numerous fountains and pavilions, as well as libraries, halls for public meetings, sports and a theater. Today, in their place is Republic Square, and where the central hall was once located, a Catholic church was erected.

What are thermae these days?
In the modern world, the traditions laid down in ancient times have received a new incarnation. All over the world there are a huge number of he alth and entertainment complexes built on their basis, where everyone can relax, unwind after work, and at the same time relieve stress and have a good time.
An example of this is "Khvalynskiye termy" - a complex located in the city of Khvalynsk, Saratov region. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that here the guests are provided with an open-air heated swimming pool. It's hard to convey whatpleasure awaits those who plunge into its waters in winter after skiing on the surrounding slopes.
Besides winter swimming, "Khvalynskiye Termy" offer to visit the sauna located on their territory, designed for a hundred people, or take a steam bath in a Russian bath with indispensable birch brooms, as well as fragrant tea poured from a samovar. Not forgotten are those who wish to purify themselves not only in body but also in soul. They can go to the consecrated source located on the territory, equipped with a font. For the youngest guests of the complex, a children's town has been built, in which a lot of pleasure awaits them.

Mobile baths
However, today, in order to take a good steam bath and relieve stress, it is not necessary to go on a long journey. With the modern development of technology, a quite suitable terma (bath) can be equipped even in a small summer cottage. Modern industry produces a wide range of different mobile complexes installed in small rooms or just in tents.