School is very interesting and exciting. Of course, there are a lot of obstacles in the way of schoolchildren, such as writing creative works, exams, dictations, and so on. Most of all, schoolchildren are afraid of writing an essay on the exam. We will definitely provide an essay plan for each subject (literature, Russian language, social studies).

Each subject has its own requirements for creative work and its own scoring systems and criteria. We will teach you how to write perfect papers for the exam. An essay plan is the most important thing when writing. We will be as specific as possible on this point. We will also teach you how to correctly write essays based on the read work, which are found almost throughout the entire path of school education.
To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the main topic of our article. Why are we taught to write essays? It would seem, where this knowledge can be useful to us? Everywhere, schooling and need forobtaining basic basic knowledge for the formation of personality, the graduate must know exactly his goals, what he wants to do next. But no self-respecting organization will take an illiterate person into their staff. Before employment, we must write a resume and pass an interview. To do this, you need to be able to briefly and concisely express your thoughts, which is what writing an essay teaches us.

If literature and social studies can not be taken in the form of a state exam (these subjects are at the choice of students), then the Russian language is required when passing the exam. We will give an essay, examples and possible arguments later. First, let's analyze the algorithm for writing an essay based on a work. We invite you to start right now.
Essay plan for the work
After reading the work, the teacher offers to write a creative work in which you express your attitude to a particular case, character, author. We will provide you with a plan to help you and make your job much easier.
Of course, any essay begins with an introduction, followed by the main part and conclusion. With the first and last paragraph is relatively clear, but what to write in the main part?

If writing an essay is not your favorite pastime, then you should not limit yourself to a plan in your head, sketch it out on a draft, take the necessary notes. This plan would roughly look like this:
- Intro.
- Own opinion,impressions of the text read.
- Highlight the main idea, the topic that the author wanted to convey to us.
- How the author achieved his goal.
- The last thing they talk about is their vision, analysis.
- Conclusion.
Using this plan, you can easily write a quality essay that will get a fairly high score. Everything must be connected and consistent. Be sure to check spelling, punctuation and style.
In such subjects as social studies, literature and the Russian language, there is no way to bypass creative work if you count on a high score. That is why it is necessary to develop an essay plan for the exam. At the same time, the plan should be universal, that is, it should fit absolutely any topic.

It is important to remember that the essay plan for the exam should include three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The essay should not be like separate unrelated pieces, even if they are passages with a rather deep meaning. You need to learn how to connect all the parts together. If the introduction and conclusion are recommended to be short (that is, one paragraph), then it is better to divide the main part into several subparagraphs.
As we said, all subjects have different systems for grading work, so you need to consider them separately. Many students even develop a small template, memorize it and use it during the exam. So it remains to insert in the right places quotes from the text, arguments on the proposed topic anda couple of my thoughts that relate to the proposed problem. Let's look at essays on different subjects separately, starting with literature.
Consider the plan for composing the exam in literature, what should be in each of these parts:
- Intro. You can start the essay with an interesting quote that appears in the work, with a rhetorical question, only they should be directly related to the main problem. In the same part, we designate it. In order to make your essay more interesting, you can insert interesting facts about the creation of the work or the author's biography in the introduction.
- The main part is the most informative and time-consuming. We reveal the main topic, backing it up with quotes from the text, expressing our opinion, confirming it with arguments from the literature.
- Conclusion. In this part it is necessary to draw a logical conclusion. In some ways, the first and third parts are very similar, only in the introduction you ask a question, and in the conclusion you make a statement, sum up.
Russian language

Now let's move on to questions related to the Unified State Examination (Russian language). The essay, examples of parts of which we will give in this chapter, can be safely used in the exam.
- Introduction and definition of the main problem.
- Author's attitude to the problem.
- Own opinion and argumentation.
- Conclusion (no more than 3-4 sentences).
Now here are excerpts from essays on each item:
- Everyone hascherished dream and throughout his life strives to realize it at any cost. The author in the proposed text focused on the problem of diligence.
- At the very beginning (from the 1st to the 3rd sentence) the author refers to the most famous writers, pointing out the importance of this problem (you can insert quotes here). The Russian language is "great and invincible" - this is the position of the author.
- I fully agree with the position of the writer, because only selflessness keeps our world. The problem of heartlessness is encountered in many works. A good example is the novel "Crime and Punishment", written by the greatest author F. M. Dostoevsky. We see the image of the Orthodox girl Sonya, who sacrificed herself and went to trade herself for the sake of her relatives…
- In conclusion, I would like to once again appeal to the whole world: learn to see beauty in nature. If we realize what true beauty is, then the world will become a little brighter, kinder and more humane.
Please note that all passages are taken from different works, on different topics.
Social Studies
Now let's highlight the plan of the essay on social studies (the USE also includes such a test):
- Select a quote and present it.
- What problem did the author of the statement raise.
- Own point of view and argumentation on this issue.
- Output.
If when writing an essay on the Russian language it is recommended to take examples exclusively from literature, then in an essay on social studies, you can safely take examples from history or everyday experience.