Nonsense - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Nonsense - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Nonsense - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

We dearly love the word that will be discussed today. Because it, like a master key, is suitable for solving many situations. For example, they say to you: “Soon there will be a subtropical climate throughout Russia!”. And you respond: “Yes, well, some kind of nonsense!”. It is this last noun that will be the subject of our analysis today. Surely, in the process, the reader will discover facts that he did not even know about.

Nonsense and gerunds

Young priests
Young priests

Completely different phenomena coexist in the language in an amazing way: obscene ditties and high poetry, the prose of L. N. Tolstoy and the writings of Harry Potter fans about the further adventures of the heroes of JK Rowling, the poetry of Blok and the one who only learned to rhyme words and understood that "roses - frosts" is quite a sensible rhyme. And all this is Russian literature.

The high and the low coexist calmly in the language. Therefore, we are not surprised that "nonsense" is a word that owes itsthe birth of the Latin gerundium. Foreign language learners know that the gerund is a grammatical concept (a kind of noun derived from a verb) in Latin. Seminary students also studied the latter language, of course, along with other subjects. Apparently, this concept (gerund) was not given to the students too easily, so they began to call so any nonsense that came across them on the way. Initially, there was a form of “gerund”, then the letter “g” disappeared or died out, and the “nonsense” familiar to all of us remained, and this is not the end. The word entered the language in the 19th century, but now that's all I wanted to say about the origin.

The meaning of the noun and not only it

As we said earlier, with a word you can dismiss any problem, any question, simply devaluing and calling it nonsense. But few people know that, in addition to the object of study, the language also has related words in the assortment. Better to list them:

  • nonsense (noun);
  • nonsense (verb);
  • nonsense (adjective).

It seems that only the dialect is missing in this company. How would it sound if it was? Erundovo. A little strange, but, to be honest, it is possible that it exists. In any case, it does not appear on the lists, because it is not in the explanatory dictionary, but the rest are! Consider first the meaning of the word "nonsense":

  1. Nonsense, nonsense, absurdity.
  2. About something insignificant, insignificant.

Examples of sentences, as well as the meaning of related verbs and adjectives

Grandmothers laugh
Grandmothers laugh

We cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of giving examples of sentences to two meanings:

  • Listen, do not let Keshka Lozhechnikov into my office, as soon as he comes, he immediately starts to poison bearded jokes and generally grind some nonsense about how he will get rich and be sure to quit.
  • Yes, indeed, I lost a million dollars at the races. And what? Do you sympathize with me? It's not worth it, all this is trifles, nonsense, because I still have a hundred such millions on my account.

A verb derived from a noun is defined in the dictionary as follows: "To do or say nonsense." In this case, the noun is used in its first meaning.

And the example is as follows:

Don't be stupid! Are you telling me that you went to the bird market and brought an alligator instead of a kitten?! Where do you think he will live? First in the bath, what does first mean? And then? Okay, it's none of my business, get out as you please

There will be no special meaning of the adjective here, because it is completely similar to the noun we are analyzing.


man smiling
man smiling

Yes, we had a great time, we hope the reader too. Nonsense is a wonderful noun, it allows you to look at things from the other side. However, it is time to return to the serious mainstream and talk about word substitutions, its analogues. For convenience, let's list them:

  • empty;
  • stupidity;
  • small change;
  • nothing;
  • nonsense;
  • game;
  • nonsense;
  • nonsense;
  • mura;
  • absurdity.

As the reader can understand, there is no shortage of synonyms for the word "nonsense". If the reader does not like our options, he can always think a little and offer his own, especially since he already has all the necessary data on hand.

Nonsense is a value judgment

Tug of war as a symbol of dispute
Tug of war as a symbol of dispute

Now that the technical part is over, we can speculate a little about why we consider certain phenomena and events to be nonsense. After all, sometimes nonsense is just a value judgment. It is to this aspect of the problem that we devote some space and time. Let's start with the fact that when a person does not understand something, he considers something to be nonsense. For example, contemporary art causes many people to feel a deep sense of bewilderment. Is there really any deep meaning hidden in modern installations, or is it all just a hoax? The answer, unfortunately, is unknown, because art is an area where different interpretations and interpretations are possible, and the latter often depend on the education and worldview and value position of the person who interprets the novel, picture or film.

Such ambiguity could be observed in the TV show "Cultural Revolution", when the theme was initially set, which could be interpreted in this way and that way. Then two, as a rule, intellectuals were called, and they discussed.

And if there is a dispute, then there is no single correct opinion that could somehow characterize the word "nonsense". Sometimes it points to objective phenomenaworld, and sometimes represents a value judgment. And the latter is not only possible, but must be questioned.
