After the introduction of new state standards into the national education system, project activity has become an indispensable element in any subject area. Under the guidance of their mentors-teachers, the guys think through and implement research in various scientific fields. At the initial stage of education, schoolchildren study the course "The World Around".
As part of this subject, they get an initial idea of wildlife, processes. Special attention in this educational area is given to local history and patriotic activities. let's dwell on some of the work of schoolchildren.

We are responsible for wildlife
Projects around the world can be carried out in the process of getting to know plants and animals. Birds, animals that need protection can be considered as an object for work. What is the best way to start a project? "The World Around: The Red Book with Your Own Hands" is one of the options for the name of the future work for elementary school students.
The subject will be thoseconditions that allow people to conserve endangered species.
As a hypothesis, the young researcher can assume that he will be able to make his own contribution to the conservation of wildlife.
Meaning of work
Projects around the world expand children's knowledge about the nature of their region, teach them to be responsible citizens, take care of plants and animals. The result of the work carried out can be a stand "Let's save for posterity". Projects around the world involve the use of additional materials:
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- gouache;
- watercolours;
- colored pencils.
According to the results of the activity, the child (a group of children) draw up a booklet "The Red Book of my region".
Projects around the world can be carried out both during the lesson and as part of extracurricular activities.

What the Red Book can tell about
For starters, it is important to highlight the goal, tasks of the work, choose an algorithm of actions. In the introduction, the author substantiates the relevance of the topic chosen for research. For example, it can be noted that our region is distinguished by unique flora and fauna, but some of the plants need protection. If we, ordinary people, do not take action, then in a few years part of the wildlife will disappear, our descendants will never know how some flowers smell.
Our region needs help, so we, schoolchildren, must know about the existence of the Red Book, protect those plants that are listed in it.
In order to create the Red Book of their village, city, the guys must collect certain information. One way to obtain information is to conduct an anonymous sociological survey. The young researcher offers respondents several questions related to the subject of his work:
- what do you know about the Red Book;
- what she talks about;
- why is it called "red";
- what plants and animals fall into such a book;
- how it works.
After statistical processing of all questionnaires, the author summarizes and draws conclusions.
For example, you can take a sociological project on the outside world. Animals that respondents indicated in their answers may become the object of research.
If the survey shows that most of the respondents do not have information about the Red Book, its significance, this is a direct confirmation of the relevance and timeliness of the project.

Save and Save
Currently, the number and prevalence of animals is changing before our eyes. Reducing the number is relevant for the steppe eagles, partridges, hares. With their disappearance, the world around us can also change. The Our Class for Nature project should help reverse this trend. What have we decided to do? We have created an information booklet that shows the reasons for the decline in the number of these species:
- excessive drought;
- unorganized hunting;
- poaching;
- Using chemicals to fertilize fields;
- environmental pollution.

Conclusion on the project
How can the World Around Project be completed? Grade 3 involves presenting the results of work in front of classmates at educational and research conferences, as well as attracting public attention through information booklets created by the project team.
They can reflect the results of an anonymous sociological survey, indicate those animals that are included in the Red Book, list the rules of behavior in the forest.

The work "The Red Book of my land"
We offer a finished project. "The world. Grade 3" contains several paragraphs related to the topic. This can be used to develop the cognitive interest of the younger generation, to form a positive attitude towards wildlife in children. The goal will be to study the native land, get acquainted with rare and endangered species of animals and plants.
What other goal does the City project pursue? The world around us is so vulnerable that a person must take care of nature.
Each region has its own plants and animals that need protection. The Red Book of the Voronezh Region was approved in 2008. It unites about seventeen thousand species of plants and animals. About 850 more species are not included in it, but they also need special protection, since their numbers are declining every year. The book presentsinformation about the biological characteristics of the species, the causes of extinction, conditions for protection and restoration.
The project managed to identify the main categories of species rarity:
- those that disappeared;
- imminently endangered;
- rare;
- downsizing;
- recoverable.
For example, if earlier in the Don River such red fish as brown trout was common, which laid eggs here, then after the construction of the Tsimlyansk dam, this valuable fish variety disappeared completely.
At the beginning of the last century there were many black grouse, but in the second half of the 20th century the bird disappeared almost completely. The reasons for this phenomenon can be considered poaching, deforestation, drainage of marshy places. In central Russia, there is a tendency to reduce the number of birds of prey: golden eagles, owls, hawks, eagles.

There are almost no pelicans, bustards, little bustards left in the Voronezh region, and the number of snakes is also declining. Biologists are trying to restore some animal species on their own. For example, in the second half of the last century, the beautiful Apollo butterfly was widespread in the region, then it disappeared.
Through the efforts of students of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, who are doing summer practice in the Voronezh region, they managed to return these beautiful creatures to their "historical homeland" by borrowing "Apollos" in Tambov.
Such actions are one of the ways to show concern for wildlife. Amongplants that are included in the Red Book of the Voronezh region are distinguished:
- thin-leaved peony;
- Altai bell;
- meadow cornflower;
- broad-leaved wormwood, blueberry.
Biologists are convinced that in order to preserve rare species, it is important to create the maximum number of specially protected areas in the region: reserves, nature reserves.

Arkhangelsk Region Nature Protection Project
Issues related to the careful attitude of man to the flora and fauna are discussed in classes on the world around us in all regions of the country. Such a northern region as the Arkhangelsk region is no exception. For example, a project can be devoted to the study of juniper, listed in the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region. This shrub is considered an indicator of the ecological situation, so it is so important to find out in which areas it grows and what its population is.
Currently, it is important to pay close attention of mankind to issues related to the protection and conservation of flora and fauna of the planet. From an early age, it is important to form in the younger generation a caring attitude towards living organisms, which is fully facilitated by project activities. Some Russian regions are actively involved in the work involving the formation of environmental skills in children of primary school age. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region, in Karelia, special local history courses have been developed, inwithin which children receive initial information about the nature of their region, study the main protected areas located in the region. Together with foresters, employees of national parks, children learn to take care of plants and animals, take part in creative competitions and olympiads.