Stalin had various medals and orders in his treasury of awards, he was also awarded many honorary titles. But eyewitnesses claimed that the generalissimo, whose name is known all over the world, truly treasured only one distinguishing mark, which he wore at all official events.
Various speculation about numerous medals and awards
When Stalin was in power, not a single even the most courageous person would dare to express doubt aloud that the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR received some orders, medals and titles undeservedly. But after the end of his authoritarian rule, such statements could be heard more and more often. One of the versions voiced in relation to Stalin's awards was the statement that he specifically wrote out various military awards for himself in order not to look in an unfavorable light in the eyes of his subordinates. It should be noted right away that some military leaders often had much more of these same awards than Stalin.

Besidestoday you can read a lot of authoritative evidence that confirms that Stalin, the man who ruled the Soviet Union for about 30 years, remained quite modest until the end of his life and preferred an ascetic lifestyle. He did not particularly like to brag about material we alth and achievements, so it is really difficult to imagine that such a person could specially reward himself with something in order to look worthy next to military commanders.
Stalin's special attitude to his awards
In their memoirs, books and memoirs, people who had the opportunity to personally communicate with Stalin, and also spent some time with him, note that he had a modest attitude towards awards. He never liked to brag about them and did not flaunt them. Even the received medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." he rarely wore it.
Given this, it can hardly be assumed that Iosif Vissarionovich specially issued awards for himself and put forward his candidacy for state titles. Why did the Generalissimo need orders and medals that he was not going to show off, and did not even consider it necessary to wear them to various official events?
Despite how many awards Stalin had, he always had only one gold medal "Hammer and Sickle" without exception.

The hammer and sickle gold medal was presented to Stalin in 1939 by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for special merits inbuilding a socialist society in the USSR, maintaining friendly relations between peoples and for services in organizing the Bolshevik Party. It was not clear to many why Stalin valued this particular award so much. But authoritative historians and biographers say that this award, like no other, reflected the meaning of his life - work for the development and prosperity of the socialist Fatherland.
Reproach to Marshal Zhukov
It is worth noting that Iosif Vissarionovich still occasionally wore some of his awards, which he received before the war. Those that were awarded during the war years, the Generalissimo wore very rarely. But those Stalin awards that were presented after the war for the Great Victory, it was almost impossible to see on it.
It can be assumed that he believed that most of these medals were given out undeservedly. Or perhaps Stalin considered them well-deserved, but received at a disproportionately high price. In favor of such reflections, one can cite the situation described by Yu. Mukhin in one of his books.
According to the author, at a banquet organized for the high command in honor of the Victory, Zhukov sat at the same table with Stalin. At the same time, no expected laudatory odes in honor of the First Marshal of Victory Zhukov sounded. To the marshal himself and to some of those present, this seemed strange. Zhukov decided to take the initiative and say a toast.
He began by saying that the most difficult time he had to endure during the entire Second World War was the defense of Moscow. Stalin, after listening to this whole speech, confirmed,that the time was difficult and in many ways decisive for the subsequent outcome of the war. He mentioned that at the same time, many defenders of the capital did not receive well-deserved awards, because, having distinguished themselves in battles, they were seriously wounded or remained disabled. Then Stalin hit the table hard with his fist and noticed that those who did not need to be encouraged by these awards were not forgotten, got up from the table and left without returning to the banquet.
The first awards of young Stalin
Despite the specific attitude to the medals "For the Victory", Stalin still valued his first awards. In addition to the star of the Hero of Labor, these include the following:
- The Order of the Red Banner was awarded in 1919 for the final capture of Tsaritsyn by the Red troops.
- The Order of the Red Banner was awarded in 1937 for services shown on the front of social construction.
- Medal "XX Years of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army" issued in 1938

Awards received during the war years
Since Iosif Vissarionovich was the commander-in-chief of the USSR, during World War II he was awarded medals and orders:
by the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded the Order of Suvorov I st. for the brilliant leadership of the operations of the Red Army against the German invaders in 1943
honorary titles of Stalin - The Order of the Red Banner "For 20 years of impeccable service" was issued in 1944
- Order "Victory" No. 3 issued in 1944 for the development of offensive operations of spacecraft,which led to the defeat of the Nazis.
- Medal "For the Defense of Moscow" received in 1944
Orders and medals received in the post-war period
Medals issued precisely in the post-war period were not particularly popular with Stalin. Some of them include:
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" received in 1945
medal for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 - Order "Victory" No. 15 received in 1945 for merits in the organization of all the USSR Armed Forces and their skillful leadership during the war.
- "Gold Star" - a medal received in 1945 for the leadership of the spacecraft in difficult days for the Motherland and the capital.
- Medal "For the victory over Japan" received in 1945
Awards issued by various republics
In addition to state awards, JV Stalin also had awards received for his services from other republics. These include:
- Awards issued by the Czechoslovak SSR: two Military Crosses of 1939 (the first was awarded in 1943, the second - in 1945) and two Orders of the White Lion (I class and "For Victory") were awarded in 1945.
- Order received from the Tuva People's Republic: Order of the Republic of the TPR issued in 1943
- Ranks, medals and orders of the Mongolian People's Republic: a medal issued for the "Victory over Japan" (1945); order to them. Sukhe-Bator received in 1945; conferring the title of Hero of the Mongolian Republic with the receipt of the "Gold Star"; medal dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Mongolian Revolution, issued in 1946g.
- The Order of the Red Star issued by the Bukhara Soviet Republic was awarded to Stalin in 1922.
Received titles
After the victory at Stalingrad in March 1943, a new military rank was given to Stalin - marshal. After the end of the Second World War, in the circles of those close to him, there was more and more talk that the Commander-in-Chief should be awarded the title of Generalissimo. But Stalin was not interested in honorary titles, and he refused for a very long time. Unexpectedly, a letter from K. Rokossovsky could have an impact on him, in which the author, referring to Stalin, noted that they were both marshals. And if someday Stalin wants to punish Rokossovsky, he will not have enough authority for this, because their military ranks are equal.

Such an argument turned out to be very reasoned for Iosif Vissarionovich, and he gave his long-awaited consent. This title was awarded to him in June 1945, but until his last days, Stalin refused to wear a uniform with the shoulder straps of a generalissimo. He thought she was too dressy and luxurious.