Society Essay Plan (USE)

Society Essay Plan (USE)
Society Essay Plan (USE)

What could be better than school time? However, despite this, many difficulties have to be faced. The biggest hurdle that anyone who decides to graduate from grade 11 will have to overcome is the unified state exam.

social studies essay plan
social studies essay plan

Practically in all universities and in all areas you need to take a subject called social science. The hardest part of the exam is the essay. Therefore, before writing, you need to draw up a plan for an essay on social studies and follow it strictly point by point. This is the only way to write a beautiful essay. An essay plan in social science, as well as in other subjects, should contain three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. We will dwell on each point in detail.

Why do you need to be able to write essays?

All creative works force us to express our thoughts consistently, correctly and with reason. This will definitely come in handy in life. Even if you just have a friendly conversation, then competent speech will be appropriate here, not saturated with jargon and other "garbage" of the Russian language.

Also spellingessays teaches us to identify the main idea that they want to convey to us, analyze, express their personal opinion about the problem.

If we talk about exams, then before writing, you should develop a detailed plan for writing an essay on social studies. This will help you not to get lost in your own thoughts, not to move away from the main problem. Some people like to write essays very much, it is enough for them to make a plan for writing an essay on social studies in their head. For the rest, it is better to use a draft so that the plan is always in front of you.

social studies essay plan
social studies essay plan

Introduction and Conclusion are short parts that are about three to four sentences each. All parts are separated by a paragraph. You should not write in a continuous canvas, it is very difficult for readers to perceive. For such a "sheet" you will not earn many points.

USE in social studies

The test part of the social studies exam is quite simple. You need to answer test questions, they all have 4 possible answers. The second part is a little more difficult. Here they offer to add missing words, complete the table or connect the corresponding items.

The hardest part is S. Here you need to choose an expression (quote) of a famous person from several options. Next - write an essay-reasoning on the topic of the statement. In order to cope with the work and get a good score, you need to draw up a plan for an essay in social studies. The exam is quite easy to pass, if you prepare a little for it.

Worth highlightingat least an hour a day for self-study or hire a tutor or attend specialized training courses. Pay special attention to the creative part. It is possible to draw up such a plan for an essay on social studies (USE) in order to use it for absolutely all topics. This is what we suggest you do right now. We will highlight the main parts that should be contained in your essay, we will give the main clichés. All this will greatly simplify your work during the unified state exam.

social studies essay plan
social studies essay plan


The plan of an essay on social studies is practically no different from that for other creative works. Now we will give a detailed plan of the essay, describe in sufficient detail what should be included in each part. So, the social science essay plan looks like this:

  1. Intro. It should be said right away that there are no strict requirements for this work. The main thing is that the topic is disclosed. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of the theory and confirm it with facts from history, literature or life. Entry is optional, but encouraged. Many students cannot imagine an essay without an introduction. If it is difficult for you to start the essay right away with reflections, make a short introduction (2-3 sentences). Here the problem can be clearly defined. If there is no entry, points are not reduced for this.
  2. The meaning of the quote. This small part consists of no more than five sentences. It is not necessary to quote the statement in full. A reference tothe author, and then - interpretations in their own words. Here, many use clichés, for example: “In the statement of the philosopher Feuerbach, a phenomenon (process or problem) is considered (or described) …” or “The meaning of the statement … lies in the fact that …”. In the examples you will see how to use these forms correctly.
  3. Theory. In this part, you must write whether you agree with the opinion of the author or not. In most cases, students confirm the opinion and simply rewrite the quote using special terminology. Also in this part, you can give examples to support your point of view.
  4. Facts. It is better to avoid any general phrases, you need to give specific examples (“as we know from the course of chemistry …”, “as a famous philosopher said …” and similar forms).
  5. In closing, we need to summarize what we have said so far. Schoolchildren often use this form: “Thus, the examples given allow us to assert that …” Instead of an ellipsis, you need to insert a reformulated main idea of the statement.
social studies essay plan cliché
social studies essay plan cliché


Essay on social studies (plan, cliche we have already provided) should be short, but reflect the main idea. In this part, we will give you examples of possible introductions.

  1. "Feuerbach is a famous German philosopher who argued that theory and practice are interrelated and complement each other."
  2. "The most interesting quote for me was the statement of the American writer L. Peter, who spoke about the high purpose of the economicculture".

Meaning of the statement

Further, the plan of the essay (essay) on social science suggests a few words about the meaning of the statement we have chosen. How to do this, let's look at the examples:

  1. "The meaning of the statement is very simple - you need to be able to save and properly allocate resources, which will help stop hunger around the world."
  2. "Raising this problem, the author says that the younger generation understands little in adult life. They seem to be foreigners who do not know the customs and lifestyle of the inhabitants of this country."
social studies essay plan
social studies essay plan


Let's look at the social studies essay plan. Next, we must demonstrate our theoretical knowledge gained in social science lessons at school. Here are some examples:

  1. "The behavior of each individual person is of great importance for the whole society. What is a society? This is a separate, but connected with the world group. It is the social status that determines the behavior model of each individual person. If someone stands out for his behavior, and this unacceptable in society, then social control services are connected …"
  2. "My opinion is this: I fully agree with the position of the author. Indeed, laws play a big role in a person's life. They help and protect against evil, immoral acts…"


How to write an essay on social studies, we almost figured out, it remains to understand what examples can be given in the next paragraph. Factsmay be of this kind:

  1. Literary. For example: "I would like to give an example from the book "Rich and Poor Dad", where the author R. Kiyosaki says that economic freedom is very important …"
  2. From education, science, media and so on. “As an argument, one can cite the history of the development of the science of chemistry. How did people gain knowledge about possible reactions? Of course, from experience…”
social studies essay plan
social studies essay plan


The last part consists of 1-2 sentences, for example:

  1. "I fully agree with the statement, because only… can lead to…"
  2. "Thus, the philosopher… expressed a rather clever idea… which requires analysis and reflection."
