Description of the autumn forest in bright colors. Time for silence and inspiration

Description of the autumn forest in bright colors. Time for silence and inspiration
Description of the autumn forest in bright colors. Time for silence and inspiration

Nature is very beautiful in any season, even if there is not a single leaf on the tree, and the snow has not yet fallen, or vice versa. When it rains or sleet, people are able to lose heart, the mood changes, and nature benefits. Describing the autumn forest is a truly creative activity. Each person will describe this moment differently.

How beautiful to describe autumn?

Do you know what writers and journalists do sometimes? They describe here and now what they see! The most vivid impressions can be obtained at the present time. It is not necessary to keep a notebook and a pen in your hands all the time. You need to be able to feel, feel and see the world around you.

description of the autumn forest
description of the autumn forest

Step into any forest in early October, when the leaves are still fresh and adorning the world with bright colors. What sensations arise at the same time? Quiet, calm, in the soul a state of bliss. A person understands that he has escaped from a gray environment to an interesting place, it is impossible not to make a description at least in his thoughtsautumn forest. The composition will turn out to be original, interesting, if you just sit somewhere on a hummock or stump and leave all your worries behind. Sit in silence, without extraneous thoughts for at least 10 minutes. There will be a feeling of calmness. Of course, it will be difficult for a student to explain why this should be done, so it is better for him to arrange a short excursion.

Listen to wildlife

Parents themselves should be interested in the world around them. It would be ideal if they know something about trees, animals, mushrooms in basics. If you wish, you can even come to the forest with an encyclopedia of natural history. You can make a fun game. Show the child in the encyclopedia any tree that can grow in your area. Let him find him, see what color his leaves are in autumn.

And what interest mushrooms cause! Together look for mushrooms under the fallen leaves. It is possible that they will not be if the temperature is below 10 degrees at night. A beautiful description of the autumn forest can be made during such a walk in different versions. It is impossible to cover everything at once: trees, birdsong, animals, bushes. I would like to tell you about everything in detail.

How else to explain to a child about feelings? As mentioned before, it is advisable to sit together on a stump and sit in silence. You can ask him a question: "How do you like it here? Do you like it? Do you hear the birds singing?".

Eye charm

Now you can experiment by translating the description of the autumn forest from memory to paper. It is important not to forget to make an introductory part, then the main part and a conclusion. Naturally, the main part is givenspecial attention and the greatest volume. Specific elements should be separated by paragraphs. There will be no finished essay here, just ideas.

Our vast Motherland is famous for its extraordinary nature. Here everything is created for the life of Russians. The forest at any time of the year affectionately welcomes guests, bestows peace and quiet. In autumn, he shows his wonderful beauty.

description of the autumn forest essay
description of the autumn forest essay

Approximately such a beginning of the composition can make it possible to plunge into the thoughts of the autumn forest. When a person writes such an essay, it may seem to him that he was just there. And the mention of the Motherland, mother Russia, can develop patriotism, which is so important for every citizen.

Pushkin, Yesenin, Lermontov, Fet and other classics in their poetry and prose talk about autumn from the heart, with love. People of that time loved nature very much, appreciated it, so they lived better.

Colors of nature

What a blissful soul when you are in the autumn forest! It's so quiet and beautiful here. Leaves rustle underfoot. Near the birch, a porcini mushroom hides under a maple leaf. Large orange maple leaves are intertwined with small yellow birch leaves. How nice it is to stand under such beautiful trees, breathe clean air and listen to the sound of the breeze.

When you raise your head, you see above you a clear sky (or clouds) and bright, bright foliage. The eye rejoices, real freedom from the bustle of the city is felt. No bright advertisement can replace the beauty of the forest, especially in autumn.

morning in the autumn forest description
morning in the autumn forest description

Sitting inschool at the desk, it is easy to plunge into thoughts about wildlife when the theme is: "Description of the autumn forest." For a student, this should not be fatigue, on the contrary. Let the children imagine that they are transported from the classroom to nature. Indeed, during the creative process, it seems that you have just seen exactly what you are writing about. It's good for kids to be distracted.

Autumn forest morning

Not every city dweller imagines a morning in the autumn forest. What is it? Unusual! Even the dense forest is transformed with the rising of the sun. During a trip to the village, to the cottage or to the camp site, it will be an ideal solution if the family gets up early to spend the morning in the autumn forest. Describing such a wonderful moment will only bring joy.

beautiful description of the autumn forest
beautiful description of the autumn forest

A fabulous view opens before us: the sun illuminates the forest with its yellow rays. The trees seem to wake up and greet all around. The eye rejoices at the sight of such beauty. Despite the fact that it is quite cool, the fog envelops, still being here is such a gift! A good mood for the whole day is provided thanks to the healing air in the morning hours.

Animals and birds in autumn

What other description of the autumn forest can you come up with so that you can re-read it with pleasure? Of course, we must also remember about the inhabitants. Wild animals are now more difficult to meet, but possible. You just need to watch and listen. Any rustle or knock may indicate that somewhere nearby is a cute animal.

Beautiful squirrel collectsacorns and drags into the hollow. How quickly she does everything, as if she is afraid that she will not have time. Probably, she will warm herself in her house in winter, admire the snow and eat supplies. How much food has she already collected and what kind?

autumn forest theme
autumn forest theme

Undoubtedly, the theme "Autumn Forest" is a real relaxation during the lesson. Whether writing or just acquaintance from pictures, it does not matter. Children need to be told with love and interest about the usefulness of being in the forest. It is also important to teach them to love nature and not harm it.
