Alexander Balashov was born at the end of the 18th century, the date of his birth is unknown to us, we only know that it was 1770. Subsequently, he will become the Minister of Police. Over the years of his activity, he developed a large spy network in St. Petersburg, began to use the method of police provocation. He was awarded many domestic and foreign awards, including the Order of A. Nevsky and St. Vladimir I degree.

Rise and fall
Acting in this way, Alexander Balashov, whose biography is described in this article, actively fought against crimes, including political ones. The crown of his career was the arrest of M. Speransky. However, in 1819 the Ministry of Police was liquidated. Alexander Balashov was already ready for this, because he was removed from the leadership of this department back in 1812. Now we know how his career ended. How did it start?

Alexander Balashov, whose photo can be seen at the beginning of the article, comes from a noble family. As was customary in those days, he was recorded as a non-commissioned officer of the Life Guards, as soon as he was 5 years old. He began commanding a company as a lieutenant at the age of 21, having graduated from the Corps of Pages. Alexander Balashov retired in 1800, being a major general, but could not leave military service and two months later was appointed chief police chief of Moscow. The acquired detective skills were very useful to him in his future work. It turned out that he has a predisposition to this kind of activity. Although not all of his compatriots liked it. No wonder spies are always disliked at all times.
Sociable nature
However, Alexander Balashov did not pay attention to idle talk and continued to work. In 1807, he was appointed the chief quartermaster of the army, and a year later, the chief police chief of St. Petersburg. In February of the following year, Alexander Balashov became the adjutant general of the emperor and held the post of military governor of St. Petersburg. The adjutant general, namely this title Alexander Balashov began to wear at that time, became close friends with Alexander I. Thanks to this friendship, as well as his intelligence and education, in early 1810 he became a member of the State Council. And in July he was already appointed Minister of Police.

Special Office
This department was just established and it was required to fully organize its work. Alexander Dmitrievich could hardly cope withalone with the duties assigned to him. After all, among them were the oversight of prisons, lechers, brawlers, prisoners, schismatics, brothel-keepers and other similar people. The police were also entrusted with maintaining order and suppressing all sorts of violations and disobedience. The same department was supposed to provide recruiting kits, control drinking establishments, and ensure that the food supply was uninterrupted. In addition, build bridges.
Therefore, Alexander Dmitrievich Balashov organized the Special Office. This institution was engaged in especially important cases, among which were the surveillance of foreigners, the verification of foreign passports, the revision of censorship, the fight against anti-state activities. In simple terms, the employees of the Special Office carried out espionage activities. This institution was headed by Ya. I. de Sanglen.
War with Napoleon
Over time, the activities of Alexander Dmitrievich begins to dislike the emperor. M. Speransky and J. Sanglen are also dissatisfied with her. However, Balashov managed to convince the emperor and even achieve the arrest and exile of M. Speransky. But, despite this, Alexander I no longer trusts him as before. From 1812 to 1819, Alexander Balashov was in disfavor with the emperor. However, the sovereign uses the diplomatic abilities of his subordinate during the war of 1812.
By his order, Balashov is sent with a letter to Napoleon. However, he fails to persuade him to stop hostilities. They say that Napoleon even asked him to show the way to Moscow. However, the diplomatwas not taken aback, and hinted to the emperor of France that one of the roads to Moscow goes through Poltava.

Career sunset
In the future, Balashov writes a petition to the emperor about his departure from the army. After that, he accompanies Alexander I on trips, gathers the people's militia, and participates in battles. Alexander Dmitrievich also persuaded the King of Naples to betray Napoleon. After the victory in the Russian-French war, he negotiated a post-war arrangement with European courts.
When the Ministry of Police merged with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Balashov was removed from his post and appointed governor-general of the central district. In this field, he showed himself from the best side. Improved tax collection, office work. Improved the provinces. Thanks to his efforts, a house of industriousness was opened in Ryazan. A school for clerical workers and a military school were organized in Orel.
Alexander Dmitrievich petitioned for the opening of a monument to Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. He left the post of Governor-General of the Central District in 1828 in connection with its abolition, but continued to be a member of the State Council. He retired six years later due to illness. He died in Kronstadt in 1837.